Fajardo, Kat Miss Quinces
Giddens, Rhiannon Build a House
Gleisner, Jenna Lee Passenger Trains
Gravel, Elise Pink, Blue, and You!
Haack, Daniel & Galupo, Isabel Maiden & Princess
Harrison, April Me and the Boss: A Story about Mending and Love
Henderson, Leah Daddy Speaks Love
Hirst, Daisy Monster Food
LaCour, Nina Mama and Mommy and Me in the Middle
McDunn, Gillian Honestly Elliott
Pilkey, Dav Cat Kid Comic Club: On Purpose
Pinkney, Andrea Count to Love
Quackenbush, Robert Henry's Duckling Days
Rolle, Sojourner Kincaid Free at Last: A Juneteenth Poem
Rueda, Claudia Bunny Overboard
Schulte, Anitra Rowe Dancing with Daddy
Thomas, Angie Nic Blake and The Remarkables: The Manifestor Prophecy
Weinersmith, Zach Bea Wolf
Wild, Charlotte Sullivan Love, Violet
Wong-Kalu, Hinaleimoana Kapaemahu
Zimmerman, Andrea Firefighter Flo