MARRIED 1857: In this city, on Thursday, Jan. 15, at the Church of the Ascension, by Rev. Dr. Bedell, Francis A. De Wint, to Emelie Adele Hoyt, daughter of Mr. Jesse Hoyt.
MARRIED 1857: On Tuesday, Jan. 27, by Rev. G.T. Bedell, Maria Antoinette, only daughter of Dr. C.R. Bogert, to Louis T. Hoyt, all of this city.
MARRIED 1857: On Tuesday, Jan. 27, at St. Bartholomew's Church, by Rev. Mr. Jackson, Mr. R. McCoskry Butt, to Miss Fannis Morris, daughter of Francis Morris, Esq., of Throg's Neck, Westchester Co., N.Y.
MARRIED 1857: Minot--Grafton--On Wednesday, Jan. 28, in this city, by the Rev. Charles C. Grafton, C.H. Minot, to Maria Josephine, daughter of Maj. Joseph Grafton of Boston.
MARRIED 1857: Stiles--Wells--On Thursday, Nov. 27, at the American Consulate, Leghern, R. Cresson Stiles, M.D., of Westchester, Fenn, to Maria C., eldest daughter of Dr. Thos. Wells, late of Columbia, S.C.
MARRIED 1857: On Wednesday evening, Jan. 28, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Frederick Sheldon, Jr., to Amey Richmond, daughter of Danl. B. Fearing.
MARRIED 1857: On Thursday, 5th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Cook, Joseph P. Norris, Jr., Esq., of Philadelphia, to Frances Ann, daughter of John A. Stevens, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1857: On Monday, Feb. 16, at Grace Church, by Rev. Dr. Taylor, Henry S. Rodman, to Elizabeth Bayard, daughter of the late Jacob Lorillard.
MARRIED 1857: Livingston--Coster--On Wednesday, Feb. 18, at the Church of St Francis Xavier by the Rev. M. Driscoll, S.J., Walter L., son of the late Henry W. Livingston, esq., to Silvie Adeline, daughter of the late Washington Coster, esq.
MARRIED 1857: Bull--De Ruyter--On Thursday, Feb. 19, by the Rev. Dr. Forbes, George W. Bull, Jr., of Baltimore, to Cecilia M., daughter of the late John De Ruyter, of this city.
MARRIED 1857: Cook--Blunt--On Thursday, Feb. 19, at Trinity Chapel, by the Rev. R.M. Abererombie, of Hartford, Conn., Charles A. Cook, to Sarah H. Blunt, daughter of the late N. Bowditch Blunt, of this city.
MARRIED 1857: Sedgwick--Valerio--On the 21st inst., by the Rev. Dr. Bellows, Katharine M. Sedgwick, Jr., to Joseph Valerio, all of this city.
MARRIED 1857: Morton--Van Boskerck--On Saturday, Feb. 21, by the Rev. Dr. Morton, at Trinity Church, Hoboken, N.J., Edward Rutledge Morton, to Miss Maggie, daughter of the late Abraham L. Van Boskerck.
MARRIED 1857: Lengnick--Griffin--At Dresden, in the Garrison Church, on the 23d February last, Karl Emil Lengnick, 1st Lieutenant of Artillery, in the service of His Majesty the King of Saxony, to Emily Seton, daughter of the late Francis Griffin, of New York.
MARRIED 1857: Feb. 26, by the Rev. Dr. De Witt, John Dwight, of Boston, to Julia Lawrence, daughter of G.D. Hasbrouck, of this city.
MARRIED 1857: On the 10th March, at First Place Church, Brooklyn, L.I., by the Rev. Dr. Stevens, the Rev. Joseph H. Bylance, pastor of the Church, to Lucretia E. Morgan, daughter of the late Thomas Hamersley, of this city.
MARRIED 1857: At Charleston, S.C., March 5, by the Rev. Wm. W. Bours, Daniel Gray, Esq., of New York, and Eunice N. Bours, daughter of the late Luke Bours.
MARRIED 1857: At Bethany, Pa., by Rev. Mr. Ward, Harrison G. Otis, Esq., to Miss Mary G. West.
MARRIED 1857: On Thursday, the 26th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Macauley, Albyn Marie, to Sarah, eldest daughter of Hon. John Slesson.
MARRIED 1857: At Albany, 25th inst., by the Rev. R. Jeffery, R.S. Haight, Esq., of New York, to Miss Lottie M., daughter of Daniel B. and Charlotte Anderson, of Albany.
MARRIED 1857: Carnes--Weeks--In this city on Tuesday, March 31, by the Rev. Dr. Samuel S. Seabury, Edwin O. Carnes, to Sarah S., daughter of the late Robert D. Weeks, all of this city.
MARRIED 1857: Mills--McVickar--In this City, on Wednesday, April 1, by Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, D.D., Philo L. Mills. Jr., to Susan Neilson, daughter of Dr. J.A. McVickar, M.D.
MARRIED 1857: On Saturday, April 4, by Rev. Dr. Francis L. Hawks, Edward H. Bulkley and Kate Wolfe, daughter of R.S. Clark, all of this city.
MARRIED 1857: Bullus--Aranguren--At the residence of the bride's father, on Monday, April 6, by the Rev. John N. McLeod, Mr. Jacob Morton Bullus, to Virainia Louisa, eldest daughter of Antonio Aranguren, both of this city.
MARRIED 1857: Van Schaick--Gray--At Boston, on Thursday, April 9, by the Rev. Dr. Vinton, Henry Van Schaick of New York, to Charlotte S., daughter of the late Samuel C. Gray, of Boston.
MARRIED 1857: At the Church of the Ascension, on Monday evening, 13th inst., by the Rev. G. Thurston Bedell, Charles H. Ward, to Mary M. Parmly, both of this city.
MARRIED 1857: Potter--Tileston--In this city, on Tuesday, April 14, at Trinity Chapel, by the Right Rev. Alonzo Potter, D.D., Robert B. Potter, to Miss Frances Paine, daughter of William M. Tileston, esq., all of New York.
MARRIED 1857: Greene--Cutler--On Tuesday, April 14, at St. Ann's Rectory, by the Rev. Dr. Cutler, Mr. James A. Greene of Brooklyn, to Miss Sarah, daughter of Francis Marion Cutler, esq., of Avon, New York.
MARRIED 1857: At Calvary Church, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, Frederick S. Tallmadge, to Julia L., daughter of the late George Belden.
MARRIED 1857: Francis--Carville--At St. Bartholemew's Church, on Thursday, April 16, by the Rev. Samuel Cooke, V. Mott Francis, to Sarah F., daughter of Charles Carville, all of this city.
MARRIED 1857: At the British Embassy, Florence, on the 28th day of March, Frederic Arthur St. John, Capt. Royal Rifles, son of the late Robert William St. John, Esq., and grandson of General the Honble. Frederic St. John, to Eliza Depau, daughter of the late Samuel M. Fox, Esq., of Philadelphia.
MARRIED 1857: On Thursday, 16th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Tyng, Henry Hopkins and Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel M. Cornell, all of this city.
MARRIED 1857: At Norfolk, Va., on the 15th inst., by the Rev. Lewis Walke, Rev. Hobart Ohetwood, A.M., Rector of Burlington College, and Annie P., second daughter of the late M.P. Parks, D.D.
MARRIED 1857: At Calvary Church, April 28, by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, Rev. William Rudder, to Catherine Satterthwaite, daughter of the late Andrew, Bache.
MARRIED 1857: On Tuesday, April 28, by the Rev. Francis L. Hawks, William Edgar, to Elisa L. Rhinelander.
MARRIED 1857: On Tuesday evening, the 28th, by the Rev. G.T. Bedell, Charle E. Sands, to Letitia, daughter of John Campbell, all of this city.
MARRIED 1857: On Wednesday, April 29, at Calvary Church, by the Rev. Francis L. Hawks, Robert C. Felfenstine, of Pennsylvania, and Cornelia, daughter of James L. Morris, of this city.
MARRIED 1857: Sauer--Marie--On Thursday, April 30, by the most Rev. Archbishop Hughes, Mr. Philip Emil Sauer, to Miss LÇontine MariÇ, daughter of the late John B. MariÇ of this city.
MARRIED 1857: King--Phelps.--In this City, on Thursday evening, April 30, by Rev. Geo. L. Prentice, Henry L. King, of Albany, to Sarah M., daughter of Isaac N. Phelps, of this City.
MARRIED 1857: On Wednesday evening, May 6, according to the order of the Society of Friends, Edwin Thorne and Charlotte Fox, daughter of Thomas W. Pearsall, all of New York.
MARRIED 1857: On Thursday, May 7, by Rev. Samuel Cooke, Richard Heckscher, to Lucretia Ledyard Stevens, daughter of John A. Stevens, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1857: At Trinity Chapel, on Wednesday, the 20th of May, by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Toronto, Alexander W. Strachan, to Caroline, daughter of Peter I. Nevius.
MARRIED 1857: Osborne--Maitland--On the 20th inst., by the Rev. W.W. Phillips, D.D., N.M. Osborne, M.D., of Willow Bank on James River, Va., to Sarah M., daughter of the late Robert Maitland, of this city.
MARRIED 1857: In Trinity Church, Washington, D.C., 26th inst., by the Rev. George D. Cummin, the Rev. Thomas Duncan, of Fauquier county, Va., to Maria L., daughter of the late Commodore Morris, of Washington City.
MARRIED 1857: Hoffman--Rutledge--At Middletown, Conn., on Tuesday, May 26, by the Rev. F.J. Goodwin, D.D., James F. Hoffman, of New York, to Eliza, daughter of the late Rev. Edward Rutledge, of S.C.
MARRIED 1857: On Saturday, May 30, by the Rev. Thomas S. Preston, Charles Montague, of France, to Julia, daughter of the late John De Ruyter, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1857: At Hamilton, C.W., May 27, by Rev. Charles Lavelle, William E. Sanford, Esq., of New York, to Miss Emma Jackson, only daughter of Edward Jackson, Esq., of Hamilton.
MARRIED 1857: Whiting--Green--At Grace Church in the city of New York, by the Rev. Thomas H. Taylor, D.D., Col. S. Whiting, to Mrs. Jane Green, of Boston, Mass.
MARRIED 1857: On Tuesday, June 2, by the Rev. P.S. Chauncey, at St. James' Church, Hamilton Square, Philip Livingston, to Annie Peyton Jaudon, daughter of Samuel Jaudon, all of this city.
MARRIED 1857: LeCasne--LeBarbier--On Thursday, June 4, by the most Rev. Archbishop of New York, Charles Alexander LeCasne of Alencon, France, to Cecelia Francoise, daughter of A. LeBarbier, esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1857: On Tuesday, the 9th inst., at Trinity Church, by the Rev. Wm. Creighton, D.D., the Rev. John F. Young, to Harriet R., daughter of the late Wm. Ogden.
MARRIED 1857: On Wednesday, the 10th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Dr. Pratt, Sammel M. Fox, Esq., to Ida, youngest daughter of Hermann Thorn, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1857: On Tuesday, June 9, by Rev. Dr. Potts, Chauncey MeKeever, U.S. Army, to Fanny, daughter of Wm. Chauncey, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1857: On the 10th of June, instant, at the Cathedral of Fredricton, N.B., by the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, William Betts, Junior, Esquire, to Isabel Fords, eldest daughter of William H. Needham, Esq., Mayor of Fredericton.
MARRIED 1857: On Tuesday, June 2, by Rev. Geo. Prentiss, D.D., Francis A. Gray, of Boston, to Helen W., daughter of E. Wainwright, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1857: On Wednesday, June 3, by Rev. Dr. Dewitt, Joseph Walker, Jr., to Miss H. Julia, second daughter of Elisha Robbins, Esq.
MARRIED 1857: Robbins--Robbins--In this city on Wednesday, June 3, by the Rev. Dr. Dewitt, Henry A. Robbins, to Miss Caroline M., elder daughter of Elisha Robbins, esq.
MARRIED 1857: At Calvary Church, Monday, June 8, by the Rt. Rev. Horatio Potter, Mr. James W. Bingham, to Miss Maria McDougal, eldest daughter of Caleb F. Lindsley, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1857: At West Point, on the 17th of June, in the Church of the Holy Innocents, by Rev. J.W. French, Lieutenant John M. Schofield, United States Army, to Rittie, second daughter of Professor W.H.C. Bartlett.
MARRIED 1857: Ward--McKnight--At Bordentown, N.J., on Wednesday the 17th instant, by the Right Rev. the Bishop of New Jersey, William G. Ward, of New York, to Emily G., daughter of John L. McKnight, of the former place.
MARRIED 1857: Watkins--Walton--On the 25th inst., at St. George's Church, Schenectady, by the Rev. Mr. Payne, J. De Lancey Watkins, to Grace Walton, all of that place.
MARRIED 1857: On Wednesday, June 24, by the Rev. Dr. Anthon, E.W. Howard, of Providence, R.I., to Elizabeth Stuyvesant, daughter of the late John Neilson, Jr., of this city.
MARRIED 1857: At Bay Ridge, 24th instant, Rev. Theodore Irving, to Miss Maria Louise Kitching.
MARRIED 1857: At St. John's Church, Huntington, L.I., on Wednesday, 1st instant, by the Rev. W.G. Farrington, Frederick Philipse of Philipstown, Putham county, to Catherine W., daughter of Richard B. Post, of the former place.
MARRIED 1857: At Norfolk, Va., on Tuesday last, by the Rev. H.V.D. Johns, of Baltimore, the Right Rev. John Johns, Bishop of the Diocese of Virginia, to Mrs. Angelina E. Southgate, of Norfolk.
MARRIED 1857: Robinson--Kitching--At Christ Church, Bay Ridge, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. Theo. Irving, LL.D., James A. Robinson, Esq., to Sarah Frances, second daughter of Jno. B. Kitching, Esq.
MARRIED 1857: Ritchie--Wadsworth--At Geneseo, N.Y., on Saturday, Aug. 22, by Rev. Mr. Birchmore, Montgomery Ritchie, to Cornelia Wadsworth, daughter of James S. Wadsworth, Esq.
MARRIED 1857: Ferrand--Agnel--On Wednesday, Sept. 16th by the Rev. Minot Wells, at the Church of the Holy Innocents, West Point, Lieut. Chas. E. Ferrand, U.S.A., to Miss Emily Agnel, daughter of Professor H.R. Agnel of West Point.
MARRIED 1857: Magnin--Gibson--On Tuesday, Sept. 15th, 1857, at Trinity Chapel, by the Rev. John Henry Hobart, D.D., David J. Magnin, to Mary Louisa, daughter of Wood Gibson of.
MARRIED 1857: Livingston--Livingston--On Tuesday, Sept. 15, at St. Clement's Church, by the Rev. Mr. Eaton, Clermont Livingston, to Mrs. Mary C. Livingston.
MARRIED 1857: At Portland, Maine, 16th inst., at St. Luke's Church, by Rev. Roert T.S. Lowell, of Newark, N.J., and Rev. Alex Burgess, Mr. James Russell Lowell, of Cambridge, Mass., to Miss Frances H., daughter of the late John Dunlop, Esq., of Portland.
MARRIED 1857: On the 17th inst., at Goshen, N.Y., by the Rev. Dr. Robertson John V. Beam, Jr. of New York, to Ellen Murray, only daughter of A.S. Murray, of Goshen.
MARRIED 1857: Stevens--Dickinson.--At Trenton. N.J., on Tuesday, Sept. 29, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Samuel Clements, Richard F. Stevens, of Hoboken, N.J., to Emily Gouverneur, eldest daughter of Philemon Dickinson, Esq.
MARRIED 1857: At Newport, Rhode Island, on the 7th of October, by the very Reverend Father O'Reilly, and afterwards at Emanuel Church, by the Rev. Mr. Brewer, Ancolis Edouard De Vaugrigneuse, of the French Legation, to Sarah Morris, only daughter of the late Aquila G. Stout, of this city.
MARRIED 1857: At Geneva, Sept. 30, in Trinity Church, by Rev. Mason Gallagher, John L. Sutherland, to Anne J., daughter of the late George Gallagher.
MARRIED 1857: Ranken--Routh--At New Brighton, on Thursday, Oct. 1, at Christ Church, by the Rev. P.P. Irving, James Ranken, to Helen, daughter of H.L. Routh.
MARRIED 1857: Fleming--Keese.--In this City, on Thursday, Oct. 8, by Rev. John M. MacAuley, D.D., William H. Fleming, to Amelia, daughter of the late John D. Keese.
MARRIED 1857: McVickar--Booth--On Thursday, Oct. 15, in St. John's Chapel, by the Rev. Dr. McVickar, the Rev. Wm. A. McVickar, youngest son of the officiating clergyman, and Miss Fanny E., eldest daughter of Charles W. Booth, esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1857: Griffiths--Rodgers--In this city, on Thursday, Oct. 15, by the Rev. Ravaud Kearney Rodgers, D.D., Robert Smith Griffiths, to Mary Darden, daughter of A. Robertson Rodgers.
MARRIED 1857: Moore--Gibbons--At St. Paul, Minn, on Thursday, Oct. 15 at Christ Church, by the Rev. Dr. Van Ingen, I. Armour Moore of Oronoco, to Louisa, daughter of the late James Gibbons of Albany.
MARRIED 1857: At San Francisco, Sept. 16th, Mr. David P. Belknap, of New York, to Miss Augusta Walton Yates, formerly of Schenectady, N.Y.
MARRIED 1857: Miller--Hoffman.--In this City, on Thursday, Oct. 15, at the Church of the Holy Communion, by Rev. Dr. Muhlenberg, George Macoulloch, Miller, to Elizabeth, daughter of L.M. Hoffman.
MARRIED 1857: Brown--Eaton.--In this City, on Thursday, Oct. 15, at the residence of Dr. Edward Bayard, uncle of the bride, by Rev. Dr. George L. Prentis, George Brown, Esq., of Baltimore, Md., to Miss Harriet Eaton, only daughter of the late Daniel Cady Eaton, Esq.
MARRIED 1857: Griffitts--Rodgers.--In this City, on Thursday, Oct. 15, 1857, by Rev. Ravaud Kearny Rodgers, D.D., Robert Smith Griffitts, to Mary Darden, daughter of A. Robertson Rodgers.
MARRIED 1857: Barton--Elmendorf.--In Brooklyn, on Thursday, Oct. 15, at the North Reformed Dutch Church, by Rev. J. Elmendorf, Wm. B. Barton, to Elsie A., daughter of Levi Elmendorf.
MARRIED 1857: Coats--Auchincloss.--On Thursday, Oct. 15, by Rev. Thatcher Thayer, D.D., James Coats, Jr., of Paisley, Scotland, to Sarah Ann, daughter of John Auchincloss.
MARRIED 1857: Colt--Borroue--On Wednesday, October 28th, at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. G.T. Bedell, Mary Beekman, daughter of T.H. Borroue, M.D., of this city, to Morgan G. Colt, of Paterson, New Jersey.
MARRIED 1857: At the Church of All Souls, by the Rev. Dr. Bellows, Henry D. Sedgwick, to Henrietta E., daughter of the late Robert Sedgwick, both of this city.
MARRIED 1857: On Thursday, Oct. 29, by Rev. James W. Alexander, Frank Jaudon, to Elizabeth McDonald, daughter of Oliver Strong.
MARRIED 1857: Harrison--Bailey.--At Philadelphia, on Thursday, Nov. 5, by Right Rev. Bishop Potter, of Penn., Harry Harrison, of New York City, and Emilie, daughter of the late Joseph T. Bailey, Esq., of the former place.
MARRIED 1857: O'Brien--Keese.--In this City, on Thursday evening, Nov. 5, at St. Anne's Church, 8th st., by Rev. Thomas S. Preston, Joseph Knight O'Brien, to Virginia C., daughter of the late John D. Keese.
MARRIED 1857: At West Dodham, Mass., Nov. 19, by Rev. K.S. Locke, John H. Thorndike, Esq., of Boston, and Miss Delia D. White, daughter of the late Rev. John White.
MARRIED 1857: At Gotha, Germany, on Tuesday, Oct. 27, in the Court Chapel, by the Rev. Dr. Carl Schwarts chaplain, to the Grand Duke, Mr. Bayard Taylor, of New York, to Miss Marie Hensen, of Gotha.
MARRIED 1857: On the 12th instant, at Calvary Church, by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, Thomas Aston Coffin, Esq., to Miss Sarah Heyward Cruger, daughter of the late Henry N. Cruger, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1857: At Owego, N.Y., 15th instant, Hon. Theodore Frelinghuysen, LL.D., President of Rutgers College. New Brunswick, to Miss Harriet Pompelly, of the former place.
MARRIED 1857: At Morristown, on the 18th inst., by Rev. Mr. Irving, Rev. Raymond H. Seeley, of Springfield, Massachusetts, and Frances B., daughter of Richard W. Stites, Esq., of Morristown.
MARRIED 1857: At Highwood, N.J., on Thursday, Nov. 19, by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, J.C. Bancroft Davis, of New York, to Frederica Gore, daughter of the late James G. King.
MARRIED 1857: On Thursday, November 19, by Rev. M.S. Hutton, D.D., Fred'k G. Le Roy, M.D., to Caroline, daughter of Henry R. Remsen, Esq.
MARRIED 1857: At Calvery Church on the 28th ult., by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, Edmund B. Aymar, to Eleanor Kingsland, daughter of B. Smith Clark, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1857: Vallance--Lindsley.--In this City, on Wednesday, Dec. 3, by Rev. Dr. De Witt, Mr. William H. Vallance, to Margaret Van Antwerp, daughter of Mr. Caleb F. Lindsley, all of this City.
MARRIED 1857: Suckley--Morton--At St. Paul's Church, Hoboken, on Tuesday, Dec. 8, by the Rev. Dr. Morton, John H. Suckley, to Rosette D., daughter of Geo. W. Morton of Hoboken.
MARRIED 1857: Stoepel--Heron--At St. Ann's Church, on Sunday evening, Dec. 27, by the Rev. Mr. Gallaudet, Robert Stoepel, to Matilda Heron.
MARRIED 1857: --Miss Matilda Heron, the actress, was married on Sunday evening, to Mr. Robert Stoepel, late conductor of the orchestra at Wallack's Theater. Mrs. Stoepel <?>.
MARRIED 1858: On the 5th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Crooks, Fred. Butterfield, to Caroline Matilda, only daughter of John Falconer.
MARRIED 1858: On Wednesday, Jan. 27, by the Rev. Dr. Bedell, S. Howard Cary, to Mary E., daughter of the late Com. Melancthon T. Woolsey, U.S.N.
MARRIED 1858: In this city, on Wednesday, Feb. 3, in Calvary Church, by Rev. Dr. Hawks, Charles K. Tuckerman, to Mary Fleming, daughter of the late William Gracie.
MARRIED 1858: Monday, Feb. 8, by Rev. Dr. Hawks, Major James G. Martin, of the U.S. Army, to Hetty, daughter of Charles King, President of Columbia College.
MARRIED 1858: Clark--Oakley--In Brooklyn, on the 16th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Bethune, Helen Louisa, daughter of Richard W. Clark, Esq., of that city, and Henry A. Oakley, of New York.
