Our Events

Reading Group

Seminar: Jane Mallison, Virgil's Aeneid, Books VII-XII

Thursday, September 24, 2020 - 11:00 AM | online | for members only | $60 for the set of four sessions | registration required

Less widely read than the first half of the epic poem, these books offer many interesting aspects of their own. With the survivors of Troy on Italian soil, they now attempt to make the land their own. There will be a stalwart female warrior, a tour of the primordial site of Rome, and a moment where pious Aeneas loses his cool. And Book IX will provide, in a provocative context, the line chosen for inscription at the 9/11 Memorial & Museum: No day shall erase you from the memory of time.

This seminar takes place Thursdays at 11:00 AM on the Zoom Meetings platform:

September 24
October 8
October 22
November 5

Details for joining are available to registrants. The Robert Fagles translation is available as a free e-book at this link, or purchase your own print copy from the Corner Bookstore.

To register, log in and complete the form below. Please click Save Registration only once; the system may take a moment to update to the confirmation and payment page.
Details on joining the event will be sent to registrants. Free Zoom Meetings software is recommended. With registration questions, contact the Events Office.
