Marshall Room
The Charles Henry Marshall Room, on the Fourth Floor, is a reading room for the use of rare books and other items from our Special Collections.
The Charles Henry Marshall Room, on the Fourth Floor, is a reading room for the use of rare books and other items from our Special Collections.
The following dedication by Arnold Whitridge hangs on the wall of the Marshall Room:
This room owes its name to the most unassuming of book lovers. Charles Henry Marshall never thought of himself as a bibliophile, though that was what he really was. The word "bibliophile" suggests scholarship and "Buddy Marshall," as he was known to his friends, was not what is usually thought of as a scholar. He was a modest, hardworking student. Neither at Groton School nor at Yale did he ever hand in work that could possibly have been called sloppy. Whether he was grappling with a problem in algebra or analyzing a character in Shakespeare, Buddy always gave of his best. Long after he left college, up to the very end of his life, he was still giving of his best in human relationships, in business and in sport. In his hours of recreation books played a prominent part. He always had a book in his hand, and it is because of his infectious enjoyment of a good novel or a good biography that this room is dedicated to him. He may not have thought of himself as a bibliophile but he was certainly a great lover of books.