MARRIED 1858: At Paterson, N.J., on Thursday, Feb. 11, by the Rev. William H. Hornblower, Mr. De Grasse B. Fowler, of New York, to Miss Julia C., daughter of the late Mr. Roswell L. Colt.
MARRIED 1858: On Thursday, Feb. 11, by the Rev. Dr. Stephen H. Tyng, John Jay White, to Louisa L., daughter of Prosper M. Wetmore, Esq.
MARRIED 1858: Irving--Piercy.--At New Brighton, on Tuesday, Feb. 16, at Christ Church, by Rev. P.P. Irving, Leslie Irving, to Amelia Greenwood Piercy.
MARRIED 1858: Herbert--Budlong.--At the House of Prayer, Newark, N.J., on Tuesday, Feb. 16, by Rev. Mr. Shackelford, Henry W. Herbert, of England, to Adela R. daughter of the late Thomas Budlong, of Rhode Island.
MARRIED 1858: On Wednesday, March 3d, by the Rev. Dr. Bedell, Fitz Gerald Noble, of London, to Fanny J., eldest daughter of Henry G. Stebbins.
MARRIED 1858: At the same time, by the same, William P. Talboys, formerly of Oxford, England, to Cora, youngest daughter of Henry G. Stebbins.
MARRIED 1858: At Calvary Church, on Wednesday, March 3, by the Rev. Dr. Creighton, Richard Irving Dodge, U.S. Army, to Julia Rhinelander, daughter of Frederick W. Paulding, Esq.
MARRIED 1858: Feb. 18, at Rev. Dr. Adams's Church, Madison, Square, Mr. Edward Livermore, to Anne, daughter of the late Joel Post.
MARRIED 1858: Feb. 17, by Rev. Dr. Bellows, H. Sylvester Bosworth, to Juliet Ada, daughter of the late Nicholas Dean, Esq.,<?>
MARRIED 1858: Prime--Kemeys--On Tuesday, Feb. 9, by the Rev. J. Henson, S.T.K. Prime, to Mary, daughter of the late Edward Kemeys.
MARRIED 1858: At Albany, 10th instant, at the Schnyler Mansion, by the Rev. Dr. Hague, Millard Fillmore, late President of the United States, to Mrs. Caroline C. McIntosh.
MARRIED 1858: On Thursday, February 11, 1858, at Trinity Church, New Orleans, by the Right Rev. Bishop Polk, Phillip P. Dandridge, Esq., of Virginia, to Betsy Taylor Bliss, daughter of the late General Zachary Taylor, and widow of the late Major Bliss.
MARRIED 1858: This morning, at Calvary Church, by the Rev. Francis L. Hawks, D.D., Benjamin Tomes, to Rosalie, youngest daughter of the late John C. Zimmerman, Sen.
MARRIED 1858: Morton--Price.--By the Rev. Dr. Weston, of St. John's Chapel, New York, William D. Morton, son of George W. Morton, Esq., of Hoboken, to Josephine only daughter of the Hon. Judge Price, of Weehawken, all of New Jersey.
MARRIED 1858: LeRoy--Hrinelander--At Calvary Church, on Wednesday, March 24, by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, Capt. A.V.H. LeRoy, to Ellen L., daughter of the late Bernard Rhinelander, both of this city.
MARRIED 1858: On Thursday, March 25, by Rev. Georgo L. Prentis, Daniel S. Appleton, to Malvina W. Marshall, daughter of Charles H. Marshall, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1858: On the evening of the 24th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Osgood, Samuel J. Penniman, to Cordelia Louisa, daughter of the late Lewis K. Bridge, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1858: On the 8th instant, Mr. Henry S. Fearing, to Miss Serena Jones.
MARRIED 1858: At St. Matthew's Church, Jersey City, on Wednesday 21st inst., by the Rev. J.J. Bowden, Major Philip Kearney, to Agnes, daughter of Hugh Maxwell, Esq.
MARRIED 1858: Mulford--Brundage--In the Reformed Dutch Church, corner of Fifth avenue and Twenty-ninth street, on Saturday, April 24 by the Rev. Dr. Vermilyea, David S. Mulford, to Carrie L., daughter of James H. Brundage.
MARRIED 1858: Clarkson--Sands--At Stratford, Conn., April 28th, by the Rev. Mr. Stearns, Robert Livingston Clarkson, to Anne Ayscough, daughter of Joshua R. Sands, U.S.N.
MARRIED 1858: Heard--de Conincke--In Baltimore, on Thursday, April 29, by the Rev. Dr. Coxe, Mr. Angustine Heard, Jr., of Boston, to Miss Jane L. De Conincke of Baltimore.
MARRIED 1858: At St. Luke's Church, Clinton avenue, on Thursday evening, April 29, by the Rev. Mr. Dillar, J. Edward Jenkins, to Cornelia, daughter of James Lefferts, Esq., all of Brooklyn.
MARRIED 1858: Letters from Paris give an account of the marriage of Miss Emily Ridgway, of Philadelphia to the Marquis de Gaunay, a French nobleman. The lady is twenty, accomplished, and fascinating. The father of the bride inherited a large fortune from his father, from whom, as an only son, he received the bulk of his father's great fortune; his two sisters, Mrs. Rush and Mrs. Dr. Barton, being cut off with only half a million dollars each. He has, to receive this wealth, only this daughter and a son about twenty-one years of age. His fortune is said, to be three or four millions, and to be so invested as to be steadily and largely increasing.
MARRIED 1858: At Washington City, May 11, at the Church of the Epiphany, by the Rev. Dr. Hall, Hon. Silas M. Burroughs, of New York, to Miss Charlotte S., youngest daughter of S. Britnall, Esq., formerly of Watertown, N.Y.
MARRIED 1858: On the 13th inst., by the Rev. Henry I. Morton, of Philadelphia, Adolphus Smedberg, to Mary L., daughter of J.L. Morton, Esq.
MARRIED 1858: At Calvary Church, May 20, by the Rev. G.D. Gillespie, Charles L. Cammann, to Cornelia B, daughter of the late Wm. A. DeLancey.
MARRIED 1858: In this city, June 8, in Trinity Church, by the Rev. Dr. Berrian, Jno. Garniss Brown, of New Jersey, to Matilda C., daughter of Joshua R. Sands, U.S.A.
MARRIED 1858: At Elizabeth, N.J., June 8, at Christ Church, by the Rev. E.A. Hoffman, Fanny E., daughter of Gen. N.S. Clarke, U.S.A., to Lieut. I.H. EDSOM, U.S.A.
MARRIED 1858: At Christ Church, South Amboy, N.J., June 9, by the Rev. Charles S. Lattle, Rev. Lewis S. Baker, to Mary Rachael, eldest daughter of Commodore Conover, U.S.N.
MARRIED 1858: At Washington city, June 9, by the Rev. Christopher Wyatt, Augustus F. Rodgers, U.S. Coast Survey, to Serena Livingston, daughter of the late Col. George Croghan, U.S. Army.
MARRIED 1858: At Salem, June 10th, at the residence of George Peabody, Miss Mary C. Peabody, to Knivet Winthrop Sears, Esq., of Boston.
MARRIED 1858: James--White--On Wednesday, June 16, at Detroit. Mich., by the Rev. T.R. Chipman, Rector of Christ Church, Courtenay H., second son of G.P.R. James, Esq., to Emma, third daughter of Robert White, Esq., recently from Albany.
MARRIED 1858: In this city, on Wednesday, June 23, by the Rev. Dr. Potts, William C. Codman, of Boston, Mass., and Elizabeth, daughter of John R. Hurd, of New York.
MARRIED 1858: At Monmouth, near Natchez, Miss, June 29, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. J.H. Ingraham, Lt. Williams. Lovell, U.S. Navy, to J. Antonia, second daughter of Gen. Quitman.
MARRIED 1858: On Tuesday, the 6th inst., at the Church of the Ascension by the Rev. Dr. Crocker, of St. Johns' church Providence, David Duncan, to Fannie daughter of Nathaniel Bloodgood.
MARRIED 1858: Earle--Cozzens.--At Gutterburg, N.J., on Saturday, Aug. 14, by the Rev. Mr. Mabon, of Grove Church, New Durham, Mr. Edward Earle, to Miss Mary Ann Cozzens, daughter of Issachar Cozzens, all of the above place.
MARRIED 1858: Van Rensslear--Wild.--in this City, on Friday evening, Aug. 20 by the Rev. Dr. Morgan, of St. Thomas' Church Mr. Stephen Van Rensslear, Jr., of Albany, to Miss Annie Louisa Wild, daughter of H.N. Wild, of this City.
MARRIED 1858: At Stonington, Connectieut, on the 23d of Aug., in Calvary Church, by the Rev. Mr. Weston, his Excellency Theodore Marinas Roest Van Limberg, Minister Resident of his Majesty the King of the Netherlands, to the United States, to Isabella, daughter of the Hon. Lewis Cass, Secretary of State of the United States.
MARRIED 1858: Kirkland--Thorn--In this city, on Monday, Sept. 13, at Calvary Church, by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, Edward Kirkland, to Ellen, daughter of Herman Thorn, esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1858: On Tuesday, the 14th inst., at St. Paul's Chapel, College Point, by the Rev. John B. Hubbard, John H. Sturgis, to Frances A. Codman, daughter of the late Charles R. Codman of Boston, Mass.
MARRIED 1858: On Wednesday, the 15th inst., at St. Mark's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Anthon, Thomas's, Furniss, of Lincoln's Inn, London, to Mary, second daughter of Edward F. Sanderson, of this city.
MARRIED 1858: At Hawxhurst, Staten Island, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. Thomas House Taylor, D.D., Edward Kemeys, to Mary A., eldest daughter of Wm. Hawxhurst Townsend.
MARRIED 1858: At New Brighton on Thursday, the 16th, by the Rev. P.P. Irving, David O. Wotherspoon, to Octavia, daughter of Andrew S. Garr.
MARRIED 1858: Ogden--Ford--At Morristown, N.J., on Wednesday, Sept. 22, by the Rev. Edward Ford, D.D., Jane Millen, daughter of the Hon. Henry A. Ford, to Frederick B. Ogden of Hoboken, N.J.
MARRIED 1858: Porter--Cooper--In Hoboken, on Thursday, Sept. 30, by the Rev. Vandervoort Bruce, D.M. Porter of New York, to Mary, second daughter of Wm. Cooper of Hoboken.
MARRIED 1858: In this city, on Monday, Oct. 4, at the Church of St. Francis Xavier, by the Rev. Dr. Rankin, S.J., Senor Don Justo Arosemena, of New Granada, to Miss Louisa Livingston, eldest daughter of Van Brugh Livingston, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1858: Oct. 5, by the Rev. Dr. Anthon, Francis W. Waldo, to Rosalie, daughter of Morgan L. Livingston, all of this city.
MARRIED 1858: Finch--Patterson--In this city, on Tuesday, Oct. 5, by the Rev. Duncan Dunbar, pastor of the McDougal street Baptist Church, George W. Finch, to Rachel, the only daughter of Robert Patterson, esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1858: La Montagne--Davis--On Wednesday, October 6, by the Rev. Dr. Larkin, S.I., Auguste La Montagne, to Annie, daughter of Thos. E. Davis.
MARRIED 1858: At Christ Church, Philadelphia, Oct. 7, by the Rev. Benj. Dorr, D.D., Francis W. Ralston, to Elizabeth C., eldest daughter of the Hon. M. Meredith.
MARRIED 1858: At Woodlawn, N.J., Oct. 6, by the Rev. H.B. Sherman, S. Van Cortlandt Van Rensselaer and Sarah Jauncey, daughter of Arent H. Schuyler, Esq.
MARRIED 1858: At Bedford, Westchester Co, Oct. 5, by the Rev. Professor McVickar, D.D., Henry Edward, only son of the Hon. Dr. Pellew, Dean of Norwich, England, to Eliza, daughter of the Hon. William Jay.
MARRIED 1858: Heine--Sedgwick--On Saturday, at Ascension Church, by the Rev. Dr. Bedell, Mr. Wilhelm Heine, to Miss Katharine W. Sedgwick, daughter of Roderick Sedgwick, Esq.
MARRIED 1858: Fowler--Ogden--On Thursday, Oct. 14, by the Rev. Dr. Tyng, Mortimer Livingston Fowler, to Charlotte Ella, daughter of David Ogden.
MARRIED 1858: On Wednesday, 20th October, at St John's Episcopal Church, Edinburgh, by the Dean, assisted by the Rev. J.O. Millar and Rev. D.F. Sandford, Edward King, youngest son of the late James G. King, to Isabella Ramsay, eldest daughter of the late Rupert John Cochrane, of Halifax, N.S.
MARRIED 1858: On Wednesday, Oct. 20, by the Most, Rev. Archbishop Hughes, Lieut. De Grass Livingston, U.S.N., to Georgianna Mesier, daughter of Robert Hyslop, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1858: Eliot--Peabody--On the 27th inst., at King's Chapel, Boston, by Rev. Dr. Putnam, of Roxbury, Professor Charles W. Eliot, of Harvard University, to Ellen D., eldest daughter of the late Rev. E. Peabody, D.D., of Boston.
MARRIED 1858: Stevens--Totten--On Thursday, Oct. 28, at Trinity Church, New-Haven, by the Rev. Prof. Harwood, Lieut. H.R. Stevens, United States Navy, to Grace, daughter of Gen. Joseph G. Totten, Chief Engineer United States Army.
MARRIED 1858: On the 5th inst., at Orange, N.J., by the Right Rev. Bishop Bailey, Paul L. Thebaud, of New York, and Matilda, second daughter of A.P. Pillott, Esq.
MARRIED 1858: At Buffalo, Nov. 1st, by John C. Lord, D.D., John A. Brewster, ex-Surveyor General of the state of California, to Julia E., fourth daughter of the late Wm. Kaene, Esq.
MARRIED 1858: On the 3d inst., by the Rev. James W. Alexander, D.D., Samuel J. Jones, to Sarah V., daughter of Francis Doremus, of this city.
MARRIED 1858: In this city, on Monday, Nov. 1, at Trinity Chapel, by the Right Rev. the Provisional Bishop of the diocese, the Rev. William S. Southgate, of Brattelboro, Vt., to Harriet Randolph, daughter of Andrew Talcott, Esq.
MARRIED 1858: At Philadelphia, on Tuesday, Nov. 2, by the Rev. Dr. Stevens, Daniel Giraud Elliot, to Annie Eliza, daughter of the late David Henderson, Esq., of Jersey City.
MARRIED 1858: At Woodlawn, near Sing Sing, on Tuesday, the 9th of November, by the Rev. J.N. Campbell, D.D., Thomas Jennings Hand, of Baltimore, to Ellen, daughter of the late James King, of Albany.
MARRIED 1858: At Albany, at St. Paul's Church, by the Right Rev. Dr. Potter, Bishop of New York, Thad. W.P. Kendrick, to Margaret Lush, daughter of Teunis Van Vechten, Jr., all of Albany.
MARRIED 1858: On Wednesday, 10th of Nov. by the Rev. Dr. Morgan, George Bell, to Emily, daughter of Gilbert Davis.
MARRIED 1858: On Wednesday, the 10th inst., by the Rev. Henry Anthon, William Thurston Horn and Lydia S. Lawrence, youngest daughter of the late Joha L. Lawrence, both of this city.
MARRIED 1858: Mulford--Du Bois.--At Livingston, Columbia Co., N.Y., on Tuesday, Nov. 16, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. C.J. Shepard, Col. James Mulford, of Hudson, to Mary, eldest daughter of Henry A. Du Bois, Esq.
MARRIED 1858: On the 17th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Theodore Gentil, Esq., to Miss Julia Augusta, daughter of Charles Augustus Davis, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1858: On Wednesday, Nov. 24th, by the Rev. G.T. Bedell, D.D., Robert R. Stuyvesant, to Amelia, daughter of Frederick Schuchardt, Esq.
MARRIED 1858: Neilson--Foulke--On Friday, November 26th, by the Rev. Dr. W.F. Morgan, John Neilson, to Kate B., daughter of Joseph Foulke.
MARRIED 1858: Treilhard--Hoffman--On Wednesday, November 24th, by the Rev. Dr. T.H. Taylor, Vicomte Jules Treilhard, First Secretary of the French Legation at Washington, to Sarah Austin, daughter of Philip V. Hoffman, of this city.
MARRIED 1858: Smedberg--Auchincloss--On Friday, November 26th, by the Rev. Dr. Jas. W. Alexander, John G. Smedberg, to Harriet Romeyn, daughter of the late Hugh Auchincloss.
MARRIED 1858: Grymes--Stebbins--On Wednesday, the 1st inst., by the Rev. G.T. Bedell, C. Alfred Grymes, to Mary Emma, second daughter of H.G. Stebbins, all of this city.
MARRIED 1858: On Dec. 7th, by the Rev. M.S. Hutton, D.D., James S. King, to Cornelia, third daughter of Henry R. Remsen, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1858: Cammann--Chesebrough.--In this City, on Wednesday, Dec. 15, at St. Thomas' Church, by the Rev. W.F. Morgan, D.D., Henry J. Cammann, to Kate V., daughter of Henry A. Chesebrough, all of this City.
MARRIED 1858: Wyeth--Prime.--On Monday morning, Dec. 27, by the Rev. Thomas H. Taylor, Leonard J. Wyeth, to Charlotte, daughter of Edward Prime.
MARRIED 1858: On Wednesday, Dec. 8th, 1858, by the Rev. Robert Travis, Jr., D.D., Leopold Schmidt, to Melenda, daughter of Geo. P. Pollen, Esq.
MARRIED 1858: At Washington City, Dec. 7, by the Rev. Dr. Smith Pyne, Mr. Sidney A. Legare, of South Carolina, to Miss Emily S. Green, daughter of Thomas Green, and grand-daughter of the late Thomas Ritchie.
MARRIED 1858: At Brooklyn, on the 9th inst., according, to the order of the Society of Friends, Josiah Macy, Jr., to Caroline E., daughter of Valentine Everit.
MARRIED 1858: At Boston, Dec. 8, by the Right Rev. Manton Eastburn, Mary Louisa, daughter of George M. Dexter, Esq., to Charles Amory, Jr.
MARRIED 1858: Fiske--Wilson.--At Keene, N.H., on Tuesday, Dec. 14, by the Rev. Mr. White, Frank S. Fiske and Annie F. Wilson, daughter of the Hon. James Wilson, all of Keene.
MARRIED 1858: Flandin--Cruger--On Thursday evening, Dec. 16, at the Church of St. Francis Xavier, by the Rev. W. Moylan, J. Engene Flandin, to Louisa, youngest daughter of Major William E. Cruger.
MARRIED 1858: Quincy--Huntington--In Boston, 23d inst., at King's Chapel, by Rev. F.D. Huntington, D.D., Josiah P. Quincy, to Helen Frances, daughter of Hon. Judge Huntington.
MARRIED 1859: Cozzens--Kelley--On Monday, Jan. 31, at St. George's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Tyng, Abm. M. Cozzen, to Antoinette Robinson, daughter of Eli Kelley, esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1859: Jaffray--Beales.--On Tuesday evening, Feb. 1, by the Rev. M. Driscol, S.J., John Hamilton Jaffray, eldest son of Richmond W. Jaffray, Esq., to Adelaide Kerrison, youngest daughter of I.C. Beales, M.D.
MARRIED 1859: Bowden--Stevens.--In this City, on Wednesday, Feb. 2, at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. G.T. Bedell, D.D., the Rev. J.J. Bowden, Rector of St. Matthew's Church, Jersey City, to Alexa Charlotte, only daughter of Alexander H. Stevens, M.D.
MARRIED 1859: Fleming--Pergram--At Elizabeth, N.J., on Tuesday, the 8th inst., by the Rev. S.A. Clark, Gilbert R. Fleming and Mrs. S.S. Pegram, daughter of the late Oliver H. Spencer.
MARRIED 1859: On Wednesday, 23d inst., by the Right Rev. G.W. Doane, Bishop of New Jersey, John B. Marie, of this city, to Virginia R., daughter of Isaac B. Parker, of Burlington, N.J.
MARRIED 1859: At Washington City, Feb. 24th, Lawrence Riggs, of New York, and Mary T., daughter of the Hon. Jesse D. Bright, of Indiana.
MARRIED 1859: At St. Paul's Church, on Tuesday, March 1st, by the Rev. Dr. Ogilby, Mr. Isaac Bronson, to Hariette Whitney, daughter of J. Phillips Phoenix, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1859: In this city, March 1, 1859, by the Rev. W.W. Phillips D.D., Lieut, Thomas Cadwalader Harris, U.S.N., to Mary Louisa Bainbridge, daughter of A.G. Jaudon, and grand daughter of the late Commodore Wm. Bainbridge, U.S.N.
MARRIED 1859: On Wednesday, March 1st, at St. Mark's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Anthon, Samuel W. Johnson, to Frances Ann, daughter of Edward F. Sanderson, all of this city.
MARRIED 1859: At Barrytown, Dutchess county, on the 3d inst., by the Rev. John R. Livingston, Lewis O. Southmayd, to Emily G., daughter of Robert L. Tillotson.
MARRIED 1859: Ellis--Verplanck--at St. Clement's Church, on Tuesday, March 22, by the Rev. Mr. Eaton, Capt. Augustus Van Horne Ellis, to Julia C. Miller, daughter of Philip Verplaack, esq.
MARRIED 1859: Kain--Wood.--In this City, on Saturday, March 26, by the Rev. Dr. Anthon, James Kain, to Maria Elizabeth, daughter of Wm. R. Wood, Esq., all of this City.
MARRIED 1859: King--Doremus--On Thursday, March 31st, by the Rev. Dr. Macauley, Henrietta Haines, daughter of S.C. Doremus, of this city, and Edward de la RosÇe King, M.D., of North Carolina.
MARRIED 1859: At Washington City, April 5, by the Rev. Mr. Pyne, the Hon. George Eustis, of Louisiana, to Miss Louise Morris Corcoran, only daughter of W.W. Corcoran, Esq., of Washington, D.C.
MARRIED 1859: Kernochan--Ogden--At St. Clement's Church, April 25 by the Rev. Mr. Eaton, Henry P. Kernochan and Grace Walton, daughter of the late Jonathan Ogden.
MARRIED 1859: Schermerhorn--Gibert--On Monday, April 25, at the Church of the Holy Communion, by the Rev. Dr. Muhlenberg, assisted by the Rev. F.E. Lawrence, George S. Schermerhorn, jr., to Julia Magdalen, youngest daughter of the late William N. Gibert.
MARRIED 1859: On Tuesday, the 26th inst., at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. Dr. G.T. Bedell, Leopold Bassange, of Paris, France, to Sarah E. Appleton, daughter of the late Daniel Appleton, of this city.
MARRIED 1859: On Tuesday, 26th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, James L. Kennedy, to Cornelia, daughter of Henry Van Rensselaer, Esq.
MARRIED 1859: On the 26th inst., at the Church of the Incarnation by the Rev. Henry E. Montgomery, Eugene T. Lynch, to Mary C., daughter of John C. Montgomery, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1859: Crosby--Livingston--At Linlithgow place, Poughkeepsie, on Wednesday, April 27, by the Rev. G.M. McEckron, Robert Ralston Crosby, of New York, to Jane Murray Livingston, daughter of the late Henry A. Livingston, of the former place.
MARRIED 1859: Langdon--Lowndes--On the 27th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, Eugene Langdon, of New York, to Harriet Lowndes, daughter of Rawlins Lowndes, Esq., of South Carolina.
MARRIED 1859: Lawrence--Betts--On Wednesday evening, by the Rev. Beverley R. Betts, Charles Lawrence, of Ulster county, to Louisa, youngest daughter of the late Samuel Betts, Esq., of St. Croix, W.I.
MARRIED 1859: Campbell--Sanderson--On Thursday, 28th instant, at St. Mark's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Anthon, Robert B. Campbell, to Sarah Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Edward F. Sanderson, all of this city.
MARRIED 1859: Marie--Hubbard--On Thursday, April 28th, by the Rev. Dr. Potts, Joseph MariÇ, to Josephine, youngest daughter of V.S. Hubbard, all of this city.
MARRIED 1859: Redner--Popham--In Philadelphia, on Wednesday, 27th inst., by Rev. Richard Newton, D.D., Jas. J. Redner and Amelia N., daughter of the late Capt. Chas. W. Popham, of New York.
MARRIED 1859: Parker--Whitehead--At Newark, N.J., on Wednesday, May 11, by the Rev. Edmund Neville, D.D., Rector of Trinity Church. Cortlandt L. Parker, to Penelope P., daughter of William A. Whitehead.
MARRIED 1859: Wednesday, May 18, by the Rev. Dr. Talbot W. Chambers, Francis T. Luqueer, Jr., to Charlotte A., daughter of the late Cornelius R. Suvdam, all of this city.
MARRIED 1859: Dana--Wyeth--In this city, Wednesday, 18th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Osgood, A. Carroll Dana, to Elizabeth Jarvis, daughter of the late L.J. Wyeth.
MARRIED 1859: Floyd--DuBois--On Thursday, the 19th inst., by the Rev. George W. DuBois, of Ohio, Nicoll Floyd, Esq., of Utica, to Cornelia Augusta, daughter of Cornelius DuBois, of this city.
MARRIED 1859: Morgan--Hamilton--At Grace Church, on Thursday, May 26, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Matthew Morgan, jr., to Annie C., daughter of the late William F. Hamilton of New Orleans.
MARRIED 1859: Stanton--Cammann--At Roseland, Fordham, on Thursday, June 2, by the Rev. J.D. Gillespie, Alexander M. Stanton, to Caroline Bedford, eldest daughter of Oswald Cammann.
MARRIED 1859: At Morristown, N.J., June 8, by the Rev. Robert M. Merritt, Lieut. Wm. N. Gamble, U.S. Navy, to Eliza W., daughter of J.W. Canfield, M.D.
MARRIED 1859: On Tuesday morning, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Wm. F. Cary, Jr., to Lena, daughter of W.E. Laight, of this city.
MARRIED 1859: At Newport, on Thursday, June 16, in Trinity Church, by the Rev. Dr. Cutler, of Brooklyn, the Rev. Mr. Mercer assisting, Samuel Ward Francis, Esq., of New York, to Miss Harrieit McAllister, daughter of Judge McAllister, of San Francisco.
MARRIED 1859: Eaton-Foster--On Thursday, the 16th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Bellows, Mr. D.B. Eaton, to Miss Annie S., daughter of Mr. Thomas R. Foster.
MARRIED 1859: Winthrop--Taylor--On Thursday, June 23d, at St. George's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Tyng, Robert Winthrop, to Kate W., daughter of Moses Taylor.
MARRIED 1859: On Thursday, the 23d inst., at the Jay Homestead, Bedford, Westchester Co. N.Y., by the Rev. John Henry Hobart, D.D., Henry Grafton Chapman, Esq., of Boston, and Eleanor, daughter of John Jay, Esq.
MARRIED 1859: On the 23d of June, by the Rev. Mr. Jackson, William St. John Elliot Marshall, of Natchez, Miss., to Elizabeth Stuyvesant Fish, daughter of Richard L. Morris, M.D., of Oaksdale, Westchester county, N.Y.
DIED 1859: Townsend--At his residence in Cornwall, Orange county, N.Y., on the evening of Monday, the 20th of June, Isaiah Townsend, aged 46 years.
DIED 1859: Duer--At Apalachicola, Fla., on Tuesday, June 14, Lieut. John K. Duer, U.S. Navy, in the 41st year of his age.
MARRIED 1859: Whitehead--Noyes--At Litchfield, Conn., on Thursday, Aug. 11, by the Rev. Charles Whitehead, Charles E. White head, to Rachel Tracy, daughter of William Cartis Noyes, all of New York.
MARRIED 1859: Gignoux--Lasala--At Staten Island, on Saturday, July 16, at St. Paul's Church, by the Rev. Mr. Murphy, Claude M. Gignoux, to Agatha M. Lasala, daughter of the late John B. Lasala, of this City.
MARRIED 1859: Benton--Webb--On Wednesday, 17th inst., at St. Mary's Church, Beechwood, by the Rev. William Creighton, D.D., Captain J.G. Benton, U.S.A., to C. Louisa, daughter of General J. Watson Webb.
MARRIED 1859: Lelano--Clark--On Tuesday, Sept. 6, at Cedar Hill Cottage, Piermont, the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Dr. Farley of Brooklyn Oliver Leland, esq., of this city, to Ella Dean, eldest daughter of L. Gaylord Clark, esq., of the Knickerbecker Masaziue.
MARRIED 1859: Martine--Britton--On Wednesday, Sept. 7, by the Rev. Wm. Muhlenberg, at the Church of the Holy Communion, William M. <?>Marice, to Miss Augustine L. Britton.
MARRIED 1859: At Troy, Sept. 27, by the Rev. Charles D. Cooper, of Philadelphia, John Taylor Cooper, to Angelica Schuyler Crosby.
MARRIED 1859: At Philadelphia, Oct. 1, at the Church of the Epiphany, by the Rev. J.W. Cracaft, Owen J. Wister, M.D., of Germantown, to Sarah, daughter of Pierce Butler, Esq.
MARRIED 1859: At Clinton place, Newark, N.J., on the evening of the 12th inst., by the Rev. J.P. Wilson, D.D., Frederick Wolcott Jackson and Nannie J. Nye, daughter of Capt. Ezra Nye.
MARRIED 1859: Buckley--Gerard--October 19th, at Calvary Church, by the Rev. Samuel Cooke, D.D., Thomas C.T. Buckley, to Juliette A., youngest daughter of James W. Gerard, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1859: Jaffray--Gibson--On Wednesday, 19th instant, by Rev. C.R. Duffie, William Jaffray, to Mary Ellen, youngest daughter of Isaac Gibson.
MARRIED 1859: On Thursday, Oct. 25, at Calvary Church, by the Rev. Dr. Pyne, of Washington, Chester Alan Arthur, Esq., and Miss Ellen L., daughter of the late Commander William Lewis Herndon, U.S.N.
MARRIED 1859: On Thursday, Oct. 27, by the Rev. Dr. T.E. Vermilye, Stephen B. Strang and Louisa, daughter of F.T. Luqueer, Esq.
MARRIED 1859: At Somerville Cottage, Eastchester, Oct. 27, by the Rev. Dr. Sprague, of Albany, Charles H. Dana, of Brooklyn, to Kate Seymour, daughter of Alonzo Crittenden, Esq.
MARRIED 1859: An interesting event took place on Thursday afternoon last, at St. Andrew's Church, at Richmond, Staten Island, upon which occasion the marriage ceremony was performed, the direct participants in which were Miss Lizzie, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Irving, rector of that parish, and the Rev. Geo. B. Reese, the assistant, to the latter. The bride's father acted as the officiating clergyman, and the Rev. Pierre Irving represented "the giver" upon the occasion. Among the relatives and friends, the Hon. Washington Irving was prevented from being present, being detained by illness at his residence at "Sunnyside."
MARRIED 1859: Clark--Irving--On Wednesday, Nov. 9, at St. Andrew's Church, Staten Island, by the Rev. Theodore Irving, Lot C. Clark, to Fanny Sutherland, eldest daughter of the officiating clergyman.
MARRIED 1859: Eldridge--Goodrich--In this city, on Wednesday, Nov. 9, at St. Bartholomew's Church, by the Rev. Samuel Cook, D.D., Frederick G. Eldridge, to Miss Alice Lee, daughter of the Hon. S.G. Goodrich, all of this city.
MARRIED 1859: On Wednesday, Nov. 9, by the Rev. Samuel Cooke, D.D., at St. Bartholomew's Church, Peter Augustus Porter, Esq., of Niagara Falls, to Josephine M., daughter of the late George W. Morris, of South Carolina.
MARRIED 1859: On the 15th inst., at Calvary Church, by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, Livingston Livingston, of this city, to Mary C., daughter of the late Hon. William D. Williamson, of Bangor, Maine.
MARRIED 1859: On the 15th inst., at the Church of the Holy Communion, by the Rev. Dr. Muhlenberg, Thomas Charles Baring, to Susan Carter, daughter of Robert B. Minturn.
MARRIED 1859: At Bighwood, N.J., on Tuesday, Nov. 15, by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, James L. McLane, to Fanny, youngest daughter of the late James G. King.
MARRIED 1859: At Boston, Nov. 16, by the Rev. Dr. Mason, Mr. P. Lorillard Ronalos, of New York, and Miss Mary Frances, eldest daughter of Joseph B. Carter, Esq., of Boston.
MARRIED 1859: Price--Pollock--On Tuesday, November 22, 1859, by the Rev. Dr. Hatfield, William Price, to Jennie Pollock, all of this city.
MARRIED 1859: At Washington City, Nov. 26, in Trinity Church, by the Rev. Dr. Butler, Major E.S. Sibley, U.S.A., to Mrs. E.M. Churchill.
MARRIED 1859: At Sacramento, Cal., Oct. 26, at Grace Church, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Kip, D.D., Henry Hare Hartly, to Eliza Madison, daughter of the Hon. James Lawrence English.
MARRIED 1859: At Grace Church, on the 3d inst., by the Rev. Thomas House Taylor, D.D., David P. Sellar, of Scotland, to Mary Van Horne, daughter of A. Norrie.
MARRIED 1859: At Calvary Church, Monday, Dec. 12, by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, E.G. Culling Eardley, Esq., only son of Sir Culing Eardley, Bart, of Bedwall Park, Hatfield, England, to Miss Emily Florence Magee, only daughter of James Mages, Esq., of New Orleans, La.
MARRIED 1859: On the 8th instant, at Forrest Home, Morrisania, by the Rev. Dr. Vermilyea, Fanny N., daughter of Wm. J. Schenck, and George P. Cammann, Jun., of Fordham, Westchester Co.
MARRIED 1860: On Wednesday, Jan. 4, at the Church of the Holy Communion, by the Rev. Dr. Muhlenberg, George A. Robbins, to Susan A., daughter of Wm. Lewis Morris.
MARRIED 1860: Chase--Lowndes.--On Tuesday, Jan. 10, by Rev. Dr. Hawks, George B. Chase, of Boston, to Annie, daughter of Rawlins Lowndes, Esq., of South Carolina.
MARRIED 1860: In this city, on Wednesday, Jan. 11, by the Rev. S.H. Weston, Gouverneur Kemble, Jr., to Julia, daughter of Hon. Francis R. Tillou.
MARRIED 1860: At the Church of the Annunciation, on Thursday, Jan. 26, by the Rev. Dr. Seabury, Alexander E. Hosack, M.D., to Celine B., daughter of the late Judge Scott, all of this city.
MARRIED 1860: Hitchcock--Miller.--At Morristown, N.J., at St. Peter's Church, on Wednesday, Feb. 8, by Rev. Robert N. Merritt, Luman N. Hitchcock, to Frances F., daughter of Hon. J.W. Miller.
MARRIED 1860: Otto--Lydig.--In this City, on Thursday last, by Rev. S. Weston, Mr. Augustus Carl Otto, of the City of Berlin, Prussia, to Miss Margaret J. Lydig, daughter of Philip M. Lydig.
MARRIED 1860: Moore--Stewart--On Tuesday, Feb. 14, at the Church of the Holy Apostles, by the Rev. George Jarvis Geer, Associate Rector, Henry T. Moore, to Julia E.G. Stewart, daughter of Wm. James Stewart esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1860: Monell--Downing.--At Matteawan, N.Y., on Thursday, Feb. 16, at St. Anna's Church, by Rev. Henry E. Duncan, John James Monell, Esq., of Newburgo, to Mrs. Caroline E. Downing, of Fishkill Landing, N.Y.
MARRIED 1860: Robb--Craig.--Near Athens, Ga., on Tuesday, March 6, by Rev. Dr. Church, James Robb, Esq., of New Orleans, to Mrs. Elizabeth C. Craig.
MARRIED 1860: Griswold--Emmet--On Thursday, March 29, at St. Mark's Church, by the Rev. Mr. Dickson, John N. Alsop Griswold of this city, to Jane, daughter of the late Prof. John P. Emmet of Virginia.
MARRIED 1860: Crooke--Van Kleeck.--In this City, on Thursday, April 12, at the Reformed Dutch Church, 5th av. and 21st st., by Rev. John Abeel Baldwin, Philip S. Crooke, of Flatbush, L.I., to Margaret Cross, daughter of the late Lawrence L. Van Kleeck of New York.
MARRIED 1860: Suydam--Halsey--On Wednesday, April 18, at Christ Chapel, Elizabeth, N.J., by the Rev. Mr. Hoffman, Charles C. Suydam, of New York, to Eliza Gracie, daughter of the late Rev. Chas. H. Halsey.
MARRIED 1860: Stites--Morrill--At Newark, N.J., on Thursday, April 26th inst., at the North Reformed Dutch Church, by the Reverend Hasbrouck Du Bois, Richard M. Stites, of Morristown, N.J., and Maria Louise, daughter of the late John A. Merrill, of this city.
MARRIED 1860: Thouron--Borrowe--On Wednesday, May 2nd, by the Rev. Dr. Tyng, E. Augustus Thouron, to Hannah Neilson, daughter of Charles E. Borrowe.
MARRIED 1860: Luquer--Payne--On Thursday, May 3, at Christ Church, Brooklyn, by the Rev. Dr. Canfield, Lea Luquer, to Eloise E. Payne, daughter of Thatcher G. Payne, all of that place.
MARRIED 1860: Smith--Tyler--On Thursday, May 10, by Rev. John C. McCabe, D.D., Rector of the Church of the Ascension, Baltimore, at Sherwood's Forest, Charles City county, the residence of the bride's uncle, Hon. John Tyler, Ex-President of the United States, J.H. Smith, Esq., of Philadelphia, to Mattie, youngest daughter of the late William Tyler, Esq., of Norfolk, Va.
MARRIED 1860: Lidgerwood--Cutter--In Morristown, N.J., May 15, at the Church of the Redeemer, by Rev. S. Cornell, Mr. John H. Lidgerwood, of the firm of John H. Lidgerwood & Co., of this city, to Miss H.B.V. Cutter, grand-daughter of Stephen Vail, Esq., of Morristown, N.J.
MARRIED 1860: Seymour--Livingston--In Brooklyn, May 16, by Rev. John N. Lewis, Rev. Erastus Seymour, to Marie, daughter of Hon. E.R. Livingston.
MARRIED 1860: Aldridge--Bibby--At Grace Church, Baltimore, on Tuesday 22d inst., by Rev. A.C. Coxe, Eliza Stockton, daughter of Andrew Aldridge, Esq., to Edward A. Bibby, of this city.
MARRIED 1860: Colvill--Stevens--Tuesday, June 5th, by the Rev. Dr. Potts, Alfred Colvill, to Caroline Weld, eldest daughter of Mr. John A. Stevens, all of this city.
MARRIED 1860: Ford--Ward--On the 5th inst., by the Rev. Edward Anthon, Henry William Ford and Emily Louisa, daughter of Augustus Henry Ward, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1860: Berryman--Whitney--At New Haven, on the 5th inst., by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Kip. Bishop of California, Charles H. Berryman, of New York city, to Harriette, daughter of the late Henry Whitney, Esq.
MARRIED 1860: Garner--Amory--At Jamaica Plain, Mass., June 6, by Rev. W.R. Babcock, Mr. Thomas Garner, Jr., of New York, to Harriet Henrietta, daughter of Johnathan Amory.
MARRIED 1860: Webster--Fish--On Thursday, June 7, by the Rev. Henry Anthon, D.D., Sidney Webster, to Sarah Morris, daughter of Hamilton Fish.
MARRIED 1860: Ward--Condit--On the 6th inst., at Harystowe, by the Rev. H.B. Sherman, George H. Ward of Belleville, and Mary A., daughter of the late Doctor John S. Condit of Harrison, Hudson county, N.J.
MARRIED 1860: Le Roy--McClellan.--At Millburn, Columbia County, on Tuesday, June 12, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Mr. Tiffany, Jacob R. Le Roy, of Pine Hill Park, to Margaret F., eldest daughter of Hon. Robt. McClellan.
MARRIED 1860: Smedberg--Tillou--On Tuesday, June 12, by the Rev. S.H. Weston, Oscar Smedberg, to Alice, daughter of Hon. Francis R. Tillou.
MARRIED 1860: Church--Carnes--In Dayton, Ohio, June 14, by the Rev. Louis L. Noble, Frederick E. Church, the artist, to Isabel M. Carnes, daughter of Mr. Francis Carnes, of Dayton.
MARRIED 1860: Smith--D'Wolf--On 19th inst., in this city, by Rev. Dr. Cummings B. Frank Smith, to Madeleine D'Wolf, daughter of the late William Henry D'Wolf, of Bristol, R.I.
MARRIED 1860: Burke--Watson--On Wednesday, June 13, in St. Stephens Church, Philadelphia, by the Rev. Dr. Ogilby, of Trinity church, N.Y., John Burke, Esq., of Dublin, to Laura, daughter of A.E. Watson, Esq., U.S.N.
MARRIED 1860: Morgan--Hamilton--In this city, on Thursday, June 21st, by the Rev. J. Cotton Smith, Edward Morgan, to Elizabeth A., youngest daughter of the late Wm. F. Hamilton, of New Orleans.
MARRIED 1860: Strecker--Benkard.--In this City, on Thursday, June 21, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. S.H. Weston, Charles Strecker, to Emma Benkard, daughter of James Benkard, Esq.
MARRIED 1860: Waterbury--Wendell--On Wednesday, June 27, 1860, at the Church on the Hights, Brooklyn, by the Rev. Dr. Bethune Charles H. Waterbury of New York, to Catalina, daughter of the late H.C. Wendell of Albany.
MARRIED 1860: Morris--Boyd--On Monday, July 2, at St. Thomas's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Morgan, Mr. George P. Morris, jr., to Miss Cornelia Bayard Boyd, all of this city.
MARRIED 1860: Oddie--Wright--In this city, July 5, by Rev. G.S. Hare, Wm. B. Oddie, to Laura F. Wright, daughter of the late Wm. Wright, of California.
MARRIED 1860: Kitching--Ripley.--In Brooklyn, on Wednesday, July 18, at Christ's Church, south Brooklyn, by Rev. Theodore Irving, LL.D., J. Howard Kitching, to Harriet Britton, second daughter of Francis Ripley, Esq.
MARRIED 1860: Garnett--Stevens--At Castle Point, Va., July 26, by the Rt. Rev. W.H. Odenheimer, Hon. M.R.H. Garnett, of Virginia, to Mary P., daughter of E.A. Stevens, of Hoboken.
MARRIED 1860: Nelson--Ogden--At St. Thomas's Church Ravenswood, Long Island on Tuesday, August 21, by the Rev. Samuel W. Sayres Alfred Nelson, to Emily F. Ogden, daughter of the late Samuel G. Ogden of Astoria L.I.
MARRIED 1860: DeLancey--Hunter--At Hunter's Island, Westchester county, Sept. 6, by Rt. Rev. Dr. DeLancey, Bishop of Western New York, William Heathcote DeDancey, Jr., to Elizabeth Des Brosses, daughter of E. Des Brosses Hunter, Esq.
MARRIED 1860: Cutting--Ramsay--At Washington, Sept. 20, by Rev. Mr. McNally, Brockholst Cutting, to Marion, daughter of Capt. Wm. Ramsay, U.S.N.
MARRIED 1860: Ogden--Gracie.--In Elizabeth, N.J., on Tuesday, Sept. 25, by Rev. E.A. Hoffman, Dayton Ogden, of New York and Esther, daughter of Archibald Gracie, Esq.
MARRIED 1860: Thorne--Van Schoonhoven--On Tuesday, Oct. 2, at the residence of Joel Wolfe, Esq., by the venerable Dr. Nott, President of Union College, Samuel Thorne, of Thorndale, Dutchess county, to Phebe S., eldest daughter of the late Wm. H. Van Schoonhouen, of Troy, N.Y.
MARRIED 1860: Speyers--Rogers--At Tivoli, Duchess county, Oct. 3, by Rev. Henry E. Montgomery, Albert Speyers, to Matilda Livingston, daughter of the late Henry Rogers, Jr.
MARRIED 1860: Bartow--Gamble--At Morristown, N.J., on Thursday morning, October 4, in St. Peter's Church, by the rector, the Rev. Robert N. Merritt, Edgar J. Bartow, of Brooklyn, N.Y., to Caroline, daughter of the late Colonel John M. Gamble, of the United States Marine Corps.
MARRIED 1860: Paulding--Pearson--On Wednesday, the 10th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Rector of Grace Church, James N. Paulding, to Emily, daughter of I. Green Pearson, of this city.
MARRIED 1860: Strong--Hoffman--On Tuesday, the 16th inst., at Zion Church, by the Rev. Dr. Creighton, Benjamin W. Strong, of Flushing, L.I., to Frances, daughter of Morray Hoffman, of this city.
MARRIED 1860: Van Wagenen--Pierrepont--At Pierrepont Manor, Jefferson county, New York, by the Rev. William Paret, G. Hubert Van Wagenen, of Brooklyn, and Cornelia Butler, daughter of William C. Pierrepont, of the former place.
MARRIED 1860: Snelling--Coles--On Thursday, 1st inst., by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Edward Templeton Snelling, to Grace, daughter of the late Isaac U. Coles, Esq.
MARRIED 1860: Blatchford--Hamilton--At Nevis, Westchester county, on Thursday, Nov. 8, by the Rev. Dr. Creighton, Richard M. Blatchford, of New York, to Angelica, daughter of James A. Hamilton, Esq.
MARRIED 1860: Washington--Bassett--At Clover, Lea, Hanover county, Va., on the 6th inst., by Rev. Mr. Corraway, Col. Lewis W. Washington, of Beall Air, Jefferson county, Virginia, to Ella M., daughter of George W. Bassett, Esq. In this marriage a singular coincidence occurs; the groom being the great-grandson of two brothers of Gen. Washington, and the bride the great-granddaughter of the only sister of General Washington, and also great-granddaughter of the sister of Mrs. General Washington.
MARRIED 1860: Taylor--Bergh--In this city, at Grace church, Nov. 7, by Rev. Dr. T.H. Taylor, J. Manigault Taylor, to Sarah Sherman, daughter of the late Tunis Bergh, both of this city.
MARRIED 1860: Hoffman--Willett--In this city, Nov. 14, by Rev. A.R. Van Nest, Jr., D.D., Charles Burrall Hoffman, to Harriet Bronson, daughter of the late Marinus Willett, M.D.
MARRIED 1860: Edgar--Appleton--In Boston, on Wednesday last, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Eastburn, Newbold Edgar, to Caroline Le Roy, daughter of S.A. Appleton, Esq.
MARRIED 1860: Stephens--Kearny--In this city, on Tuesday, Nov. 27, at Calvary church, by Rev. Francis L. Hawks, D.D., J.P. Stephens, to Anna Livingston, eldest daughter of Philip R. Kearny, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1860: Morton--Holdich--At Hoboken, Nov. 27, by the Rev. Dr. Holdich, Edmund L. Morton, to Mary Josephine, daughter of the officiating clergyman.
MARRIED 1860: Van Cortlandt--Hunter.--In West Farms, on Tuesday, Nov. 27, at the Episcopal Church, by Rev. Mr. Rodman, Peter J.M. Van Cortlandt, to Anne M., second daughter of E. Des Brosses Hunter, Esq., of Hunter's Island, Westchester County, N.Y.
MARRIED 1860: Stevens--Otis--At Hartford, on the 4th December, by the Rev. Thomas F. Pynchon, Alexander H. Stevens, of New York, to Mary Alleyne, daughter of the late Mr. Wm. E. Otis, of Boston.
MARRIED 1860: Graves--Barbey.--In Brooklyn, on Saturday, Dec. 8, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Dr. Diller, Mr. Robert Graves, to Cesarine Amelia, second daughter of A. Barbey, Esq., all of Brooklyn.
MARRIED 1860: Jones--Crosby--At Poughkeepsie, Dec. 18, by Rev. Mr. Hegeman, De Witt Clinton Jones, to Josepha, daughter of Prof. Wm. Henry Crosby.
MARRIED 1860: Erving--Pennington.--In Baltimore, Md., on Tuesday, Dec. 18, by Rev. Dr. Coxe, Langdon Erving, to Sophia C. Pennington, daughter of Josias Pennington, Esq.
MARRIED 1860: Townsend--Van Rensselaer--At Albany, on Tuesday, Dec. 18, by the Rev. Maunsell Van Rensselaer, Charles De Kay Townsend, son of Gen. Jno. F. Townsend, to Louisa, daughter of Gen. Jno. S. Van Rensselaer.
MARRIED 1860: Townsend--Van Rensselaer--At Albany, Dec. 18, in St. Paul's church, by Rev. Maunsell Van Rensselaer, Charles De Kay Townsend, eldest son of Gen. Jno. F. Townsend, to Louisa, youngest daughter of Gen. Jno. S. Van Rensselaer.
MARRIED 1860: Brown--Birket--On 27th December, at St. Annie's church, Aigburth, by the Rev. <?> Hecker, M.A., Incumbent, Stewart Henry Brown, Esq., of Liverpool, eldest son of Stewart Brown, Esq., of New York, to <?>, Sarah, second daughter of James Birket <?> Aigburth, near Liverpool.
MARRIED 1860: Wood--Mills--On the 22d inst., by Rev. Gardner Spring, D.D., LL.D., Hon. Fernando Wood, Mayor of New York, to Alice Fenner, daughter of Mr. Drake Mills, Fifth avenue.
MARRIED 1860: Neilson--Balch--At Newport, Rhode Island, on Thursday, the 17th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Baleh, assisted by the Bishops of Vermont and Delaware, John Neilson, of New York, to Augusta, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Balch.
MARRIED 1860: Field--Belden--On Tuesday, the 29th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, Dudley Field, to Laura Frederica, daughter of the late George Belden, all of this city.
MARRIED 1860: Cameron--Leavenworth--On Tuesday, Feb. 12, by the Rev. Edward Anthon, Roderick W. Cameron, to Anne Fleming, daughter of N. Leavenworth, of this city.
MARRIED 1860: Hill--Pierrepont--At Zion Church, Pierrepont Manor, Feb. 19, by Rev. Wm. Paret, Wm. Hill, of Terre Haute, Ind., and Sarah Evelyn, eldest daughter of Wm. C. Pierrepont, of the former place.
MARRIED 1860: Leavenworth--Bancker--On Wednesday, March 6, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, M.F. Eeavenworth, to Mary A., eldest daughter of Gerard Bancker, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1860: Fitzmaurice--Ouseley--On March 21, at St. George's, Hanover square, London, by the Rev. Sir F. Gore Ouseley, bart, the Hon. Jas. T. Fitzmaurice, E.N., son of the Right Honorable the Earl of Orkney, to Frances R. Ouseley, daughter of Sir Wm. Gore Ouseley, K.C.B. LL.D.
MARRIED 1861: Swan--Wyeth--On Thursday, February 21st, by the Rev. Dr. Osgood, Frederick G. Swan, to Emily, daughter of the late Leonard J. Wyeth, both of this city.
MARRIED 1861: Hunt--Howland--On Friday, the 2d inst., at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. J. Cotton Smith, Richard M. Hunt, to Catharine Clinton, youngest daughter of the late Samuel S. Howland.
MARRIED 1861: Rodman--Dashwood--At Embrook, Fordham, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. Washington Rodman, Thornton M. Rodman, to Maria, daughter of the late Ludlow Dashwood.
MARRIED 1861: Wierum--Church--At Morristown, N.J., April 18, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Geo. Howard, of Catskill, N.Y., Otto C. Wierum, of New York, to Anna Howard, daughter of John R. Church, Esq., of Morristown, N.J.
MARRIED 1861: Hall--Ludlow--On Wednesday, April 24th, at Calvary Church, by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, Valentine G. Hall, Jr., to Mary Livingston, daughter of Edward H. Ludlow, Esq.
MARRIED 1861: Wainwright--Stuyvesant--On Thursday, April 25, at St. George's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Tyng, J. Howard Wainwright, to Margaret Livingston, daughter of N.W. Stuyvesant.
MARRIED 1861: Gabriac--Phalen--On Thursday, May 23, at the Legation of the United States, at Paris, by the Rev. W.O. Lamson, rector of the American Episcopal Church, and afterwards at the Church of St. Philippe du Roule, Miss Florence Phalen, daughter of Mr. James Phalen, of New York, to the Vicomte de Gabriac, Attache au Ministere des Affaires Etrangeers, son of the Marquis de Gabriac, Senator.
MARRIED 1861: Trevor--Stewart--In this city, on Tuesday, 21st inst., by the Rev. D. Dunbar, John B. Trevor, to Louisa Stephania, daughter of Lispenard Stewart, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1861: Noble--Hawks--On Tuesday, May 28, at Calvary Church, by the Rev. Francis L. Hawks, Geo. W.C. Noble, of Boston, to Laura, youngest daughter of the officiating clergyman.
MARRIED 1861: --Mr. Mortimer Thomson, better known as "Doesticks," was yesterday married by the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, to Miss Grace Eldredge, eldest daughters of "Fanny Fern." The ceremony took place at the residence of James Parton, esq., the celebrated biographer.
MARRIED 1861: Lorillard--Uhlhorn.--In this City, on Monday, June 3, by Rev. Francis L. Hawks, D.D., Jacob Lorillard, to Franges Augusta, second daughter of C.F. Ublhorn, Esq.
MARRIED 1861: Edwards--Jay--On the 5th inst., at Rye, Westchester county, by the Rev. Dr. Chite, Rector of Christ Church, Jonathan Edwards, to Mary Jay, daughter of John C. Jay, of the former place.
MARRIED 1861: Skidmore--Wetmore--In this city, at St. George's Church, June 6, by Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, D.D., John Skidmore, to Elizabeth Newton, daughter of Prosper M. Wetmore, Esq.
MARRIED 1861: Winthrop--Oddir--On Tuesday, June 11, at the residence of Myndert Van Schaick, by the Rev. Dr. Hutton, Grenville Winthrop, to Elizabeth Van Schaick Oddie.
MARRIED 1861: Coles--Dickerson--At St. Paul's Church, Paterson, N.J., on Wednesday, June 12, by the Right Rev. W.H. Odenheimer, D.D., Nathaniel Coles and Maria E., daughter of the late John H. Dickerson.
MARRIED 1861: Timpson--Morris--In this City, on Wednesday, June 5, at Calvary Church, by Rev. Francis L. Hawks, D.D., Thomas Timpson and Mary Hamilton, daughter of Jas. L. Morris, Esq.
MARRIED 1861: Seaman--De Wint.--At Fishhill Landing, on Wednesday, June 5, by Rev. O.B. Frothingham, George A. Seaman, to Mary C., daughter of J.P. De Wint, Esq., all of Fishkill Landing.
MARRIED 1861: Hook--Mitchell--In Albany on Wednesday, June 5, by Rev. E.P. Rogers, D.D. William B. Hook of this City, to Virginia, daughter of Prof. O.M. Mitchell, of the Dudley Observatory.
MARRIED 1861: Alexander--Keyser.--In Philadelphia, on the 29th of April last, by Rev. Charles D. Cooper, Thomas R. Alexander, to Kate C. Keyser, both of that City.
MARRIED 1861: Spring--Williams--August 14, by the Rev. Dr. Krebs, in the Brick Presbyterian Church, the Rev. Gardiner Spring, D.D., LL.D., to Abby Grosvenor Williams, daughter of the late Elisha Williams, of Hudson.
DIED 1861: Bristed--At Baden Baden, Germany, August 5, Laura Whetten, wife of Charles Astor Bristed, of New York, aged 37 years.
MARRIED 1861: Henderson--Ogden--At Elizabeth, N.J., September 4, at Christ Church, by Rev. E.A. Hoffman, Rev. John Martin Henderson, Rector of the Church of the Ascension, Buffalo, and Elizabeth Chetwood, daughter of Hon. E.B. Dayton Ogden, of Elizabeth.
MARRIED 1861: Merrill--Gibbs.--At New Bedford, on Thursday, Sept. 12, Edward B. Merrill, Esq., of this City, to Mary Elizabeth, daughter of the late Alexander Gibbs, of New Bedford.
MARRIED 1861: Gracie--Gibbs--At New Bedford, Mass., on September 12, by Rev. Mr. Tustin, Archibald Gracie, of New York, to Sarah Frances, daughter of the late Alexander Gibbs, of New Bedford.
MARRIED 1861: Breese--Zeluff.--On Thursday, Sept. 12, by Rev. Dr. Riddle, Mr. Samuel D. Breese, of Morristown, to Miss Nellie A. Zeluff, of Jersey City.
MARRIED 1861: Winthrop--Bronson--On Wednesday, September 18, in Grace Church, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Egerton Leigh Winthrop, to Charlotte Troup, daughter of Frederic Bronson.
MARRIED 1861: Terry--Crawford--September 21, at the English chapel, Leghorn, by the Rev. Mr. Huntington, Luther Terry, to Louisa W. Crawford, both of the United States, and resident at Rome, Italy.
MARRIED 1861: Stevens--Butterworth--At Rochester, N.Y., October 1, by the Rev. L. Ward Smith, at the residence of her father, Silas O. Smith, Esq., Mary Smith Stevens, to J.F. Butterworth, of New York.
MARRIED 1861: Delafield--Schuchardt--On Thursday, October 3, by the Rev. J. Cotton Smith, Edward Delafield, Jr., to Elizabeth Remsen, daughter of Fred'k Schuchardt.
MARRIED 1861: Lawrence--Hook--In this city, October 3, at St. George's Church, by Rev. Dr. Tyng, Lieut. W. Hudson Lawrence, U.S.A., to Julia De Wint, daughter of J.D.W. Hook, all of this city.
MARRIED 1861: Robbins--Horton--At Boston, October 1, at the Church in Bowdoin street, by Rev. Mr. Worcester, Mr. Royal E. Robbins, of New York, and Miss Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. Wm. R. Horton, of Newtonville.
MARRIED 1861: Sorchan--Lachaise--In this city, on Thursday, October 3, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Marius A. Sorchan, to Caroline K. Lachaise.
MARRIED 1861: Taylor--Remington--At San Francisco, September 3, by Rev. Starr King, F.B. Taylor, to Estelle F. Remington, both of San Francisco.
MARRIED 1861: Morgan--Sturges--In this city October 7, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Thomas De Witt, D.D., J. Pierpont Morgan, to Amelia, daughter of Jonathan Sturges, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1861: Ogden--De Hart--At Elizabeth, October 7, at Christ's Church, by Rev. E.A. Hoffman, Hon. E.B. Dayton Ogden and Alice, daughter of the late Capt. Wm. C. De Hart, of the U.S.A.
MARRIED 1861: Verospi--Davis.--In Paris, on Thursday, Oct. 10, at the Church of St. Roch, by the AbbÇ de Roquefeuil, the Marquis Angelo Gavotti Verospi, of Rome, Italy, to Lizzie, daughter of Thomas E. Davis, of this City.
MARRIED 1861: Richards--Swift--At Geneva, N.Y., October 17, by Rev. Mr. Bissell, Peter Richards, Jr., of this city, to Sarah de Lano, daughter of Gen. J.G. Swift.
MARRIED 1861: Cotheal--Caswell--On Wednesday, 23d inst., at Trinity Chapel, by Rev. J. Weaver, William Cotheal, to Charlotte Eliza, daughter of John Caswell, all of this city.
MARRIED 1861: Gilman--Park--On Wednesday, October 28, by Rev. Dr. N.L. Rice, Winthrop S. Gilman, Jr., to Anna C., daughter of Charles F. Park, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1861: Codman--Bradlee--In Boston, on Saturday, Oct. 26, at the King's Chapel, by Right Rev. Manton Eastburn, D.D., Bishop of Massachusetts, Ogden Codman, Esq., to Sarah Eletcher, daughter of James Bowdoin Bradlee, Esq., of Boston.
MARRIED 1861: Hall--Trowbridge.--In this City, on Monday evening, Oct. 28, at Calvary Church, by Rev. Wm. F. Morgan, Richard H. Hall, of Binghamton, N.Y., to Hannah P., second daughter of E.L. Trowbridge, Esq., of this City.
MARRIED 1861: Kortright--Richardson.--In Philadelphia, on Wednesday, Oct. 30, by Rev. John Jenkins, D.D., Minister of Calvary Church, Charles Edward Keith Kortright, Esq., Her Britannic Majesty's Consul for the State of Pennsylvania, to Martha Ellen, only surviving child of John Richardson, Esq.
DIED 1861: Bristed.--At her residence, in Baden-Baden, Germany, on Monday, Aug. 5, of a complicated heart disease, after a short but painful illness, Laura Whetten, wife of Charles Astor Bristed, of New York, aged 37 years. Mrs. Bristed was a woman of great personal and mental attractions, which she inherited from both her parents, (the late Henry Brevoort, of New York, and Laura Carson, of South Carolina,) as well as a most enchanting sweetness and gaiety of disposition. J. Baden she was universally loved and respected. The inhabitants and residents attended her funeral with almost regal honors; members of the Diplomatic Corps came from a distance, to be present at the ceremony, and ladies of the highest aristocracy followed the procession, to the grave.
MARRIED 1861: Goodridge--Leroy--At St. George's Church, Tuesday, Nov. 12, by Rev. S.H. Tyng, D.D., Ezra R. Goodridge and Mary C., daughter of Jacob LeRoy, Esq.
MARRIED 1861: Homans--Tyng--On Tuesday, Nov. 12, at St. George's Church, Stuyvesant Square, by the Rev. Dr. Tyng, the Rev. James Edward Homans, Rector of St. Paul's Church, Rahway, N.J., to Susan Maria, youngest daughter of the Rev. S.H. Tyng, D.D., of New York.
MARRIED 1861: Hopkins--Stockton.--In Philadelphia, on Wednesday, Nov. 27, by Rev. J.P.B. Wilmer, Edward M. Hopkins, to Julia, daughter of Commodore R.F. Stockton.
DIED 1861: Livingston.--In Tivoli, Dutchess County, Nov. 27, Henry Beekman Livingston, Esq., aged 43 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited, to attend his funeral, without further notice, on Saturday, the 30th inst., at Hyde-park, on the arrival of the 7 a. m. train from New York, (about 10 o'clock,) which will stop at the station that day.
MARRIED 1861: Maitland--At Dresden, Germany, December 4, Stuart C. Maitland, of Compston, Scotland, formerly of New York.
MARRIED 1861: Crane--Field--In Philadelphia, on Wednesday, December 4, at the West Spruce Street Church, by the Rev. W.P. Breed, assisted by Dr. W.S. Clark, the Rev. James B. Crane of Elizabeth, N.J., to Kate W., daughter of the late Chas. Field, Esq., of Philadelphia.
MARRIED 1861: Griffin--Carroll--At Washington City, December 4, by the Rev. Smith Pyne, Chas. Griffin, U.S. Army, to Sallie V., daughter of Hon. W.T. Carroll.
MARRIED 1861: Graham--Lanfear.--In this City, on Wednesday, Dec. 11, at Zion Church, by Right Rev. Horatio Southgate, D.D., Ogilvie Blair Graham, Esq., of Belfast, Ireland, to Louisa S. Ogden, daughter of Ambrose Lanfear, Esq., of New Orleans.
MARRIED 1861: Chetwood--McClelland--At Christ Church, New Brunswick, December 10, by the Rev. E.A. Hoffman, William B. Chetwood, of Elizabeth, to Catharine M., daughter of the Rev. Alex. McClelland, D.D.
MARRIED 1861: Anthon--Ray--On Wednesday, the 11th inst., at the residence of Mrs. Col. Willett, by the Rev. Edward Anthon, Reginald H. Anthon, to Kate Anderson, daughter of James H. Ray, Esq.
MARRIED 1861: Sherer--Keese--At Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, December 23, by the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, John A. Sherer, to Charlotte W. Keese, eldest daughter of John Keese, Esq.
MARRIED 1861: Dorr--Jones--At Tarrytown, Westchester county, N.Y., December 25, by the Rev. C.K. True, Mr. Albert H. Dorr, to Miss Mary F., daughter of Absalom Jones, all of that place.
MARRIED 1861: Howland--Pratt.--On Thursday, Nov. 20, by Rev. C.M. Jamieson, Edgar D. Howland, to Miss Emily J. Pratt, of this City.
MARRIED 1862: Chanler--Ward--In this city, January 22, at 32 Lafayette place, by the Rev. Samuel Cook, D.D., John Winthrop Chanler, to Margaret Astor, daughter of Samuel Ward.
MARRIED 1862: Newton--Burnett--At Quebec, at All Saints' Chapel, January 29, by the Rev. Dr. Adamson, Clement Newton, Esq., of New York, to Beatrice Scott, daughter of the late John Burnett, of Melrose, Scotland.
MARRIED 1862: Tracy--Stevens--On Wednesday, February 5, at the Church of the Ascension, by Rev. John Cotton Smith, Rev. W.T. Tracy, Rector of Christ Church, Bay Ridge, to Frances M., daughter of Byam K. Stevens, of this city.
MARRIED 1862: Nicholas--Child--At Morristown, N.J., at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev. R.N. Merritt, Geo. W. Nicholas, of this city, to Jane Lawrence, daughter of late Judge Child, of Morristown.
MARRIED 1862: Ogden--Travers--In this city, February 19, at Trinity Chapel, by Rev. Morgan Dix, Aaron Ogden, to Harriet Emily, daughter of John Travers.
MARRIED 1862: Heydecker--Lemoyne--On Thursday, February 20, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Samuel Cooke, Rector of St. Bartholomew's Church, Edward B. Heydecker and Henrietta, daughter of Adolphe Le Moyne, Esq., all of this city.
DIED 1862: Marcy--On the 29th of Jan., on board the U.S. ship Vincennes, off the S.E. Pass of the Mississippi, Samuel Marcy, aged 42 years, Lieut. Commanding, of wounds received from the recoil of a howitzer fired on board his launch, in the effort, to sink and save the cargo of a vessel laden with cotton attempting, to run the blockade, set on fire and abandoned by the crew. Funeral services at Calvary Church, 4th avenue, on Sunday, the 23d inst., at 2 o'clock p.m. The remains will be accompanied by a naval escort from the Navy Yard, to the Church and taken, to Albany for interment.
MARRIED 1862: Crean--Verren--On Tuesday, February 25, at the residence of the Rev. A. Verren, D.D., Rector of the French Protestant Guise Church, Du St. Esprit, New York, by him, Richard Robert Crean, to Francoise Madeleine, daughter of the officiating clergymen, both of this city.
MARRIED 1862: Pakenham--Clarke--Tuesday, February 25, at Trinity Chapel, New York, by the Rev. Doctor Hobart, Lieut. Colonel Pakenham, H.M. 30th regiment, to Elizabeth Staples, eldest daughter of William M. Clarke, Esq.
MARRIED 1862: Carroll--Johnson--February 26, Dr. Alfred L. Carroll and Miss Lucy H. Johnson, both of this city.
MARRIED 1862: Heckscher--Whitney--At Trinity Chapel, on Tuesday, March 4, by the Rev. Morgan Dix, Lieutenant John G. Heckscher, U.S.A., to Cornelia L., daughter of the late Henry Whitney.
MARRIED 1862: Arago--Montholon--In this city, March 11, at St. Stephen's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Cummings, Roger Arago, Lieutenant of the French Navy, to Albine Ann Yolande, eldest daughter of Charles De Montholon, Consul-General of France for the United States.
MARRIED 1862: Taylor--Foulke--On Thursday, March 13th, at Calvary Church, by the Rev. Francis L. Hawks, Cortlandt Mulcaster Taylor, to Mary Beekman, daughter of Joseph Foulke.
MARRIED 1862: Hamilton--Pierson.--In this City, on Wednesday, March 19, by Rev. Dr. Wm. Adams, William G. Hamilton, to Helen Maria, daughter of Henry L. Pierson, Esq., all of this City.
MARRIED 1862: Vail--Van Rensselaer--At Newport, R.I., March 27, by Rev. Dr. Thayer, D. Olyphant Vail, of Shanghae, China, and Mina, daughter of J. Cullen Van Rensselaer.
MARRIED 1862: Billings--Parmly--In this city, March 31, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Wheelock H. Parmly, Frederick Billings, Esq., of San Francisco, Cal., to Julia Parmly, daughter of Dr. Eleazer Parmly, of New York.
MARRIED 1862: Goddard--Ledyard--At Newport, R.I., April 9, by Rev. Dr. Thayer, Francis Wayland Goddard, of Providence, and Elizabeth Cass, eldest daughter of Henry Ledyard, Esq., of Newport.
MARRIED 1862: Delafield--Payne--At the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Geo. E. Thrall, rector of the Church of the Messiah, Clarence Delafield, Esq., to Miss Eliza, daughter of John Payne, Esq., all of Brooklyn.
MARRIED 1862: Symonds--Brandreth--At St. Paul's Church, Sing Sing, April 10, by Rev. J.H. Black, Capt. H.C. Symonds, U.S.A., to Miss Beatrice, daughter of Hon. Benj. Brandreth.
MARRIED 1862: Ellison--Morton--By Rev. S.H. Weston, Charles L. Ellison, of New Windsor, to Harriet E., daughter of J.L. Morton, Esq., of New York.
MARRIED 1862: Weeks--Seabury--In this city, April 22, at the Church of the Annunciation, by the Rector, James Weeks, to Kezia, daughter of Rev. Samuel Seabury, D.D., all of this city.
MARRIED 1862: Erving--Van Rensselaer--On Tuesday, April 22d, by Rev. Charles W. Baird, of Rye, Westchester county, John Erving, to Cornelia, daughter of Wm. P. Van Rensselaer.
MARRIED 1862: Delafield--Prime--On Wednesday, April 23, at Trinity Chapel, by the Rev. S.H. Weston, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Cook, Lewis L. Delafield, to Emily, daughter of Frederick Prime, Esq.
MARRIED 1862: Minturn--Aspinwall--At Ascension Church, on Thursday, the 24th inst., by the Rev. John Cotton Smith, John W. Minturn, to Louisa, daughter of William H. Aspinwall, Esq.
MARRIED 1862: Farquhar--Whelan--At Boston, April 26, at the Church of the Advent, by Rev. J.L. Watson, Chaplain U.S. Navy, Lieut. N.H. Farquhar, U.S. Navy, to Adie Whelan, daughter of Capt. John Pope, U.S. Navy.
MARRIED 1862: Paine--Lyman--At Boston, April 24, by Rev. Henry W. Foote, Mr. Robert Treat Paine, Jr., to Miss Lydia W., daughter of George W. Lyman.
MARRIED 1862: Weeks--Carnes--On Tuesday, April 29th, at the Church of the Annunciation, by the Rev. Samuel Seabury, D.D., Rev. Robert Weeks, to Helen, Dudley, daughter of the late Francis Carnes.
MARRIED 1862: Butler--Butterworth--In this city, April 28, at Calvary Church, by Rev. Dr. Hawks, Lieut. Geo. B. Butler, Jr. U.S.A., to Emily Butterworth, daughter of S.F. Butterworth, of this city.
MARRIED 1862: Davies--Hackstaff--At Middletown, Conn., April 29, in the Church of the Holy Trinity, by the Right Rev. Bishop Williams, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Goodwin, the Rev. Thomas F. Davies, Jr., to Mary L., daughter of Capt. William G. Hackstaff.
MARRIED 1862: Bellinger--Sawyer--On Thursday, May 8, at Trinity Church, in this city, by the Rev. Dr. Coit, of Trinity Church, Plattsburg, N.Y., P.F. Bellinger, to Mary Louise, daughter of the late Captain H.B. Sawyer, United States Navy.
MARRIED 1862: Winterhoff--Stuyvesant--On Thursday, May 8, by the Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, D.D., Rudolph C. Winterhoff, to Julia Helen, daughter of the late Peter Stuyvesant.
MARRIED 1862: Miller--Tracy--On Monday, May 26, at St. George's Church, by the Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, D.D., Lindley Hoffman Miller, to Anne Huntington, daughter of Charles Tracy, all of this city.
MARRIED 1862: Owen--Harriman--On Wednesday, 28th inst., at the Church of the Incarnation, by the Rev. O. Harriman, assisted by the Rector, the Rev. H.E. Mongomery, Edmund C. Owen, to Rosamond H., daughter of Orlando Harriman, Esq.
MARRIED 1862: Onderdonk--Neilson--On Tuesday, the 3d inst., at the Church of the Transfiguration, by the Rev. Dr. Houghton, Hobart Onderdonk, to Emily, daughter of the late A.B. Neilson.
MARRIED 1862: Verplanck--Irving--At Christ Church, on Wednesday, June 4th, by the Rev. A. Bloomer Hart, William Beekman Verplanck, of Verplanck's Point, to Ellen, daughter of Lewis G. Irving, Esq., of Peekskill, New York.
MARRIED 1862: Renwick--Brevoort.--On Wednesday, June 4, at St. Mark's Church, by Rev. Dr. Parker, of Lenox, Mass., Edward S. Renwick, of New York, to Miss Alice Brevoort, of Lenox, Mass.
MARRIED 1862: Pool--Boggs--On Wednesday, June 4th, at Christ Church, New Brunswick, N.J., by the Rev. Edward B. Boggs, John H. Pool, to Sophie Stuart, daughter of Commander Charles S. Boggs, U.S.N.
MARRIED 1862: Tiffany--Tweedy--On Thursday, June 5th, at St. George's Church, by Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, D.D., Dexter Tiffany, to Elizabeth, daughter of O.B. Tweedy, Esq.
MARRIED 1862: Canfield--Ford--At Washington's Headquarters, Morristown, N.J., June 5, by the Rev. R.N. Merritt, J. Lovell Canfield and Eliza Hosack Ford, daughter of Henry A. Ford, all of Morristown.
MARRIED 1862: Rosenplaenter--McKeever--On Tuesday, June 4, at All Soul's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Bellows, Leon Rosenplaenter, of Riga, Russia, to Caroline Bartlett, daughter of the late Commodore McKeever, United States Navy.
MARRIED 1862: Harriman--Smith--On Tuesday, 15th inst., by the Rev. Robert R. Booth, James Harriman, to Georgiana Lee, daughter of the late Cornelius Smith, Esq.
MARRIED 1862: Le Roy--Bridge--New York, June 11th, 1862, by the Rev. Dr. Samuel Osgood, Stuyvesant LeRoy, to Pauline W., daughter of the late Lewis K. Bridge.
DIED 1862: Whitney--On Thursday evening, the 12th inst., at his residence, in this city, Mr. William Whitney, son of the late Stephen Whitney. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited, to attend his funeral, at Trinity Chapel, on Saturday afternoon, the 14th inst., at 2 o'clock.
DIED 1862: Scott--At Rome, June 10th, attended by a daughter and son-in-law, Mrs. Maria Mayo Scott, wife of Lieutenant-General Scott, aged 72.
MARRIED 1862: Bowdoin--Grinnell--At Wolferts' Dell, Irvington, by the Reverend Henry W. Bellows, on the 18th instant, George S. Bowdoin, to Julia Irving, daughter of Moses H. Grinnell.
MARRIED 1862: Thorndike--Edgar--At the Legation of the United States, Paris, June 24, by the Rev. W.O. Lamson, Chas. Thorndike, Esq., of Boston, to Mary E., daughter of the late Herman Le Roy Edgar, of New York.
MARRIED 1862: Howland--Flandin--In this city, June 30, at St. Francis Xavier's Church, by Rev. Father Moylan, John Howland, Esq., to Marie Adele, youngest daughter of Mr. Pierre Flandin, all of this city.
MARRIED 1862: Perry--Rhodes--At Providence, R.I., July 7, at Grace Church, by Right Rev. Bishop Clark, Oliver Hazard Perry, of Wilton, Saratoga county, N.Y., and Alice Arnold, daughter of Thomas H. Rhodes, of Providence.
MARRIED 1862: Wistar--Toland--At Philadelphia, July 9, at St. James' Church, by the Rev. Henry J. Morton, Colonel Isaac J. Wistar, to Sarah, daughter of the late Robert Toland.
MARRIED 1862: Erskine--Poor--At San Francisco, June 9, by Rev. T. Starr King, George E. Erskine, of San Francisco, to Sarah W. Poor, of Massachusetts.
MARRIED 1862: Fabbri--Randall--In this city, July 12, at St. George's Church, by Rev. S.H. Tyng, D.D., Ernesto G. Fabbri, of Florence, Italy, to Sara A., eldest daughter of John Randall, Esq., of New York.
MARRIED 1862: Van Schoonhoven--Chester--At Kingston, July 10, by the Rev Dr. Hoes, Jacob Lansing Van Schoonhoven, of Troy, to Elizabeth Huntington, daughter of the late Rev. Dr. John Chester, of Albany.
MARRIED 1862: Messinger--Neilson.--In this City, on Tuesday, July 15, at Calvary Church, by Rev. Dr. Hawks, Capt. Daniel Messinger, U.S.A., to Elizabeth C., daughter of the late A.B. Neilson.
DIED 1862: Duer--At Morristown, N.J., on Thursday, 17th inst., Hannah Maria, widow of the late William Alexander Duer, in the 80th year of her age.Her funeral will take place on Saturday, 19th inst., from the Church of the Redeemer, Morristown, at 12 o'clock.
DIED 1862: Kinderhook, N.Y., Thursday, July 24. Ex-President Martin Van Buren, died at his residence at Lindenwold, at two o'clock this morning, in the eightieth year of his age. His health has been declining for the past year.
MARRIED 1862: The Minister of Marine, Count Chapeloup Loubat, was married yesterday, at the chapel of the enate, in the palace of the Luxembourg, to Miss Pilie, of New Orleans.
MARRIED 1862: Alderton--Gibbins--In this city, on Monday, August 11, at St. George's Church, Stuyvesant-square, by Rev. Dr. Tyng, Henry Alderton, of England, to Mary Amelia, daughter of the late Frederick Gibbins, of this city.
MARRIED 1862: Miller--Hoffman--At the Church of the Holy Communion on the 13th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Muhlenberg, Lieut. Henry W. Miller, U.S.N., to Catharine Seton, youngest daughter of the late Lindley M. Hoffman.
MARRIED 1862: Fox--Gellie--In this city, on Saturday, August 16, at Calvary Church, by Rev. Dr. Eigenbrodt, Capt. Barry Fox, 53d regiment, N.Y.S.V., late of British Army, to Mary, daughter of the late James Duncan Gellie, Esq., Surgeon, of Ottawa City, Canada West.
DIED 1862: King--Monday, August 11, of typhoid remittent fever, at the house of his father in Columbia College, in the 22d year of his age, Augustus F. King, son of Charles and Henrietta L. King.
DIED 1862: King--At Weehawken, N.J., July 29, James G. King, Jr., son of James G. King and Caroline King, aged 18 years. His remains will be interred at Jamaica, L.I., Thursday, July 31st, at 1 p.m.
DIED 1862: Major-Gen. Philip Kearney, Killed on the Field of Battle, September 1, 1862, Aged 47 years, 2 months and 30 days.
DIED 1862: King--At Elmira, on Friday, September 5, Julia Lawrence, wife of Cornelius L. King, Captain U.S.A., and daughter of the late John Thorp Lawrence. Also, on the same day, their infant daughter.
MARRIED 1862: Pumpelly--Beall--At Tayoheedah, Wis., September 17, by the Rev. Geo. B. Eastman, Lieut. James Kent Pumpelly, of the volunteer army, to Besse W., third daughter of Lieut. Col. Beall, of the 18th regiment, Wisconsin Volunteers. The Bridegroom, though a New Yorker of known position, has preferred, to take service in a regiment of Wisconsin Volunteers. This union of the brave and the fair will be hailed with pleasure by the numerous friends of both parties.--Milwaukie Daily Mercury.
MARRIED 1862: Greene--Marland.--In St. James' Church, Roxbury, Mass., on Wednesday, Sept. 24, by Rev. Mr. Converse, Joseph W. Greene, of Brooklyn, N.Y., to Eliza, daughter of the late Abraham Marland, Esq., of Andover.
MARRIED 1862: Purdy--Vanderbilt.--At St. John's Church, Clifton, Staten Island, on Wednesday, Oct. 1, by Rev. Dr. Ecclesson, Major Sparrow Purdy, U.S.A., of California, to Ella, daughter of Capt. Jacob H. Vanderbilt, of Staten Island.
MARRIED 1862: Richards--Verplanck.--At Fishkill Landing, N.Y., on Tuesday, Sept. 30, by Rev. Frederick W. Shelton, Benjamin Richards, Jr., of New York, to Eliza Fenno, eldest daughter of Wm. S. Verplanck, of Fishkill Landing.
MARRIED 1862: Sheldon--Field.--In this City, on Wednesday, Oct. 1, by Rev. E.O. Flagg, Henry Sheldon, Esq., to Miss Harriet E. Field, daughter of David Field, all of New York.
MARRIED 1862: Stevens--Sampson--On Wednesday, October 8, at St. Bartholemew's Church, by Rev. U.T. Tracy, Frederick W. Stevens, to Adele Livingston, daughter of Joseph Sampson.
MARRIED 1862: Wyatt--Kneeland.--In Irvington, at St. Barnabas Church, on Wednesday, Oct. 8, by Rev. Dr. McVickar, aided by Rev. Dr. Wyatt, of Baltimore, Charles Hanfield Wyatt, to Eliza Kneeland, grand-daughter of the officiating clergyman.
MARRIED 1862: Ellis--Waterbury--At St. Mark's Church, October 11, by the Rev. Dr. Vinton, John Stoneacre Ellis, to Julia Livingston, daughter of Lawrence Waterbury.
MARRIED 1862: Gale--Clark.--On Thursday, Oct. 16, by Rev. E.H. Reinhardt, Mr. John B. Gale, of Elizabeth, N.J., to Miss Kate C. Clark, of New York.
MARRIED 1862: Hicks--Austin.--On Thursday, Oct. 16, at St. John's Church, Clifton, Staten Island, by Rev. Dr. Eccleston, Samuel Hicks, eldest son of the late John H. Hicks, of New York, to Minnie, youngest daughter of John H. Austin, Esq., of Staten Island.
MARRIED 1862: Hogan--Davis.--In this City, on Thursday morning, Oct. 16, by Rev. Samuel H. Smith, Mr. Roderick Hogan, to Miss Hannah A. Davis, all of this City.
MARRIED 1862: Irving--Gaskell.--In Philadelphia, Penn., on Wednesday, Oct. 15, by Rev. Dr. Duchachet, Washington Irving. Paymaster U.S. Navy, to Jennie, daughter of P. Penn Gaskell, of that city.
MARRIED 1862: Draper--Wetmore--On Wednesday, October 22, at St. Bartholomew's Church, by the Rev. Samuel Cook, D.D. John H. Draper, to Victorine U., daughter of R.C. Wetmore.
MARRIED 1862: Cooper-De Peyster--In this city, October 21, at the Church of the Incarnation, by the Rev. Henry E. Montgomery, John Minne Cooper, to Jane Van Cortlandt daughter of the late William A. De Peyster.
MARRIED 1862: Swift--Fitz Hugh--At Geneseo, October 29, by Rev. Walter Ayrault, assisted by Rev. J.C. Dubois, Foster Swift, M.D. of New York, to Alida Carroll, daughter of D.H. Fitz Hugh, Esq., of Geneseo.
MARRIED 1862: Sheldon--Bartow--At the Church of the Holy Trinity, Brooklyn Heights, on the morning of the 30th of October, by the Rev. Jared B. Flagg, Rector of Grace Church, Dr. Henry Lawrence Sheldon, U.S.A., to Harriette Emma, daughter of Edgar J. Bartow.
MARRIED 1862: Minturn--Shaw--On Thursday, the 30th instant, by the Rev. Dr. Bellows, Robert B. Minturn, Jr., and Susanna, daughter of Francis George Shaw, Esq., of Staten Island.
MARRIED 1862: <?>
MARRIED 1862: Buchanan--Reid--At Elizabeth, N.J., on Monday, November 10th, by the Rev. Dr. Magie, David D. Buchanan, of New York, to Lizzie, eldest daughter of the late Wm. Reid, Esq.
MARRIED 1862: Chetwood--Keyes--In Calvary Church, on the 11th instant, by the Rev. Hobart Chetwood, Major B.C. Chetwood, United States army, and Eleanor F., eldest daughter of Major-General E.D. Keyes.
MARRIED 1862: Odell--Robinson--On Tuesday, 11th November, at the Church of the Redeemer, Morristown, New Jersey, by the Rev. John Bolton, George M. Odell, M.D., of Frederickton, New Brunswick, to Susan Philipa, daughter of the late Morris Robinson, Esq., of New York.
MARRIED 1862: Baldwin--Whitney.--On Thursday, Nov. 20, at Trinity Chapel, by the Rev. Dr. Leonard, Mr. N.A. Baldwin, to Mrs. Whitney.
MARRIED 1862: Hull--Du Bois--On Tuesday, 9th inst., at Calvary Church, by the Rev. Horace L.E. Prat, of Staten Island, Dr. Joseph J. Hull, of this city, to Mary Delafield, eldest daughter of Cornelius Du Bois, of Staten Island.
MARRIED 1862: Morris--Jones--On Wednesday evening, December 10th, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, A. Newbold Morris, to Eleanor C. Jones, daughter of the late James L. Jones.
MARRIED 1862: Carpenter--Brown--On Monday, December 15, by the Rev. Alex. S. Leonard, D.D., Charles C. Carpenter, U.S.N., to Anna, daughter of the late Nathaniel M. Brown, of this city.
MARRIED 1862: Gamble--Wood.--In Morristown, N.J., on Tuesday, Dec. 23, by Rev. R.N. Merritt, Capt. T.T. Gamble, U.S.V.C., and Ella, daughter of Hon. Wm. N. Wood.
MARRIED 1862: Converse--Coles--At Grace Church, on the 30th of December, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, the Rev. George S. Converse, Rector of St. James' Church, Roxbury, Mass., to Ella, daughter of the late Isaac W. Coles, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1862: Hall--Chanfrau--In Trinity Church, Hoboken, on New Year's day, by the Rector, the Rev. N. Sayre Harris, Thomas H. Hall, to Louise, daughter of P.N. Chanfrau, Esq., all of said city.
MARRIED 1863: Rowe--Livingston--On Thursday evening, January 15, at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. John Cotton Smith, Thomas Picton Rowe, of Brooklyn, to Kate Beeckman, only daughter of Hon. Robert D. Livingston, of this city.
MARRIED 1863: Brady--Lydig--On Thursday, 15th inst., at the residence of her father, P.M. Lydig, by the Rev. Sullivan H. Weston, Hon. John R. Brady, to Catharine M. Lydig.
MARRIED 1863: Garrison--Taylor--In the Highlands, (Garrison, N.Y.,) at St. Philip's Church, by Rev. C.F. Hoffman, assisted by Rev. Messrs. A.H. Partridge and James A. Upjohn, William D. Garrison, of Garrison, and Mrs. Emma L. Taylor, of New York city.
MARRIED 1863: White--Pierrepont--On Thursday, the 22d instant, at Pierrepont Manor, Jefferson county, by the Bishop of Western New York, William Mansfield White, of Livingston county, and Anna Maria, daughter of the Hon. Wm. C. Pierrepont.
MARRIED 1863: Cutting--Mason--On Thursday, the 29th inst., at Trinity Chapel, by the Rev. Dr. Pound, Heyward Cutting, to Lydia, daughter of Henry Mason, all of this city.
MARRIED 1863: Le Roy--May.--In this City, on Monday, Feb. 2, at the Church of the Ascension, by Rev. C.D. Jackson, D.D., rector of St. Peter's Church, Westchester, Herman C. LeRoy and Mrs. Elizabeth A. May, daughter of the late John J. Palmer.
MARRIED 1863: Smith--Jones--On the 3d inst., by the Rev. Thos. H. Taylor, D.D., William Alexander Smith, to Margaret, daughter of George Jones, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1863: Neill--Stuyvesant--On Wednesday, Feb. 4, at St. George's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Tyng, Edward M. Neill, to Katharine Streade, daughter of the late Peter Stuyvesant.
MARRIED 1863: Thorndike--Talmadge.--At Sagua la Grande, Cuba, Feb. 20, 1863, by Rev. Francisco Lisola, James M., son of the late Israel Augustus Thorndike, of Boston, to Augusta, daughter of the late James Talmadge, of New York.
MARRIED 1863: Bohme--Van Antwerp--At Jersey City, March 6, by the Rev. B. Travis, Jr., in Trinity Church, Henry Bohme, Esq., of Hanover, Germany, and Miss Florin Van Antwerp, of Throgg's Neck, Westchester county, N.Y.
MARRIED 1863: Marvin--Breese--At Newport, R.I., on Thursday, March 12, by the Rev. Thomas L. Randolph, Joseph Dana Marvin, United States navy, to Anne Randolph, daughter of the late Thomas Breese, United States navy.
MARRIED 1863: Otis--Ludlum--On Tuesday, March 31st, at the residence of the Bride's father, by the Rev. Samuel Cooke, D.D., James Otis, to Adelia, only daughter of Nicholas Ludlum, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1863: Warley--Huger--At New Orleans by the Rev. Dr. Crane, in St. Andrew's Church Lieut. A.F. Warley, of the Confederate States Navy, to Isabella Middleton Huger, daughter of Col. John M. Huger, of New Orleans.
MARRIED 1863: Ludlow--Hall.--At Calvary Church, on Tuesday, April 7, by Rev. A. Cleveland Cox, D.D., Edward Livingston, Ludlow, to Margaret T., daughter of Valentine G. Hall, Esq.
MARRIED 1863: Schuyler--Kneeland.--At Astoria, L.I., on Tuesday, April 7, by Rev. George D. Johnson, Smith A. Schuyler and Bessie, daughter of the late Henry Kneeland, Esq.
MARRIED 1863: Wright--Delafield.--At the Church of the Ascension. on Tuesday, April 7, by Rev. J. Cotton Smith, D.D., Edward M. Wright, to Catherine Floyd Delafield, daughter of Edward Delafield, M.D., all of this City.
MARRIED 1863: Leonard--Hone.--On Wednesday, April 8, by Rev. Alexander S. Leonard. D.D., Joseph C. Leonard and Hannah Heyward, daughter of the late Henry Hone, Esq.
MARRIED 1863: Mesier--Wetmore--On Thursday morning, April 9, 1863, by Rev. William Adams, D.D., Henry Mesier, of Wappinger's Creek, Dutchess county, and Elizabeth C. daughter of A.R. Wetmore of this city.
MARRIED 1863: Ronalds--Witthaus--On Wednesday, April 15, by the Rev. Francis L. Hawks, D.D., LL.D., George L. Ronalds, to Pauline Antoinette, daughter of R.A. Witthaus, Esq.
MARRIED 1863: Grinnell--Howland--On Tuesday, April 28, by the Rev. R.S. Howland, Irving Grinnell, to Josey D., daughter of the late Gardner G. Howland, all of this city.
MARRIED 1863: Pendleton--Ogden--On Wednesday, April 29, by the Rev. S.H. Tyng, D.D., William H. Pendleton, to Rebecca Elliot, daughter of David Ogden, of this city.
MARRIED 1863: Stone--Post--New York, April 29, by Rev. Dr. Bellows, George E. Stone, of Geneva, N.Y., and Madeline, daughter of the late Jotham W. Post, of the former place.
MARRIED 1863: MacInnes--Robinson--At the Cathedral, Toronto, April 30, by the Lord Bishop, assisted by the Rev. H.J. Grasett, B.D., Donald MacInnes, Esq., of Hamilton, to Mary Amelia, youngest daughter of the late Sir John Beverley Robinson, Baronet, C.B.
MARRIED 1863: Dobbs--Stebbins--On Thursday, April 30, 1863, at St. Thomas's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Morgan, Charles A. Dobbs, of New York city, to Liza Lefferts Stebbins, of Staten Island.
MARRIED 1863: Bartlett--Andrews--At Fort McHenry, May 3, by Chaplain T. Etassar, Lieut, Col. Charles G. Bartlett, of the 150th New York state volunteers, to May, daughter of Capt. E.W. Andrews, of the U.S.A.
MARRIED 1863: Goddard--Barr--At Washington, D.C., April 29, by Rev. Mr. Sunderland, Dr. Charles E. Goddard, U.S.A., and Mary A., daughter of the late Robert M. Barr, of Pennsylvania.
MARRIED 1863: Smith--Carryl--On Wednesday evening, April 29th, in the Brick Church, by the Rev. Gardiner Spring, D.D., Alfred H. Smith, to Josephine, eldest daughter of the late N.T. Carryl, all of this city.
MARRIED 1863: Shaw--Haggerty--On Saturday, May 2, at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. J. Cotton Smith, Colonel Robert G. Shaw, of Boston, and Miss Anna Kneeland Haggerty, daughter of Ogden Haggerty, Esq., of New York.
MARRIED 1863: Blackwell--Green--At Trenton N.J., on the 7th inst., by the Rev. John Hall, D.D., William Bayard Blackwell, to Emily Augusta, daughter of the Hon. Henry W. Green, Chancellor of New Jersey.
MARRIED 1863: Thomae--Craven--At St Ann's Church, May 11, by the Rev. Alfred Stubbs, D.D., Charles W. Thomae, of Brooklyn, and Mary A., eldest daughter of Commander T. Augustus Craven, U.S.N.
MARRIED 1863: Mallory--Glover.--In Middletown, Conn., on Tuesday, May 12, at the Church of the Holy Trinity, by Right Rev. John Williams. D.D., assisted by Rev. F.J. Goodwin, D.D., Rev. G.S. Mallory, of Trinity College, and Miss Charlotte, daughter of Daniel Glover, Esq., of Middletown.
MARRIED 1863: Bayles--Johnson--On Wednesday, May 20, at Calvary Church by the Rev. A. Cleveland Cox, D.D., Dr. George Bayles, United States Army, and Catherine S., daughter of Stephen Johnson, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1863: Wolff--Ball.--On Wednesday, May 20, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Dr. Magie, Edward Wolff, of New-York, and Marie B. Ball, of Elizabeth, N.J.
MARRIED 1863: Ogden--Magie--On Wednesday, May 27, by Rev. Dr. Magie, Robert T. Ogden and Mary H. daughter of Ogden Magie, Esq., all of Elizabeth, N.J.
MARRIED 1863: Cooper--Bancker--On Thursday, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, of Grace Church, Mr. J. Henry Cooper, to Alice, second daughter of Gerard Bancker, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1863: Munn--Austen--On Monday, June 1, at St. John's Church, Clifton, Staten Island, by the Rev. Thomas E. Conrad, Edward S. Munn, to Alice C., eldest daughter of John H. Austen, Esq., of Staten Island.
MARRIED 1863: Turner--Floyd.--In Mastic, L.I., on Wednesday, June 3, by Rev. Mr. Cooper, Herbert B. Turner, of New York, and Sarah K., younger daughter of Hon. John G. Floyd, of Mastic.
MARRIED 1863: Hodge--Alexander--At Princeton, N.J., June 2, by the Rev. Charles Hodge, D.D., the Rev. Frank B. Hodge and Miss Mary E. daughter of Professor Stephen Alexander, all of Princeton, N.J.
MARRIED 1863: Penrose--Stewart--At Philadelphia, June 3, by Rev. P.H. Mowry, Dr. Thomas N. Penrose, U.S. Navy, and Maggie, daughter of James Stewart, all of Philadelphia.
MARRIED 1863: McFarlan--Seaman--On Wednesday, June 3, at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. Henry Morton, D.D., of Philadelphia, Francis McFarlan, to Eliza Anna, daughter of Willett Seaman, all of this city.
MARRIED 1863: Woodworth--Robbins.--In Oaklands, on Wednesday, June 3, by Rev. Dr. Adams., Robert Woodworth, U.S. Navy, and Alline P., daughter of George S. Robbins.
MARRIED 1863: Goodwin--Jackson.--On Wednesday, June 3, at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Middletown, Conn., by Right Rev. J. Williams, D.D., assisted by Rev. F.J. Goodwin, D.D., Rev. Francis Goodwin and Mary Alsop, daughter of Capt Charles H. Jackson, U.S.N.
MARRIED 1863: Kearny--Chesebrough.--At the Church of the Incarnation. on Thursday, June 4, by Rev. Henry E. Montgomery, Robert C. Kearny and Gertrude C., daughter of Robert J. Chesebrough, all of this City.
MARRIED 1863: La Farge--Browne.--On Thursday, June 4, by Rev. Dr. Preston, Louis La Farge and Georgiana P., daughter of Maj. Browne, U.S.A.
MARRIED 1863: Bleecker--Pegram.--In Trinity Church, Elizabeth, N.J., on Thursday, June 4, by Rev. D.F. Warren, Richard Wade Bleecker and Virginia, eldest daughter of the late George H. Pegram.
MARRIED 1863: Brown--Browne.--On Thursday, June 4, at Trinity Chapel, by Rev. Dr. Morgan Dix, Charles C. Brown, of Rochester, and Sarah P. Browne, of this City.
MARRIED 1863: d'Hauteville--Fish.--In this City, on Thursday, June 4, by Rev. A.H. Vinton, D.D., Frederic Sears Grant d'Hauteville, of Boston, and Elizabeth Stuyvesant, daughter of Hamilton Fish, of New York.
MARRIED 1863: Hodge--Post.--On Thursday, June 4, at Huntington, L.I., by Rev. Mr. Ellsworth, Caspar Wistar Hodge, of Princeton, N.J., and Harry Terry, daughter of Richard B. Post, Esq., of Huntington.
MARRIED 1863: Uniacke--Archibald.--In this City, on Tuesday, June 9, at Trinity Chapel, by Rev. Morgan Dix, D.D., Robie Uniacke, of Halifax, Nova Scotia, to Georgina Harriett, third daughter of Edward Mortimer Archibald, Esq., H.B.M. Consul, New York.
MARRIED 1863: De Lancey--Clarke.--On Thursday, June 11, in Trinity Church, Geneva. N.Y., by Right Rev. Dr. De Lancey, John P. De Lancey and Wilhelmina Verveer, daughter of the late Richard M. Clarke, of New-Haven, Conn.
MARRIED 1863: Lardlaw--Onderdonk.--On Wednesday, June 10, at Christ Church, Claremont, N.J., by Rev. Charles Ritter, Henry B. Lardlaw and Elizabeth C. Onderdonk.
MARRIED 1863: Robbins--Tate--On Tuesday, June 16, in St. Luke's Church, by Rev. Dr. Tuttle, Robert P. Robbins and Emma, daughter of Thomas Tate, and grand daughter of the late Grant Thorburn.
MARRIED 1863: Swift--White--At the United States Legation in Paris, on the 28th of May, by the Rev. George Aldington, John L. Swift, M.D., of New York, and Miss Antoinette, eldest daughter of Hamilton White, Esq., of Syracuse, N.Y.
MARRIED 1863: Strong--Berryman--On Monday, June 15, by Rev. John Cotton Smith, James H. Strong and Georgiana L., daughter of the late E.U. Berryman, of Kentucky.
MARRIED 1863: Walker--Adriance--On Tuesday, June 16, at St. George's Church, by the Rev. S.H. Tyng, D.D., David Waker and Louisa G., daughter of Thomas M. Adriance.
MARRIED 1863: Williams--Law--At Linden Hill, Staten Island, on Tuesday, June 16, by Rev. Dr. Vermilyea, Mr. Lawrence Williams and Miss Sallie, daughter of George Law.
MARRIED 1863: At the Manor House, last evening, by the Rev. Dr. Clark, John Schuyler Crosby, U.S. Army, to Harriet, daughter of Gen. Stephen Van Rensselaer.
MARRIED 1863: Crossman--Bache--On Tuesday, June 16, in the Church of St. John the Baptist, by Rev. William Rudder, D.D., assisted by Rev. Cornelius R. Duffie, Rector, William, H. Crossman and Charlotte Barclay, daughter of the late James T. Bache.
MARRIED 1863: Hudson--Wainwright--Tuesday evening, 16th instant, at Trinity Chapel, by the Rev. Dr. Hobart, Wm Holly Hudson, to Elizabeth M. Remsen, daughter of the late Bishop Wainwright, all of this city.
MARRIED 1863: Warren--Chase.--In Baltimore, on Wednesday, June 17, by Rev. Henry Burroughs, Gen. Gouverneur K. Warren, U.S. Army, to Emily F., daughter of A.S. Chase, Esq.
MARRIED 1863: Thompson--Crosby.--In Albany, on Thursday, June 18, at St. Peter's Church, by Rev. William T. Wilson, Rector, Mr. Wm. A. Thompson, of Troy, to Miss Harriette Clarkson Crosby, eldest daughter of the late Clarkson F. Crosby.
MARRIED 1863: Thomas--Whelpley.--In Morristown, N.J., on Thursday, June 18, by Rev. Arthur Mitchell, William W. Thomas, of Brooklyn, N.Y., and Sara E. eldest daughter of Hon. Edward W. Whelpley, Chief Justice of New Jersey.
MARRIED 1863: Walker--Underhill.--In Croton Point, Westchester County, on Fourth day, the 17th inst., by Friends' ceremony, Richard L. Walker, of this City, and Mary, daughter of William A. Underhill. No cards.
MARRIED 1863: Duffie--Clark--On Tuesday, June 23, in the Church of St. John the Baptist, by Right Rev. Horatio Potter, D.D., Bishop of New York, Rev. Cornelius Roosevelt Duffie, Rector of the Church, and Sarah B., daughter of J. Clark.
MARRIED 1863: Ireand--Micheals--At Baltimore, June 23, by the Rev. Dr. Orrick, John B. Ireland, of New York, and Clementine C. Micheals, of Baltimore city.
MARRIED 1863: Mapes--Halsted--At Newark, N.J., June 25, at High street Pre byterian Church, by Rev. Dr. D.W. Poor, Charles V. Mates of New York city, and Martha, daughter of O.S. Halsted Jr., of Newark.
MARRIED 1863: Folles--Pratt--At Brooklyn, August 2, Mr. George F. Folles and Mrs. J.C. Pratt.
MARRIED 1863: Wiswall--Berrian--At Trinity Church, on Monday evening, August 3, by the Rt. Rev. W.H. Odenheimer, D.D., Bishop of New Jersey, Rev. Alvah Wiswall and Jane T.C., daughter of the late Rev. Wm. Berrian, D.D.
MARRIED 1863: Colvocorreses--Swasey--In St. Peter's Church, Lewes, Sussex county, Del., by the Rev. Mr. Henry, Commander George M. Colvocorreses, U.S.N., and Miss Adaline M. Swasey, daughter of the late John Swasey, Esq., of Claremont, N.H.
MARRIED 1863: Bankhead--Wainwright--On Wednesday, August 19, 1863, at Trinity Chapel, by the Rev. F.C. Wainwright, Lieutenant-Colonel H.C. Bankhead, U.S.A., to Amelia M. Wainwright, daughter of the late Bishop Wainwright.
MARRIED 1863: Stewart--Gibson.--By Rev. J.A. McGill, on Thursday, Sept. 17, at the house of James Patterson, No. 240 East 6th st., Mr. Robert Stewart and Margaret Gibson, both of this City.
MARRIED 1863: Muller--Bergh.--On Wednesday, Sept. 23, by Rev. Dr. Rodgers, Adrian H. Muller, Jr., to Miss Harriet H. Bergh. daughter of George R. Bergh, all of this City.
MARRIED 1863: Biddell--Dickerson.--In Morristown, N.J., on Thursday, Sept. 24, by Rev. L.R. Dunn. Mr. William J. Biddell. of Brooklyn, to Addie B., daughter of the late Joseph Dickerson, of Morristown.
MARRIED 1863: Grey--Beam.--On Wednesday, Sept. 23, by Rev. John Gaston, Charles N. Grey and Cornelia, M., daughter of John V. Beam, all of Pompton, N.J.
MARRIED 1863: North--Buck--On Thursday, September 24, by Rev. Geo. L. Prentiss, D.D., Alfred North, M.D., of Waterbury, Conn, and Amelia H. Buck, daughter of Gurdon Buck, M.D.
MARRIED 1863: Hadden--Hart.--On Thursday, Oct. 1, at the Church of the Holy Communion, by Rev. W.A. Muhlenburg, D.D., assisted by Rev. F.E. Lawrence, William C. Hadden and Rebecca, daughter of the late Henry C. Hart, all of this City.
MARRIED 1863: Lukens--Nevius--On Thursday, Oct. 1, by Rev. S.D. Alexander, at the residence of the bride's father, Alan W. Lukens, of Pittsburgh, Penn., to Lizzie N., daughter of Mr. Wm. J. Nevius, of this City.
MARRIED 1863: Weir--Coles--On Monday, October 12, at the Church of the Holy Communion, by Rev. Mr. Lawrence, Lieutenant Gulian Verplanck Weir, U.S.A., and Annie, daughter of Oscar Coles.
MARRIED 1863: Stuyvesant--Pierrepont--On Tuesday, October 13, by the Rev. J.B. Flagg, D.D., Rutherford Stuyvesant, of this city, and Mary Rutherford, daughter of Henry E. Pierrepont, of Brooklyn Heights.
MARRIED 1863: Jones--Meyer--On Thursday, 15th October, 1863, at St. Ann's Church, by the Rev. Dr. Jackson. Theodore F. Jones and Johanna, eldest daughter of Henry Meyer, Esq.
DIED 1863: Frankfort, Ky., July 26, 1863. Hon. John J. Crittenden died at half-past three this morning, without pain or struggle, in the full possession of his faculties. Disease, general debility; age 77 years.
MARRIED 1863: Schieffelin--Jay.--On Thursday, Oct. 15, at the Jay Homestead, Bedford, by Rev. Arthur Cleveland Coxe, D.D., William Henry Schieffelin and Mary, third daughter of John Jay, Esq.
MARRIED 1863: On Tuesday, August 25, at Calvary Church, New York, by Rev. A.C. Coxe, D.D., Colonel D.T. Van Buren, United States Army, and Miss Julia Morris, daughter of James L. Morris.
MARRIED 1863: Smith--Butterworth--At Albany, Sept 18, 1863, by the Rev. Bufus W. Clark, William L. Smith, of Newburgh, to Augusta Jay Butterworth of New York.
MARRIED 1863: On Thursday, October 1, at the Church of the Holy Communion, by Rev. W.A. Muhlenburg, D.D., assisted by Rev. F.E. Lawrence, William C. Hadden and Rebecca, daughter of the late Henry C. Hart--all of this city.
MARRIED 1863: On Wednesday, October 7, in Trinity Chapel, by Rev. Dr. Height, Theodore F. Kane, of the United States Navy, to Miss Bessie Higbee, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Higbee, of New York.
MARRIED 1863: McKeever--Townsend--On Wednesday, October 28, at Trinity Chapel, by the Rev. Dr. Muhlenberg, J. Lawrence McKeever and M. Augusta, eldest daughter of the late Robert C. Townsend, of this city.
MARRIED 1863: Lowell--Shaw--On Saturday, October 31, at the Church of the Redeemer, on Staten Island, by the Rev. Mr. Cutler, Col. Charles R. Lowell, of the 2d regiment, Massachusetts Cavalry, and Miss Josephine Shaw, daughter of Frans. George Shaw, of Staten Island.
MARRIED 1863: Bogert--Hamilton.--At Calvary Church, on Thursday. Nov. 5, by Rev. Vanderbilt Bruce, Charles L. Bogert, to Julia T., second daughter of the late Robert Douglas Hamilton, all of this City.
MARRIED 1863: Huntington--Biddle--On Tuesday, November 10, at Church of the Holy Communion, by Right Rev. S.A. McCoskry, Bishop of Michigan, Charles S. Huntington and Julia M.M., daughter of the late William M. Biddle, of Carlisle, Penn.
MARRIED 1863: Wight--La Farge.--On Saturday, Nov. 14, by Rev. George McClosky, D.D., Edward Wight and Louise, daughter of the late John La Farge.
MARRIED 1863: Chapman--Lansing--At Utica, on Tuesday, November 17, by the Rev. Dr. S. Hanson Coxe, Rector of Trinity Church, Thomas C. Chapman and Cornella W., daughter of the late Dirck C. Lansing, D.D.
MARRIED 1863: Curtis--Appleton--At Boston, November 17, by Rev. Dr. Gannett, Greely S. Curtis, Lieut Colonel 1st Massachusetts Cavalry, and Harriet, daughter of the late Hon. Nathan Appleton.
MARRIED 1863: Trimble--Mather--On Tuesday, November 17, at St. Paul's Church, by the Rev. Morgan Dix, R.M. Trimble, of Baltimore, and Maggie A, daughter of the late Alexander L. Mather, of this city.
MARRIED 1863: Wright--Hamilton--At Trinity Church, on Thursday, November 19, by the Rev. Frederick Ogilby, D.D., E. Kellogg Wright, to Josephine L., youngest daughter of the late Robert Douglas Hamilton, all of this city.
MARRIED 1863: Hurlbut--Crane.--On Wednesday, Dec. 2, at St. George's Church, Stuyvesant-square, by Rev. Stephen H. Tyng. D.D., William H. Hurlbut and Maggie Havins, daughter of Theodore Crane.
MARRIED 1863: Van Rensselaer--Heckscher--On Wednesday, December 9, by Rev. Dr. Taylor, Stephen Van Rensselaer, and Matilda Coster, daughter of Charles A. Heckscher.
MARRIED 1863: Munro--Bibby--On December 16, by the Rev. Mr. Ewer, at Christ Church, John W. Munro and Frances A. De Lancey, daughter of Edward N. Bibby, M.D.
MARRIED 1863: Tyng--Tappan--At the Church of the Ascension, December 16, by the Rev. Stephen H. Tyng. D.D., Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, Jr., and Miss Fanny Rollins Tappan, daughter of J.S. Tappan, all of this city.
MARRIED 1863: Ireland--Pell--On Tuesday, December 22, by the Rev. Richard Temple, Mr. John B. Ireland and Miss Adelia Duane, daughter of Robert L. Pell, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1863: Julian--Giddings--At Jefferson, Ohio, on Thursday, Dec. 31, by Rev. Mr. Concklin, Hon. George W. Julian, M.C., of Indiana, to Laura A., youngest daughter of Hon. Joshua R. Giddings.
DIED 1863: Payne.--In Brooklyn, on Sunday, Dec. 27, at 5 o'clock a. m. Thatcher Taylor Payne, in the 68th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited, to attend the funeral, from Christ Church, corner of Clinton and Harrison sts., on Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 29, at 2 o'clock, without further invitation.
DIED 1864: Robinson.--On Saturday, Dec. 26, Henry Barclay Robinson, only son of the late Morris Robinson. The relatives and friends of the family are invited, to his funeral, without further invitation, at St. Thomas' Church, on Tuesday morning, Dec. 29, at 9 1/2 o'clock.
MARRIED 1864: Flagg--Bogart.--On Wednesday, January 6, by the Rev. P.P. Irving, Dr. Samuel D. Flagg Jr., United States Navy, to Mary C., daughter of Dr. S.N.R. Bogart of New Brighton, Staten Island.
MARRIED 1864: Reese--Willis.--On Wednesday, Jan. 6, by Rev. Geo. B. Reese. W. Henry Reese, of Philadelphia, to Mary Augusta, daughter of Wm. Henry Willis, Dutchess County, N.Y.
DIED 1864: Yates--On Monday, Jan. 4, Ann Elizabeth, relict of Gov. Yates, and daughter of the late John DeLancey. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited, to attend the funeral, from St. Thomas' Church, on Thursday, the 7th inst., at 3 1/2 p.m. without further notice.
MARRIED 1864: Wells--Schuchardt--On Thursday, January 11th, by the Rev. John Cotton Smith, D.D., Lawrence Wells, to Sallie Remsen, daughter of Frederick Schuchardt.
MARRIED 1864: Chamberlain--Remington--On Wednesday, January 27, by the Rev. A. Cleveland Coxe, William L. Chamberlain, to Mary, daughter of Clemont Remington.
MARRIED 1864: Elliott--Adams--On Thursday, 28th instant, at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. Arthur Cleveland Coxe, D.D., Henry H. Elliott, junior, to Helen G., daughter of J.T. Adams.
MARRIED 1864: Parker--Jackson--In Newark, N.J., on the 28th instant, by Rev. J.P. Wilson, D.D., Charles Henry Parker, of Boston, Mass., and Laura Wolcott Troster, daughter of the late John P. Jackson.
MARRIED 1864: Neilson--Fiedler--On Thursday, February 25, by Rev. Dr. Spring, William Neilson, to Louisa, daughter of Ernest Fiedler.
MARRIED 1864: Robinson--King.--At Grace Church, on Wednesday, March 16, by Rev. P.P. Irving, Beverley Robinson, Jr., to Eliza Gracie, daughter of William G. King.
DIED 1864: D'Hauteville--In Marseilles, on Tuesday, March 1, Elizabeth Stuyvesant, wife of Frederick S. Grand D'Hauteville, of Boston, and daughter of Hamilton Fish. of this city. The relatives and friends of the family are requested, to attend her funeral at St. Mark's Church, on Saturday afternoon, 26th inst., at 4 o'clock, without further invitation.
DIED 1864: Van Rensselaer--At Cincinnati, Ohio, on the 23d instant, Colonel Henry Van Rensselaer, Inspector-General United States Army, son of the late Stephen Van Rensselaer of Albany. The relatives and friends of the family are requested, to attend his funeral at Grace Church, Jamaica, on Sunday, the 27th instant, at 2 p. m., without further invitations.
DIED 1864: Cochrane--Near Lucknow, India, on the 25th January, 1864, Rupert Inglis Cochrane, Lieut. H.M. 34th Foot, and Adjutant 18th Bengal Cavalry, by the accidental discharge of a rifle in the hands of a brother officer, while on a shooting excursion.
DIED 1864: Wickham.--On Friday morning, Feb. 12, Bridget Wickham, widow of the late George D. Wickham. The funeral will take place at St. James Church, Goshen, Orange County, on Monday, the 15th inst., at 2 o'clock p. m. The relatives and friends of the family are requested, to attend without further invitation. The train will leave foot of Chambers-st. at 10 o'clock a. m., and return in, the afternoon.
DIED 1864: Livingston.--On Saturday, Feb. 13, Mary Golden, wife of Clermont Livingston, of Clermont, in the 44th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited, to attend her funeral, on Tuesday, the 16th inst., at 12 o'clock M., at her late residence, Clermont, Columbia County, N.Y.
DIED 1864: Rhinelander.--At Princeton, N.J., on Monday, March 14, Mrs. Julia S. Rhinelander, relict of the late Dr. John R. Rhinelander, of Rhineland, Long Island, and daughter of the late Hon. Richard Stockton, of New Jersey.
DIED 1864: Paulding.--At Cambridge, Mass., on Sunday, Feb. 14, Sarah Allen, wife of Philip R. Paulding, and daughter of the late O'Mauran.
MARRIED 1864: Lord--Templeton.--At St. John's Church, Georgetown, D.C., on Tuesday evening, March 29, by Rev. N.P. Tillinghast, Mr. Frank Pierson Lord, of New York, to Miss Lou H. Templeton, daughter of Col. Wm. C. Templeton, of New-Orleans. No cards.
MARRIED 1864: Makin--Kortright.--On Thursday, March 31, at the Church of the Holy Communion, by Rev. Dr. R.S. Howland, John Makin, formerly of Liverpool, England, to Sarah Alice, youngest daughter of the late Edmund Kortright, of this City.
MARRIED 1864: Hays--Kissam--On the 7th inst., at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. John Cotton Smith, D.D., Alexander M. Hays, to Mary E., daughter of Doctor Jas. B. Kissam.
MARRIED 1864: Tomes--Randall--On Tuesday, 12th inst., at St. George's Church, Stuyvesant Square, by the Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, D.D., Charles Hadden Tomes, to Agnes Adelaide, daughter of John Randall, Esq.
MARRIED 1864: Redmond--Griffin--On Tuesday, April 19, at Calvary Church, by the Rev. A. Cleveland Coxe, William Redmond, Jr., to Mary Lawrence, daughter of the late William Preston Griffin.
MARRIED 1864: Emmet--Hone--On Wednesday, April 20th, at Church of Ascension, by Rev. Wm. H. Neilson, William C. Emmet, Jr., to Emily, daughter of John Hone.
MARRIED 1864: Lee--Stewart--On Wednesday, April 20th, at St. Thomas's Church, by Rev. Dr. William, F. Morgan, assisted by Rev. Dr. A.B. Carter, Federick G. Lee, to Sarah Lispenard, daughter of Lispenard Stewart.
MARRIED 1864: Harris--Coles.--On Wednesday, April 20, at the Church of the Annunciation, by Rev. Dr. Seabury, Sidney S. Harris and Miriam D., daughter of the late Butler Coles, of Dosoris, L.I.
MARRIED 1864: Wilmerding--Heckscher--On Thursday, April 21, by Rev. Dr. Taylor, John C. Wilmerding, to Georgiana Louisa, daughter of Charles A. Heckscher.
MARRIED 1864: Howe--Nott--On Saturday, April 23d, at Calvary Church, by the Rev. Charles D. Cooper of Philadelphia, Lindsay Irving Howe of Boston, to Gertrude M., daughter of Joel B. Nott of this city.
MARRIED 1864: Watts--Wood--On Monday, 25th April, at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. William Neilson, George Burghall Watts, to Helen, youngest daughter of William Wood.
MARRIED 1864: Whitney--Johnson--On Wednesday, April 27th, by Rev. Dr. Hawks, Stephen Whitney, to Margaret Lawrence, daughter of Bradish Johnson.
MARRIED 1864: Coster--James.--At Trinity Chapel, on Thursday, April 28, by Rev. Mr. Walsh, of Rhinebeck, Charles R. Coster, to Marie B. James, daughter of Augustus James, of Dutchess County.
MARRIED 1864: Pendleton--Marcy--On the 28th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Schinck, of Baltimore, Edmund H. Pendleton, to Cornelia, daughter of the late William L. Marcy.
DIED 1864: Cutting--On Tuesday, July 5th, in the 89th year of her age, Mrs. Gertrude Cutting, widow of the late William Cutting, the last surviving child of the late Walter Livingston, of Livingston Manor.
DIED 1864: Morris--On Wednesday, July 6th, General George P. Morris, in the 63d year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family and the members of the press generally are respectfully invited, to attend the funeral on Friday, July 8th, at 12 o'clock, M., at Trinity Chapel, West 25th street, without further notice. The remains will be taken, to Cold Spring for interment.
MARRIED 1864: Meeker--Parsons.--At Morristown, N.J., on Tuesday, May 3, by Rev. R.N. Merritt, assisted by Rev. S.B. Hodges, of Grace Church, Newark, Samuel Meeker, Esq., of Newark, to Miss Lucretia Parsons, of the former place.
MARRIED 1864: Clark--Vinton--17th inst., at "St. Mark's in the Bowerie," by the rector, Rev. A.H. Vinton, D.D., Randolph M. Clark, of Boston, to Mary, youngest daughter of the officiating clergyman.
MARRIED 1864: Wells--Tileston.--On Tuesday, May 17, by Rev. Dr. Osgood, John Wells, to Grace, youngest daughter of the late Thomas Tileston, all of this City.
MARRIED 1864: Lawrence--La Farge--On the 26th inst., by Rev. George McCloskey, D.D., John Lawrence and Emily M., daughter of the late John La Farge.
MARRIED 1864: Paine--Penington--At St. Luke's Church, Philadelphia, on the 1st of June, by the Rev. Dr. Howe, Dr. Horatio Paine, of New York, to Meta Roberts, daughter of John Penington, of the former city.
MARRIED 1864: Hyatt--Hoffman.--At Sing Sing, on Thursday, June 1864, by Rev. M. M. Wells, Lieut. Charles C. Hyatt, S.A., and Kate C., daughter of A.K. Hoffman, M.D.
MARRIED 1864: Robbins--Morgan--On Thursday, June 2, by the Rev. Mr. Riley, S. Howland Robbins, to Sophia, daughter of the late Mathew Morgan, Esq.
MARRIED 1864: Duer--Meads--On Thursday, June 2, at St. Peter's Church, Albany, by Rt. Rev. Horatio Potter, assisted by Rev. Wm. T. Wilson and Rev. Wm. Tatlock, James G.K. Duer, to Elizabeth W., daughter of Orlando Meads.
MARRIED 1864: Wetmore--Livingston.--On Saturday, June 4, at Trinity Chapel, by Rev. Morgan Dix, D.D., Throbore R. Wetmore of New Hamburgh, N.Y., and Ellen youngest daughter of the late Anthony R. Livingston late of Tarrytown, N.Y.
MARRIED 1864: DeKay--King--In Trinity Church, New Haven, Tuesday, June 6, by the Rev. Dr. Harwood, Janet, daughter of the late James E. DeKay, of Oyster Bay, Long Island, to Cornelius L. King, U.S. Army.
MARRIED 1864: Braine--Mills.--On Wednesday, June 8, at St. Mark's Church, by Rev. Lawrence H. Mills, Theodore Braine and Emily, daughter of the late P.L. Mills, all of this City.
MARRIED 1864: Constable--Barclay.--At Hell Gate. L.I., on Tuesday, June 7, by Rev. William McVickar, William Constable, of Constableville, and Fannie M., daughter of Henry Barclay.
MARRIED 1864: Van Rensselaer--Barnewall--On Thursday, June 30, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Alexander Van Rensselaer, Esq., and Louisa Barnewall, daughter of William Barnewall, Esq.
DIED 1864: Fisher.--On Saturday, May 14, at 12 1/2 o'clock noon, at her residence, No. 80 Grand-st., N.Y., Mme. Clara Fisher.
DIED 1864: Howland--At Astoria, Long Island, Tuesday, May 31, Mary Woolsey, wife of Rev. Robert S. Howland, and daughter of Mrs. Charles Woolsev.
DIED 1864: Onderdonk.--On Sunday, June 5, of pneumonia, Hobart Onderdonk, aged 29 years. The friends and relatives of his family, and of his mother-in-law, Mrs. A.B. Neilson, are invited, to attend.
DIED 1864: Marshall.--In Roxbury, Mass., on Sunday, Aug. 7, of typhoid fever, Lizzie wife of Capt. Charles A. Marshall. Notice of the funeral will be given in the evening papers.
DIED 1864: Paterson.--At St. Paul, Minn., on Saturday, July 30, Cornelia Bell, third daughter of Rev. Andrew Bell Paterson, D.D., in the 18th year of her age.
DIED 1864: Craven--On Tuesday evening, October 4, Maria, wife of Alfred W. Craven, and daughter of the late John S. Schermerhorn.
DIED 1864: Cochrane--On the 26th August, at St. Georges, Bermuda, of yellow fever, in the 25th year of his age, Bayard C. Cochrane, Lieutenant Royal Engineers, second son of the late Rupert J. Cochrane.
MARRIED 1864: Tiffany--Perry--On Wednesday, August 17, by Rev. Francis Vinton, D.D., George Tiffany, of Baltimore, and Isabella Bolton, youngest daughter of the late Commodore M.C. Perry, U.S.N.
MARRIED 1864: Meade--Paulding--On Tuesday, 6th inst., in St. John's Church, Huntington, L.I., by the Rev. C.B. Ellsworth, Richard W. Meade, Jr., Lt.-Commander U.S.N., to Rebecca, daughter of Rear Admiral H. Paulding.
MARRIED 1864: De Peyster--Livingston--At Clermont, Columbia county, on Wednesday, Sept. 7, by the Rev. Mr. Platt, Frederic De Peyster, jr., to Mary, daughter of Clermont Livingston, esq.
MARRIED 1864: Stuyvesant--Steward--On Monday evening, September 12, by the Rev. Dr. Tyng, Augustus Van Horne Stuyvesant, to Harriet LeRoy, daughter of John Steward.
MARRIED 1864: Sanford--Du Puy--September 21, at the Legation of the United States, Paris, by the Rev. Dr. Shelton, of Buffalo, N.Y., Hon. Henry Shelton Sanford, Minister of the United States, to Belgium, to Gertrude Ellen, daughter of John Du Puy, Esq., of Philadelphia, United States of America.
MARRIED 1864: Belden--Patten--At Poughkeepsie, October 17, by the Rev. Henry Belden, Mr. William Beldea, of New York, to Miss Lizzie Patten, of Poughkeepsie, daughter of Colonel G.W. Patten, U.S.A.
MARRIED 1864: Quicke--Minturn--On Tuesday, October 4, in the chapel of Auckland Castle, England, by the Lord Bishop of Durham, assisted by the Rt. Rev. H.B. Whipple, bishop of Minnesota, the Rev. Charles Penrose Quicke, rector of Ashbrittle, in the county of Somerset, to Anna Mary, daughter of Robert B. Minturn, of this city.
MARRIED 1864: Brown--Adams--On Wednesday, November 9, at the Madison Square Presbyterian Church, Mr. John Crosby Brown, to Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. Dr. Adams.
MARRIED 1864: Morell--Creighton.--On Thursday, Nov. 10, at St. Mary's Church, Beechwood, Westchester County, N.Y., by the Right Rev. Horatio Potter, D.D., Gen. George W. Morrell, of the City of New York, and Catharine Sohermerhorn, daughter of Rev. William Creighton, D.D. of Reechwood.
MARRIED 1864: Wetmore--Sands--At Stratford, Conn., on Thursday, November 17, by the Rev. Mr. Weston, George W. Wetmore, of New York, to Harriette S. Sands, of Stratford, daughter of Commodore Joshua R. Sands, U.S.N.
MARRIED 1864: Alexander--Williamson.--At St. John's Church, Elizabeth N.J., on Tuesday, Nov. 22, by Rev. Samuel A. Clark, James W. Alexander, of New-York, and Elizabeth B., daughter of Hon. B. Williamson, of the former place.
MARRIED 1864: De Forrest--Knapp.--On Tuesday, Nov. 22, at Melbourne, Washington Heights, by Rev. Gardiner Spring. Benj. L. De Forrest and Kate Louise, daughter of Gideon L. Knapp, Esq.
DIED 1864: Ritchie--At Geneseo, at the residence of the late James Wadsworth, Esq., on the evening of the 7th inst., of chronic dysentery (disease contracted in the army), Captain Montgomery Ritchie, son-in-law of the late Brig. Gen. James S. Wadsworth.
DIED 1864: King--At Philadelphia, September 11, Bessie, only daughter of Richard and Elizabeth King, in the 15th year of her age.
DIED 1864: Duer--At New Brighton, Staten Island, on Monday, 26th inst., Anne, widow of the late John Duer, aged 81 years. The funeral will take place at Trinity Church, New-York, on Thursday, Dec. 29, at 2 o'clock p. m.
DIED 1864: Prevost--On Wednesday, December 14, in the 64th year of her age, Miss Theodosia Prevost, daughter of John Bartow Prevost, formerly of New York. Funeral services will take place at her house, near Englewood, New Jersey, on Tuesday morning, December 20, at 11 o'clock, where all friends and relatives.
DIED 1864: DePeyster--On Thursday night, December 1, Frances Goodhue De Peyster, youngest daughter of James F. DePeyster, aged 22 years.
MARRIED 1864: Satterlee--Livingston--On Wednesday, December 21, by the Rev. Dr. Cooke, Frederic W. Satterlee, and Matilda C., daughter of the late Schuyler Livingston, Esq.
MARRIED 1864: Redmond--Smallwood--On the 6th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, in Orange, N.J., by the Rev. A. Cleveland Coxe, Henry Redmond, to Lydia R., youngest daughter of Mr. J.L. Smallwood.
MARRIED 1864: Whittemore--Irving.--On Wednesday, Oct. 26, at Christ Church, New-Brighton, by Rev. Pierre P. Irving, Richard B. Whittemore and Elley, youngest daughter of the officiating clergyman.
MARRIED 1864: Altman--Anthon--On Thursday evening, by the Rev. S.Y. Munroe, of Jersey City, Henry Altman, Esq., of Colorado territory, to Theresa Genevieve, widow of Philip Hone Anthon, of this city.
DIED 1864: Gracie--Suddenly, on Monday, December 5, 1864, Elizabeth Davidson, wife of Archibald Gracie, in the 58th year of her age.
DIED 1864: Kennedy--On Wednesday, December 14, Cornelia Van Rensselaer, wife of James L. Kennedy, and daughter of the late Henry Van Rensselaer, Esq.
MARRIED 1865: Barbey--Lorillard.--On Thursday, Jan. 12, by Rev. Dr. Taylor, Henky I, Barbey and Mary, daughter of P. Lorillard, Esq.
MARRIED 1865: Fuller--Vincent.--At New Brighton, S.I., on Thursday, Jan. 12, by Right Rev. W.H. Odenheimer, D.D., George Fuller and Ellen Milnor, daughter of Frederick Vincent.
MARRIED 1865: Johnston--Jenkins--At the Church of the Transfiguration, January 21, by the Rev. Dr. G.H. Houghton, Lieutenant Louis M. Johnston, youngest son of the late Francis Upton Johnston, M.D., of this city, to Mary Dunton, youngest daughter of the late John C. Jenkins, M.D., Elgin, Natchez, Miss.
MARRIED 1865: Delafield--Monson--On Thursday, Feb. 9, by the Rev. Horatio Southgate, Henry Delafield, to Mary P. Monson, daughter of the late Judge Mouson.
MARRIED 1865: Meade--Paulding--At the Navy Yard, New York, February 6, 1865, at the residence of the bride's father Rear-Admiral Paulding, by the Rev. C.B. Ellsworth Miss Mary Paulding, to First-Lieutenant Robert S. Meade, U.S. Marine Corps.
MARRIED 1865: Cambreleng--Colvill--On Wednesday, February 15, by his grace Archbishop McCloskey, Churchill J. Cambreleng, son of Stephen Cambreleng, Esq., to Mary M., daughter of Alfred Colvill, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1865: Foster--Elliott--On Tuesday, February 28, at Calvary Church, 4th avenue, by the Rev. Dr. Stephen H. Tyng, D.D., of St. George's Church, Colonel John Armstrong Foster, 175th New York, to Miss Rebecca Salome Elliott, third daughter of John H. Elliott, Esq., of Twenty-third street, N.Y.
MARRIED 1865: Kip--Kinney.--On Tuesday, Feb. 28, in Trinity Church, Nice, France, by Right Rev. the Bishop of California, assisted by Rev. J. Childers, English Chaplain at Nice, Wm. Ingraham Kip, Jr., son of the officiating Bishop, and Elizabeth Clementina, eldest daughter of Hon. Wm. B. Kinney, late Minister of the United States, to the Court of Turin.
DIED 1865: Kemble.--On Sunday, Jan. 1, alter a short illness, Margaret C., wife of William Kemble, aged 68 years.
DIED 1865: Kennedy.--On Friday, Jan. 6, James Lenox Kennedy. The relatives and friends of the family are invited, to attend the funeral, on Monday morning, at 10 o'clock, at the First Presbyterian Church, corner of 5th av. and 12th st., without further invitation.
DIED 1865: Winthrop--The funeral of Brevet Brig.-Gen. Frederic Winthrop, who was killed at the battle of the Five Forks, April 1, will take place at Trinity Church on Wednesday afternoon, April 12, at 4 o'clock.
DIED 1865: Ogden--On Saturday morning, the 29th inst., Schuyler, son of Thomas W. Ogden, in the 18th year of his age.
DIED 1865: Canfield--At Suckasunny, N.S., Jan. 5, 1865, Dr. Mahlon D. Canfield, aged 67 years. Funeral services at St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Morristown.
DIED 1865: Gracie--On Monday, April 3, Archibald Gracie, in the 70th year of his age. The friends and relatives are invited, to attend the funeral from St. Thomas's Church, on Wednesday, April 5, <?>
DIED 1865: Schuyler--On Sunday, 12th February, at his residence in Pelham, Westchester county, Philip Schuyler, formerly of Schuylerville, Saratoga county, in the 77th year of his age.
DIED 1865: Mott--On Wednesday, the 26th instant, at his residence, No. 1 Gramercy Park, Professor Valentine Mott, in the 80th year of his age. The friends of the family, and of his sons-in-law, Professor William H. Van Buren and Isaac Bell, and of <?>
MARRIED 1865: Potter--Seton--At the Church of the Holy Communion, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Potter, of New York, the Rt. Rev. Alonzo Potter, to Fanny, daughter of the late Alfred Seton, Esq.
MARRIED 1865: Page--Nott--At the residence of the Rev. Dr. Nott, Schenectady, N.Y., on Tuesday, March 28, by the Rev., Edward B. Allen, Rev. William W. Page, to Maria, daughter of Joel B. Nott, of this city.
MARRIED 1865: Schmidt--Higbie--At Grace Church, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Oscar Egerton Schmidt, to Charlotte, daughter of the late J.M. Higbie, of Trenton, N.J.
MARRIED 1865: Kuhn--Cary--On Thursday, 6th April, by Rev. Henry W. Bellows, Hartman Kuhn, of Philadelphia, to Grace Morris, daughter of William F. Cary.
MARRIED 1865: Jackson--Bradhurst--On Thursday, April 20, at the Church of the Transfiguration, by the Rev. Dr. Houghton, Charles A. Jackson, to Mary E., daughter of the late Samuel Bradhurst, all of this city.
MARRIED 1865: McIlvaine--Tompkins--At St. Mark's Church, April 18, by the Rev. Dr. A.H. Vinton, Edward Reed McIlvaine and Jane Wright, daughter of Daniel H. Tompkins, all of this city.
MARRIED 1865: Roberts--Brown--At Calvary Church, in this city, on Wednesday, April 19, by the Right Reverend A. Cleveland Coxe, William S. Roberts, to Camilla W. daughter of Augustus L. Brown.
DIED 1865: Sherwood--On Friday, April 28, James Wilson Sherwood, son of John and Mary E.W. Sherwood, aged 12 years and 7 months. The funeral will take place from Christ Church, Fifth <?>
DIED 1865: Morton.--At Hoboken, N.J., on Sunday morning, May 7, Mr. George W. Morton, in the 73d year of his age. The friends of the family are invited, to attend his funeral, at Trinity Church, Hoboken, at 1 o'clock on Tuesday <?>
DIED 1865: Auchmuty--On Monday morning, May 1, Mary Allen Auchmuty, widow of the late Richard Tylden Auchmuty.
DIED 1865: Erving--At Poughkeepsie, on Wednesday, May 10, Lydia Hollingsworth, wife of Elwyn Erving and daughter of the late Capt. George Adams, U.S. Navy.
DIED 1865: Callender--On Thursday morning, August 3, Genevieve Anthon, wife of William N. Callender, and daughter of the late John Anthon.
MARRIED 1865: Schenck--Kearny--On Thursday, April 27, by the Rev. Dr. Francis L. Hawks, Charles Stewart Schenck, to Harriet C. Kearny, daughter of Philip R. Kearny, all of this city.
MARRIED 1865: Trowbridge--Uhlhorn--At Calvary Church, in this city, on Wednesday, April 26, by the Rev. Joseph Brewster, of New Haven, E. Hayes Trowbridge, Jr., of New Haven, to Minnie B., youngest daughter of the late C.F. Uhlhorn, of this city.
MARRIED 1865: Graham--Southgate--On Wednesday, April 26, at St. Paul's Church, Baltimore, Md., by the Rt. Rev. Horatio Southgate, Surgeon N.F. Graham, United States Army, to Harriet A. Southgate, daughter of the officiating prelate.
MARRIED 1865: Olyphant--Viele--On Thursday, April 27, at the North Dutch Church, Albany, by the Rev. Dr. Rufus W. Clark, Talbot Olyphant, of Morristown, N.J., and Mary C., eldest daughter of Mr. Rufus K. Viele, of Albany.
MARRIED 1865: Steele--McCarty--On the 27th April, at the British Vice-Consulate, and at Trinity Chapel, Pau, by the Rev. E. Crowe, Colonel Steele, C.B., late of the Coldstream Guards and Aide-de-Camp, to the Queen, to Rosalie Malvina McCarty, youngest daughter of the Countess de Dion and the late Thomas S. McCarty, Esq., of New York.
MARRIED 1865: Hallett--Townsend--On Thursday, 27th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Riley, assisted by the Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, Jr., Henry S. Ballett, of Boston, and Alice, daughter of William Hawxhurst Townsend, of this city.
MARRIED 1865: De Peyster--De Witt--On the 27th of April, at the Second Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, of Albany, N.Y., by the Rev. J.N. Wyckoff, D.D., Augustus De Peyster, of Boston, Mass., to Alice Justina, daughter of Richard Varick De Witt, Esq., of Albany.
MARRIED 1865: Egleston--McVickar.--In Trinity Chapel, on Tuesday, May 2, by Rev. Dr. Dix, assisted by Rev. Dr. Ogilby, Prof. Thomas Egleston, Jr., and Augusta, daughter of Edward McVickar, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1865: Gray--Travers--On the 12th inst., at Trinity Chapel, by the Rev. Dr. Montgomery, Henry Winthrop Gray, to Mary M., eldest daughter of Wm. R. Travers, Esq.
MARRIED 1865: Lydig--Tompkins--On Wednesday, the 14th inst., by the Rev. Alex. Vinton, David Lydig, to Hannah M. Tompkins, daughter of Daniel H. Tompkins, of this city.
MARRIED 1865: Hoffman--Ulshoeffer--On Thursday, June 15, by Rev. Edward Anthon, William B. Hoffman, to Mary Gracie, daughter of Michael Ulshoeffer, of this city.
DIED 1865: Gelston--On Wednesday, January 31, Margaret L., daughter of the late Maltby Gelston.
DIED 1865: Cammann--On Saturday morning, February 24, after a short illness, of inflammation of the lungs, Catharine J., daughter of the late Charles L. Cammann.
DIED 1865: Boorman--On Wednesday morning, January 24, James Boorman, in the 83d year of his age.
DIED 1865: DeForest--On Friday morning, 19th inst., William Wheeler DeForest, aged 71 years.
DIED 1865: Robbins.--On Monday, Jan. 15, George S. Robbins, in the 70th year of his age.
DIED 1865: Fleming.--On Sunday, Feb. 11, at his residence, No. 10 Bond-st., Augustus Fleming, in the 81st year of his age.
DIED 1865: Minturn--On Tuesday morning, the 9th inst., Robert B. Minturn, of this city aged sixty years. The funeral will take place on Saturday next, at two o'clock, at the Church of the Holy Communion.
DIED 1865: Armstrong.--At Baltimore, on Tuesday, Feb. 6, Mrs. Mary Armstrong, relic of the late Major Horatio G. Armstrong.
DIED 1865: Richards--At Mount Aivy<?>, on Thursday, 15th February, Frances H., widow of the late Mark Richards, of Philadelphia, and daughter of the late Captain Thos. Hunt, of Hunt's Point, New York.
MARRIED 1865: Boardman--Willett--At Calvary Church, on 16th inst., by Rev. William S. Boardman, assisted by Rev. Dr. Morgan, Daniel F. Boardman, to Margaret, youngest daughter of Edward M. Willett, all of this city.
MARRIED 1865: Maury--Draper--On Monday, May 22, at Hastings, Westchester county, the residence of the bride's father, by the Right Rev. Horatio Potter, D.D., L.L.D., Bishop of New York, the Rev. Mytton Maury, to Virginia, daughter of Professor John W. Draper, M.D.
MARRIED 1865: Vanderpoel--Noyes--On Monday, 22d inst., at the Church of the Covenant, by Rev. Dr. Prentiss, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Richards, John A. Vanderpoel, to Emily Caroline, daughter of the late William Curtis Noyes.
MARRIED 1865: Sands--Minturn--On Tuesday, the 23d of May, at the Church of the Holy Communion, by the Rev. Dr. Muhlenberg, assisted by the Rev. F.E. Lawrence, Mahlon D. Sands, to Edith, daughter of Robert B. Minturn, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1865: Hoppin--Tracy--At St. George's Church, Stuyvesant-square, on Wednesday morning, the 24th inst., by the Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, D.D., Frederick Street Hoppin of Providence, R.I., to Clara, daughter of Charles Tracy of this city.
MARRIED 1865: Macfarlane--Nelson--On Wednesday, May 24, at the residence of the bride's father, Peekskill, N.Y., by the Rev. Dr. Halliday, Victor W. Macfarlane of Yonkera, to Zanina, daughter of Thomas Nelson.
MARRIED 1865: Robbins--Wilcocks.--At St. Peter's Church, Philadelphia, on Wednesday, May 24, by Right Rev. W.H. Odenheimer, Bishop of New-Jersey, Chandler Robbins, of New-York, and Helen, daughter of the late Benjamin C. Wilcocks, of Philadelphia.
MARRIED 1865: Bartow--Mumford.--At the Madison-square Presbyterian Church, on Tuesday, May 30, by Rev. Edwin F. Hatfield, D.D., Theodosius Bartow, Jr., and Emily Franklin, daughter of T. Van Zandt Mumford, Esq.
MARRIED 1865: Morgan--Tracy.--At St. George's Church, Stuyvesant-square, by Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, D.D., on Wednesday, May 31, John Pierpont Morgan, to Frances Louisa, daughter of Charles Tracy, all of this city.
MARRIED 1865: Coster--Lowndes.--On Tuesday, June 6, by Rev. Dr. Hawks, Edward H. Coster and Margaret L., only daughter of William P. Lowndes, Esq., of Charleston, S.C.
MARRIED 1865: King--De Kay.--On Tuesday, June 6, in Trinity Church, New-Haven, by Rev. Dr. Harwood, Cornelius L. King, U.S. Army, and Janet, daughter of the late James E. De Kay, of Caster <?> L.I.
MARRIED 1865: Field--Hamersley--At Grace Church, on Thursday morning, June 8, by the Rev. Thomas House Taylor, D.D., Cortlandt de Peyster Field, to Virginia, daughter of John W. Hamersley.
MARRIED 1865: Wright--Schroeder--In St. John's Church, New Milford, Ct., on Thursday. June 8, by the Rev. C.G. Acly, George William Wright, Esq., of New York city, and Cornelia E. Schroeder, of New Milford, daughter of the late Rev. J.F. Schroeder, D.D.
DIED 1865: Berger--February 1, in this city, Francis Elol Berger, M.D., in the 77th year of his age.
DIED 1865: Doremus--On Saturday, February 3, Eliza, wife of Francis Doremus, and daughter of the late Isaac Canfield, of Morristown, N.J., aged 75 years.
DIED 1865: Pell--At Northampton, Mass., on Thursday, the 8th inst., Clarence Pell, of New York, in the 44th year of his age. His relatives and friends, and those of the family, are respectfully invited, to attend the funeral to-morrow afternoon, at half-past 3 o'clock, at Grace Church, corner of Broadway and 10th st.
DIED 1865: Berry--In Paris, April 4, Nathaniel Berry. Esq., an American merchant, and resident of that city for the past thirty years, son-in-law of General Stephen Van Rensselaer. His remains have been conveyed, to the cemetery at Albany, N.Y.
DIED 1865: Ogden--At Milwaukie, Wisconsin, on the 25th May, David B. Ogden, formerly of the city of New York.
DIED 1865: Van Wagenen--At Schraalenburgh, N.J., May 30, Gerrit Van Wagenen, youngest son of the late William Van Wagenen, in the 60th year of his age.
MARRIED 1865: Kearney--Underhill--New Orleans, October 18, 1865, by the Rev. Jno. W. Beckwith, Mr. J. Watts Kearney, to Mrs. S.H. Underhill, daughter of H.W. Palfrey, Esq.
MARRIED 1865: Kendall--Delano--In this city, November 2, by the Rev. Francis L. Hawks, D.D., Joseph P. Kendall, of Brooklyn, to Kittie W., daughter of the late Edwin Delano, Esq., of New York.
MARRIED 1865: Winthrop--Thayer--In Brookline, Mass., November 15, by Rev. Alexander H. Vinton, D.D., Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, to Mrs. AdÇle G. Thayer, daughter of Hon. Francis Granger, of Canandaigus, N.Y.
MARRIED 1865: Woodworth--Piercey--On Thursday, November 16, at Christ Church, New Brighton, by the Rev. Pierre P. Irving, William V. Woodworth, to Mary Greenwood Piercey.
MARRIED 1865: Livingston--McCarty.--On Monday, Aug. 17, 1863, by Rev. John B. Hagany, Mortimer Livingston and Miss Maria McCarty. Remarried in the Church of the Nativity, 2d-av., by Rev. Father Everett, Mortimer Livingston and Miss McCarty, both of this city.
MARRIED 1865: Murray--Beam.--At Pompton, N.J., on Wednesday, Aug. 16, by Rev. E. Rowland, of Goshen, N.Y., Mr. George W. Murray, of New York, and Miss Helen Beam, daughter of John V. Beam, Esq.
MARRIED 1865: Morris--Bettner--On Wednesday, August 16, by the Rev. Dr. Hawks, Lieutenant Arthur Morris, to Adelaide, youngest daughter of the late James E. Bettner.
MARRIED 1865: Ramsay--Morris--On Thursday, August 17, at Emanuel Church, Baltimore, by the Rev. Dr. Schenck, Captain J. Gales Ramsay, Second United States Artillery, to Anne R., daughter of General W.W. Morris, U.S.A.
MARRIED 1865: Ullmann--Berrian--At All Saints' Church, Brier Cliff, Westchester county, on Saturday, the 19th August, by the Rev. Reuben W. Howes, Jr., Daniel Ullmann, Brigadier General Volunteers, and Amelia Goodin, daughter of the late Rev. Wm. Berrian, D.D., Rector of Trinity Church, New York.
MARRIED 1865: Miller--Lane--On Thursday, September 28, at Weston, Mass., by the Rev. Dr. Orville Dewey, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Henry W. Bellows, Charles E. Miller, Esq., and Carrie E. Lane, daughter of David Lane, Esq., all of New York.
MARRIED 1865: Potter--Stevens--In this city, on Thursday, September 28, by Right Rev. Horatio Potter, D.D., Bishop of New York, Major General Robert B. Potter and Abby Austin, daughter of John A. Stephens, Esq., of New York.
MARRIED 1865: Bliss--Albert--At Grace Church, Baltimore, October 3, by the Rev. Dr. Hobart, Brevet Colonel Alexander Bliss, to Eleanor, daughter of Wm. J. Albert, Esq., of Baltimore.
MARRIED 1865: Robinson--Kitching.--At Trinity Chapel, an Thursday, Oct. 5, by Rev. Theodore Irving, LL.D., James A. Robinson and Charlotte Augusta, daughter of John B. Kitching, Esq., of Dobb's Ferry.
MARRIED 1865: Clarke--King--At Grace Church, October 7, by the Rev. Thomas H. Taylor, D.D., Charles Edwards Clarke, Jr., to Mary, eldest daughter of the Hon. William Gracie King, all of this city.
DIED 1865: Jumel.--On Sunday morning, July 16, at her late residence, at Washington Heights, Madam Eliza B. Jumel, in the 92d year of her age. The friends of the family are respectfully invited, to attend the funeral, from the Church of the Intercession, Washington Heights, on Tuesday afternoon, July 18, at 2 o'clock.
DIED 1865: Stevens.--At the residence of Professor Mahan, West Point, on Sunday, Aug. 27, Maria, wife of James Alexander Stevens, of Hoboken, and daughter of the late Theodosius Fowler, of New-York. The friends of the family are respectfully invited, to attend the funeral services, at Trinity Church, Hoboken, on Wednesday, the 30th inst., at 2 p.m.
DIED 1865: Potter.--Suddenly, at San Francisco, Cal., on Tuesday, July 4, Right Rev. Alonzo Potter, D.D., LL.D., Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Penneylvania, aged 64 years.
DIED 1865: Tillou.--At Tillietudlem, N.J., on Monday, July 10, of paralysis, Francis R. Tillou, in the 70th year of his age.
DIED 1865: Wood.--At Morristown, N.J., on Tuesday, July 25, Hon. Wm. N. Wood, in the 60th year of his age.
DIED 1865: Arden--At his residence, in the Highlands, Monday, the 17th inst., Richard D. Arden, in the 88th year of his age.
DIED 1865: Schmidt--On Saturday, August 12, at his residence, Locust Island, New Rochelle, John W. Schmidt, in the 84th year of his age.
MARRIED 1865: Russell--Warner--At Morristown, N.J., at the residence of the bride's mother, on Wednesday, October 11, by Rev. John G. Ames, rector of the Church of the Redeemer, of Morristown, assisted by Rev. Samuel Osgood, D.D., of this city, Henry Everett Russell and Sara Wood, daughter of the late William J. Warner.
MARRIED 1865: Lydig--Heckscher--At St. Mark's Church, Orange, N.J., on Tuesday, September 5, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, assisted by Rev. Dr. Williams, Phillip M. Lydig, Jr., to Pauline, daughter of Charles A. Heckscher, Esq., of New York.
MARRIED 1865: Ogden--Street--On Tuesday, September 5, at St. Peter's Church, Brooklyn, by Rev. Dr. Homer, Isaac G. Ogden and Lillia G. Street, second daughter of Geo. O. Street.
MARRIED 1865: Dalton--Depau--On Thursday, September 14, by the Rev. Dr. Washburne, George T. Dalton, to Silvie Depau, both of this city.
MARRIED 1865: Rossi--Boucher--On the 12th instant, by the Rev. R.L. Burtsell, Auguste I. Rossi, of Dover, N.J., and Aline M. Boucher, of this city.
MARRIED 1865: Haight--Kneeland--On Tuesday, September 19, in Trinity Chapel, New York, by the Rev. John McVickar, S.T.D., Charles C. Haight, to Euphemia, daughter of the late George <?> Esq.
MARRIED 1865: Fiedler--Carville.--On Wednesday, Sept. 20, at St. Bartholomew's Church, by Rev. Dr. Cooke, Edward Charles Fiedler and Eliza Winthrop, daughter of Charles Carville, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1865: Bartlett--Pomeroy.--On Saturday, Oct. 14, at the Homestead, Pittsfield, Mass., by Rev. G. Livingstone Wells, assisted by Rev. Dr. Todd, Bvt. Maj.-Gen. W.F. Bartlett, of Boston, and Agnes, eldest daughter of Robert Pomeroy, Esq.
MARRIED 1865: De Giverville--Kingsbury--Near Paris, on the 26th October, Miss Mary Virginia Kingsbury, of St. Louis, Mo., daughter of the late Captain James Wilkinson Kingsbury, formerly of the U.S. Army, to Armand Francois Robert Comte de Giverville.
MARRIED 1865: Miss Harriet Lane, niece of Ex-President Buchanan, is about, to marry Henry E. Johnson, a wealthy Baltimore banker, and a political martyr of Fort Warren.
MARRIED 1865: Neilson--Reed.--At Rockwood, Tarrytown, on Wednesday, Oct. 18, by Rev. John L. Aspinwall, Rev. William H. Neilson and Anna Aspinwall, daughter of the late Samuel P. Reed, M.D.
MARRIED 1865: Judson--Field--On Thursday, October 26, by the Rev. Wm. Adams, D.D., William Francis Judson, of Philadelphia, to Isabella, daughter of Cyrus W. Field, of this city.
MARRIED 1865: Wardlow--Wotherspoon.--On Thursday, Oct. 26, at Christ Church, New-Brighton, by Rev. P.P. Irving, Rev. William Wardlow and Jane M., daughter of Mr. George Wotherspoon, all of this city.
MARRIED 1865: Barbour--Coster--At Saratoga, Thursday, October the 26th, by the Rev. Father Cull, John Barbour, Esq., to Stephania Coster, daughter of the late Francis Depew, of this city.
MARRIED 1865: Graham--Kinne--Wednesday, November 1, at Calvary Church, by Rev. Edward A. Washburn, D.D., H. Beeckman Graham, to Emma, daughter of H.M. Kinne, Esq., all of this city.
DIED 1865: Auchincloss--At Charlestown, N.H., 6th September, 1865, Dudley Fuller, instant son of Hugh Auchincloss.
DIED 1865: Auchincloss--At Charlestown, N.H., Dudley Fuller, son of Hugh Auchinclose, in the 6th year of his age. Funeral services at No. 15 East 29th-st., this day, (Friday,) at 10 a.m.
DIED 1865: Wadsworth.--At Beverly, on Friday, Oct. 27, Livingston, son of Emmeline A. and the late W.W. Wadsworth, of Geneseo, N.Y., aged 16 years.
DIED 1865: Neilson--In China, October 10, in the 26th year of his age, Edward Noel, son of the late Anthony B. Neilson.
DIED 1865: Suydam.--At North Conway, N.H., on Friday, Sept. 15, James A. Suydam, son of the late John Suydam, in the 46th year of his age. The funeral will take place from his late residence, No. 25 Waverley-place, on Tuesday morning, 19th inst., at 12 o'clock. Funeral service at St. Mark's Church, 10th-st., and 2d-av. His relatives and friends are invited, to attend without further notice.
DIED 1865: Marshall.--On Saturday, Sept. 23, Charles H. Marshall, in the 74th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited, to attend his funeral, on Tuesday, Sept. 26, at 3 o'clock p.m., from his late residence, No. 38 East 14th-st., Union <?>
DIED 1865: Brnson--On Sunday, February 25, Egbert Benson, in the 77th year of his age
MARRIED 1865: Adams--Ogden.--At Newport, R.I., on Wednesday, Nov. 8, Charles Francis Adams, Jr., and Mary, daughter of Edward Ogden.
MARRIED 1865: Westervelt--Bogart.--On Wednesday, Nov. 15, at the Reformed Dutch Church, corner of 5th-av. and 29th-st., by Rev. Dr. Vermilye, John S. Westervelt, Jr., and Elizabeth, daughter of the late Eugene Bogart.
MARRIED 1865: Lentilhon--Detmold--On Thursday, November 23, 1865, by the Rev. Mr. Jewett, Joseph Lentilhon, to Zella Trelawney, eldest daughter of C.E. Detmold.
MARRIED 1865: Livingstone--McRa.--On Saturday, Nov. 25, by Rev. Dr. Price, Robert L., son of the late H.W. Livingstone, Manor of Livingstone, and Mary S., daughter of the late Powell McRa. of South Carolina.
MARRIED 1865: Otis--Smith--On Thursday, November 30, at St. Anne's Church (Eighth street), by the Most Reverend the Archbishop of New York, Frank A. Otis, to Almira M., eldest daughter of U.J. Smith, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1865: Putnam--Morrison--At Yonkers, on Wednesday, November 29, by Rev. D.M. Seward, D.D., Albert E. Putnam and Maggie E., daughter of James M. Morrison, Esq.
MARRIED 1865: Stevens--Harris--On Tuesday, November 28, at St. Paul's Church, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, by the Rev. J. Andrews Harris, Francis B. Stevens, of Hoboken, N.J., to Elizabeth Gallender, daughter of the Rev. N. Sayre Harris.
MARRIED 1865: Carey--Foster--Yesterday, the 14th inst., at the Church of the Ascension, by the Right Rev. G.T. Bedell, assisted by the Rev. Jno. Cotton Smith, D.D., Geo. H. Carey, to Clara, daughter of Frederic G. Foster.
MARRIED 1865: Harriman--Hancox--At Calvary Church, on Wednesday evening, December 6, by the Rev. Orlando Harriman, assisted by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Odenheimer, of New Jersey, John Neilson Harriman and Elizabeth Granger, daughter of J.W. Hancox, Esq.
MARRIED 1865: Dale--Lentilhon--At Calvary Church, on Tuesday, December 12, by the Rev. Dr. Washburn, John G. Dale, to Eugenie Emille, daughter of the late Antoine Lentilhon.
MARRIED 1865: Newlin--Verplanck--On Wednesday, December 13, at Fishkill-on-the-Hudson, by the Rev. Henry E. Duncan, J. Shipley Newlin, of Philadelphia, to Louisa, daughter of J. Delancey Verplanck, Esq.
MARRIED 1865: Delprat--Morris--At Throgg's Neck December 14, by the Rev. Dr. C.D. Jackson, Jas. Steuart Delprat, of New York, to Fanny M. Butt, daughter of Francis Morris, Esq.
MARRIED 1865: Field--Schmidt--On Thursday, the 14th inst., at Grace Church, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, William H. Field, to Emily Southgate, daughter of the late Dr. J.W. Schmidt, all of this city.
MARRIED 1865: Harris--Stevens.--On Thursday, Dec. 21, in Trinity Church, Hoboken, N.J., by Rev. N. Sayre Harris E.B. Harris, M.D., of Richfield Spa, N.Y., and Anna Isabella, youngest daughter of James A. Stevens, Esq., of Hoboken, N.J.
DIED 1866: On Thursday, October 5, Rev. Christian F. Cruse, D.D., in the 71st year of his age. The funeral services will be in the chapel of St. Luke's Hospital, on Monday morning next, at 11 o'clock.
DIED 1866: Graves--Of consumption, on the 6th inst., at his residence, near Morristown, N.J., E. Boonen Graves, in his 63d year.
DIED 1866: Grymes--On Thursday morning, the 16th inst., Mary Emma, wife of C. Alfred Grymes, Esq., and daughter of Henry G. Stebbins, Esq., in the 28th year of her age.
DIED 1866: Johnson--On Sunday, the 19th inst., Miss Julia A. Johnson, youngest daughter of the late William Johnson.
DIED 1866: Barton--On Sunday evening, William H.W. Barton, eldest son of William Barton, Esq. The friends of the family are invited, to attend his funeral from the residence of his father, No. 66 East 19th street, on Wednesday afternoon, 6th inst., at 4 o'clock.
DIED 1866: Van Wyck.--On Saturday, Dec. 9, of congestion of the brain, Eliza Livingston, daughter of Philip G. Van Wyck, Esq., of Sing Sing, N.Y.
DIED 1866: Church--On Tuesday, November 21, 1865, at Belvidere, Alleghany county, N.Y., Ann Matilda, widow of the late Philip Church, in the 80th year of her age. The funeral will take place Friday morning, the 24th<?>
DIED 1866: Van Schaick.--On Friday, Dec. 1, Myndert Van Schaick, in the 84th year of his age. The funeral services will be held at the Reformed Dutch Church, Washington-square, on Monday, Dec. 4, at 3 o'clock p.m. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited, to attend.
MARRIED 1866: Williamson--Livingston--Wednesday, January 10, at the Cathedral, by the most reverend the Archbishop of New York, General Geo. W. Williamson, of Maryland, and Mary Alexander, daughter of the Hon. Van Brugh Livingston, of this city.
DIED 1866: Giles--At Rome, Italy, on the 29th of January, Mary Beers, wife of Wm. Ogden Giles, and only daughter of Lewis Curtis, of this city, in the 35th year of her age.
MARRIED 1866: Taylor--Wood--At Morristown, N.J., on Wednesday, January 17, by the Rev. Lea Luquer, of Brooklyn, N.Y., Henry Taylor, to Louisa, daughter of the late George Wood, of New York.
MARRIED 1866: Horwood--Church--At St. Peter's Church, Albany, on Saturday, January 20, by the Reverend William Tatlock, the Reverend Robert Horwood, of England, to Miss Elizabeth Church, youngest daughter of the late Honorable Philip Church, of Belvidere, Allegany county, N.Y.
MARRIED 1866: Van Wart--Russell--On Wednesday, January 24, at Trinity Chapel, by the Rev. A.N. Littlejohn, D.D., Oscar Irving Van Wart, of Liverpool, England, to Marian Hall, daughter of Captain W.H. Russell, of this city.
MARRIED 1866: King--Boyd.--On Thursday, March 1, in St. Mark's Church, by Rev. Geo. W. Foot, William King and Miss Belle Boyd.
MARRIED 1866: Ashhurst--Potter.--On Tuesday, Jan. 23, by Rev. William Rudder, D.D., Henry Ashhurst and Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late Thomas F. Potter, Esq., of Princeton, N.J.
MARRIED 1866: Post--De Trobriand.--On Thursday, Jan. 25, at Trinity Chapel, by Rev. Ed. Anthon, Albert Kintzing Post and Marie Caroline, daughter of Major-Gen. Th. R. de Trobriand.
MARRIED 1866: Cock--Woodruff--On Tuesday, February 6, