A Brief Literature Search
Copyright © 1998 by Christopher Gray
Given here are the results of a limited literature search on the John S. and Catherine Rogers house at 53 East 79th Street, designed in 1916 by Trowbridge & Livingston and purchased and remodeled in 1936-1937 as the fourth home of the New York Society Library.
The Rogers family lived at 29 West 57th Street and Tuxedo Park in 1916 when Mrs. Rogers, the former Catherine Dodge, took title to two old brownstones at 53 and 55 East 79th Street, which they demolished. The Rogers house was completed in 1918.
This survey, although not exhaustive, is designed to capture most articles in major architectural and decorating journals of the period. Bard Rogers Hamlen (10 Maxfield Street, West Roxbury, MA, 02132), a grandchild of John and Catherine Rogers, kindly checked her holdings of family material, and reports that she has family photographs, plus family diaries, a wedding service booklet, some correspondance and a silver nursery tea set.
What is keenly missed in this report is an account from an architectural or library journal about the scope, concept and assumptions of the 1936-1937 renovation, but that may turn up in a more dedicated search.
Christopher Gray
October 9, 1998