Women's History Month 2020: Recent Acquisitions
Friday, February 28, 2020
For Women's History Month, we offer this list of books that have arrived since our post from 2019 . The books certainly cover a lot of ground, and there is something here for almost every reader.
To continue exploring our holdings on women's history, be sure to click the subject heading links within the catalog records. They can open up a whole new world of reading possibilities. And we must include our customary reminder to check what is on the shelf next to the book you are retrieving. You may find the perfect book, and one you did not know you were looking for.
Crystal Eastman: A Revolutionary Life | Amy Aronson | Lobby NF (co-founder of ACLU, once called "the most dangerous woman in America") Lighting the Fires of Freedom: African American Women in the Civil Rights Movement | Janet Dewart Bell | 323.4 BA Black Women's History of the United States | Daina Ramey Berry and Kali Nicole Gross | 305.4 B Unbecoming: A Memoir of Disobedience | Anuradha Bhagwati | 92 B5749 B (author is a Marine who fought for women's active role in combat)Mrs Pankhurst's Purple Feather: Fashion, Fury and Feminism - Women's Fight for Change | Tessa Boase | 305.4 B Fem·i·nism: A Brief Introduction to the Ideas, Debates, and Politics of the Movement | Deborah Cameron | 305.4 CCharity and Sylvia: A Same-sex Marriage in Early America | Rachel Hope Cleves | 306.76 CThe Book of Gutsy Women | Hillary Rodham Clinton and Chelsea Clinton | Lobby NFNo Stopping us Now: The Adventures of Older Women in American History | Gail Collins | Lobby NF (ebook available)The Chinese Lady: Afong Moy in Early America | Nancy E. Davis | Lobby NFDomina: The Women who Made Imperial Rome | Guy De La Bédoyère | 937.06 D Suffrage: Women's Long Battle for the Vote | Dubois, Ellen Carol | 324.3 DA Fragile Freedom: African American Women and Emancipation in the Antebellum City | Erica Armstrong Dunbar | 325.26 DLast Days at Hot Slit: The Radical Feminism of Andrea Dworkin | edited by Johanna Fateman and Amy Scholder | Lobby NF Witches, Witch-Hunting, and Women | Silvia Federici | 305.4 F The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World | Melinda Gates | Lobby NFSisters and Rebels: A Struggle for the Soul of America | Jacquelyn Dowd Hall | Lobby NFWomen in Antiquity: New Assessments (Richard Hawley and Barbara Levick, eds.) | 305.4 WShe-Merchants, Buccaneers & Gentlewomen: British Women in India | Katie Hickman | 954 HBlack Internationalist Feminism: Women Writers of the Black Left, 1945-1995 | Cheryl Higashida | 820.9 HReckoning: The Epic Battle against Sexual Abuse and Harassment | Linda Hirshman | 305.4 H Rebel Cinderella: Rose Pastor Stokes—Sweatshop Immigrant, Aristorcrat's Wife, Socialist Crusader | Adam Hochschild |Lobby - NFShe Said: Breaking the Sexual Harassment Story that Helped Ignite a Movement | Jodi Kantor And Megan Twohey | Lobby NFThe Genius of Women: From Overlooked to Changing the World | Janice Kaplan | 305.4 K Gods of the Upper Air: How a Circle Of Renegade Anthropologists Reinvented Race, Sex, and Gender in the Twentieth Century | Charles King | Lobby NF (features Margaret Mead, Ruth Benedict, Ella Cara Deloria, Zora Neale Hurston)Mother is a Verb: An Unconventional History | Sarah Knott | Lobby NFDifficult Women: An Imperfect History of Feminism | Helen Lewis (on order)Audre Lorde: Dream of Europe: Selected Seminars and Interviews: 