Anderson, M.T. Elf Dog & Owl Head
Arrhenius, Ingela. Where's the Digger?
Barnett, Mac. The First Cat in Space and the Soup of Doom
Beil, Michael D. Wreck at Ada's Reef
Brown, Peter. The Wild Robot Protects
Cousins, Lucy. Jazzy in the Jungle
DePalma, Kate. Harvest Days
Escabasse, Sophie. Witches of Brooklyn
Gianferrari, Maria. Thank a Farmer
Havrelock, Deidre & Kay, Edward. Indigenous Ingenuity
Henkes, Kevin. A House
Holabird, Katharine. Twinkle Makes a Wish
Isadora, Rachel. I Just Want to Say Good Night
Kugler, Tina. Snail and Worm, Of Course
Little Bee Books. Hello Baby
Maijala, Marika. Rosie Runs
Quackenbush, Robert. Sherlock Chick and The Giant Egg Mystery
Reynolds, Jason. Stuntboy, In-Between Time
Schmidt, Gary. The Labors of Hercules Beal
Thundercloud, Ria. Finding My Dance
Tsiang, Sarah Yi-Mei. Toesy Toes
Zhang, Gracey. When Rubin Plays