1984-1992 | edited by Mayra A. Rodriguez- Castro; preface by Dagmar Schultz | 808.1 L Butterfly Politics: Changing the World for Women | Catharine A. Mackinnon | 342.73 MSweet Taste of Liberty: A True Story of Slavery and Restitution in America | W. Caleb Mcdaniel | 326 MAmerica's Jewish Women: A History from Colonial Times to Today | Pamela S. Nadell | Lobby NF Women in Long Island's Past: A History of Eminent Ladies and Everyday Lives | Natalie Naylor | 974.72 N How was it for You?: Women, Sex, Love and Power Iin the 1960s | Virginia Nicholson | Lobby NFYale Needs Women: How the First Group of Girls Rewrote the Rules of an Ivy League Giant | Anne Gardiner Perkins | 378 P The Jamestown Brides: The Story of England's "Maids For Virginia" | Jennifer Potter | 975.5 P Unspeakable Acts: Women, Art, and Sexual Violence in the 1970s | Nancy Princenthal | 704 P The Season: A Social History of the Debutante | Kristen Richardson | Lobby NFReproductive Justice: An Introduction | Loretta J. Ross and Rickie Solinger | 363.4 RPromise of a Dream: Remembering the Sixties | Sheila Rowbotham | 305.4 RSuffrage and the City: New York Women Battle for the Ballot | Lauren C. Santangelo | 324.3 SWomen Who Dared: To Break All The Rules | Jeremy Scott | Lobby NFThe White Devil's Daughters: The Women who Fought Slavery in San Francisco's Chinatown | Julia Flynn Siler | 979.46 S The Abortionist: A Woman against the Law | Rickie Solinger | 363.4 S (Portland, Oregon, 1918 -1968)Pregnancy and Power: A History of Reproductive Politics In the United States | Rickie Solinger | 363.96 S Living for the Revolution: Black Feminist Organizations, 1968-1980 | Kimberly Springer | 305.4 SForging the Franchise: The Political Origins of the Women's Vote | Dawn Langan Teele | 324.3 TChronicle of the Queens of Egypt: From Early Dynastic Times to the Death of Cleopatra | Joyce Tyldesley | 932 TWhy they Marched: Untold Stories of the Women who Fought for the Right to Vote | Susan Ware | 324.3 W Drawing Power: Women's Stories Of Sexual Violence, Harassment, And Survival: A Comics Anthology | Edited By Diane Noomin; introduction By Roxane Gay | Lobby NFFive Hundred Years Of Women's Work: The Lisa Unger Baskin Collection | edited By Naomi L. Nelson, Lauren Reno and Lisa Unger Baskin; essays by Elizabeth Campbell Denlinger, Laura Micham, Lisa Unger Baskin | 305.4 F (beautifully-produced catalog from acclaimed Grolier Club exhibition)Vanity Fair's Women on Women | edited by Radhika Jones with David Friend | 920 W872 VHome work: a Memoir of my Hollywood Years | Julie Andrews | Lobby NFRuth Asawa: Life's Work | Edited By Tamara H. Schenkenberg; with essays by Aruna D'souza, Helen Molesworth, and Tamara H. Schenkenberg | 730.92 ASun Gardens: Cyanotypes by Anna Atkins | Larry J. Schaaf, ed. | 779 SMahalia Jackson and the Black Gospel Field | Mark Burford | 780.921 J Sofonisba's Lesson: A Renaissance Artist and Her Work | Michael W. Cole | 759.5 AAlive Still: Nell Blaine, American Painter | Cathy Curtis | Lobby Book Committee The Proper Decoration of Book Covers: The life and work of Alice C. Morse \ Mindell Dubansky; with essays by Alice Cooney Frelinghuysen and Josephine M. Dunn | 686 DCreating Their Own Image: The History of African-American Women Artists | Lisa Farrington | 790.73 F Vija Celmins: To Fix the Image in Memory | Gary Garrels; with Contributions from Russell Ferguson, Frances Jacobus-Parker, et al. | 709.73 C (catalog for fantastic exhibition at Met-Bruer)Louise Blanchard Bethune: America's First Female Professional Architect | Johanna Hays | 720.92 B Billie Holiday: The Last Interview and other Conversations | introduction by Khanya Mtshali | 780.921 HStill Here: The Madcap, Nervy, Singular life of Elaine Stritch | Alexandra Jacobs | Lobby NFKäthe Kollwitz: Life in Art | Mina C. Klein | 709.2 KFrances Benjamin Johnston: The Hampton Album | Sarah Hermanson Meister; with a contribution by LaToya Ruby Frazier | 779 J (MoMA catalog) Representing Women | Linda Nochlin | 704.942 NArtist in Exile: The Visual Diary of Baroness Hyde de Neuville | Roberta J. M. Olson | 759.4 HMrs Delany: a Life | Clarissa Campbell Orr | 92 D3379 O Self-Portrait | Celia Paul | Lobby NFFanny Palmer: The Life and Works of a Currier & Ives Artist | Charlotte Streifer Rubinstei; edited By Diann Benti | 763 RHildegard von Bingen: a Journey into the Images | Sara Salvadori | 248 S OVERSIZEEdith Halpert, the Downtown Gallery, and the rise of American Art | Rebecca Shaykin | 706.9 SFrida in America: The Creative Awakening of a Great Artist | Celia Stahr (on order)Strong-Cuevas Sculpture: Premonitions in Retrospect | foreword by Donald Kuspit; texts by Strong-Cuevas | 730.92 SVoyaging Out: British Women Artists from Suffrage to the Sixties | Carolyn Trant | 704 TOut of Bounds: the collected writings of Marcia Tucke r | 706.9 T Lenore Tawney: Mirror of the Universe | edited by Karen Patterson | 746 LJanis: Her Life and Music | Holly George-Warren | Lobby NFGeorge Eliot and the Woman Question | Gillian Beer | 823 EMarch Sisters: On Life, Death, and Little Women | Kate Bolick, Jenny Zhang, Carmen Maria Machado, Jane Smiley | 823 ARebel Writers: The Accidental Feminists: Shelagh Delaney, Edna O'Brien, Lynne Reid-Banks, Charlotte Bingham, Nell Dunn, Virginia Ironside, Margaret Forster | Celia Brayfield | Lobby NFWhy Iris Murdoch Matters: Making Sense of Experience in Modern Times | Gary K. Browning | 171 BNotes from a Black Woman's Diary: Selected works of Kathleen Collins | Lobby NFThick: and other Essays | Tressie Mcmillan Cottom | Lobby NFCoventry: Essays | Rachel Cusk | Lobby NF (ebook available)Me & Other Writing | Marguerite Duras; translated By Olivia Baes & Emma Ramadan; with an Introduction by Dan Gunn | 824 DThe Life and Loves of E. Nesbit: Victorian Iconoclast, Children's Author, and Creator of The Railway Children | Eleanor Fitzsimons | 92 N458 FDiary of an Ordinary Schoolgirl | Margaret Forster (with an introduction by Hunter Davies) | 92 F7347 FVirginia Woolf: and the Women who Shaped her World | Gillian Gill | Lobby NF Unfinished Business: Notes of a Chronic Re-Reader | Vivian Gornick | Lobby NF (ebook available) Teffi: A Life of Letters and of Laughter | Edythe Haber | 92 T259 HBlitz Writing : Night Shift & It was Different at the Time | Inez Holden | 820.81 HWe Met In Paris: Grace Frick and her Life with Marguerite Yourcenar | Joan E. Howard | 920 H8491 WScheherazade's Sisters: Trickster Heroines and their Stories in World Literature | Marilyn Jurich | 809.9 JMonster, She Wrote: The Women who Pioneered Horror & Speculative Fiction | Lisa Kröger and Melanie R. Anderson | 809.9 KVirginia Woolf's Modernist Path: Her Middle Diaries & the Diaries she Read | Barbara Lounsberry | 828.09 LGertrude Stein has Arrived: The Homecoming of a Literary Legend | Roy Morris Jr. |Lobby NFThe Besieged City | Clarice Lispector; translated from the Portuguese by Johnny Lorenz; edited By Benjamin Moser | Lobby FicThe Source of Self-Regard: Selected Essays, Speeches, and Meditations | Toni Morrison | Lobby NF (ebook available)The Mutual Admiration Society: How Dorothy L. Sayers and her Oxford Circle Remade the World for Women | Mo Moulton | Lobby NFGood things out of Nazareth: The Uncollected letters of Flannery O'Connor and Friends | Flannery O'Connor | 92 O1855 OProvocations: Collected Essays | Camille Paglia | 824 PBecoming Willa Cather: Creation and Career | Daryl Palmer | 823 CThe Journal I did not Keep: New and Selected Writing | Lore Groszmann Segal | Lobby NFMy Autobiography of Carson McCullers | Jenn Shapland | Lobby NFAlice Adams: Portrait of a Writer | Carol Sklenicka | Lobby NFLost Girls: Love, War and Literature: 1939-51 | D.J. Taylor | Lobby NFWhy Women Read Fiction: The Stories of our Lives | Helen Taylor | 028 TLove Unknown: The Life and Worlds of Elizabeth Bishop | Thomas Travisano | Lobby NFSquare Haunting: Five Women, Freedom and London between the Wars | Francesca Wade | Lobby NFElizabeth Bishop: The Geography of Gender | edited by Marilyn May Lombardi | 821.09 BThe History of British Women's Writing, Vol. 6: 1830-1880 | General Editors, Jennie Batchelor and Cora Kaplan | 820.9 HNew Daughters of Africa: An International Anthology of Writing by Women of African Descent | edited by Margaret Busby | 808.89 NThe Ferrante Letters: An Experiment in Collective Criticism | Sarah Chihaya, Merve Emre, Katherine Hill, Jill Richards | 853 FThe Penguin Book of Mermaids | edited by Cristina Bacchilega and Marie Alohalani Brown | 398.2 PWomen's Weird: Strange Stories by Women, 1890-1940 | edited by Melissa Edmundson | F WGenius and Ink: Virginia Woolf on how to Read | foreword by Ali Smith | 820.4 WI Lost my Girlish Laughter | Jane Allen (Silvia Schulman & Jane Shore) | F A (1938 novel about women in the film industry, recently republished)A Kitchen in the Corner of the House | Ambai; translated from the Tamil | Lobby Fiction (acclaimed collection of stories)A Bend in the Stars | Rachel Barenbaum | Lobby Fiction (WWI setting)The Third Daughter | Talia Carner | Lobby Fiction (historical novel about trafficking of young women from Russia to South America in the late 19th Century)A Single Thread | Tracy Chevalier | Lobby Fiction (historical novel about WWI widow In England)Feast Your Eyes | Myla Goldberg | Fiction (historical novel about an art photographer in NYC)The Red Word | Sarah Henstra | F H (campus novel set in 1990s)Machines in the Head: Selected Short Writing | Anna Kavan | 820.81 K (Kavan (1901-1968) has been compared to Leonora Carrington and Jean Rhys) The Shadow King | Maaza Mengiste | Lobby Fiction (novel set during Mussolini’s 1935 invasion of Ethiopia)In Love with George Eliot | Kathy O'Shaughnessy | Lobby FictionA Double Life | Karolina Pavlova; translated from the Russian | Lobby Fiction ("An unsung classic of nineteenth-century Russian literature" with strong female characters)Cherokee America | Margaret Verble | Lobby Fiction The Call | Edith Ayrton Zangwill; with a preface by Elizabeth Day | F Z (suffrage novel originally published in 1924 republished by Persephone)Wave Me Goodbye: Stories of the Second World War | edited by Anne Boston (w/ Jean Rhys, Dorothy Parker, Olivia Manning, Barbara Pym, Elizabeth Taylor, many more) | F WFiction
Nonfiction and Biographies
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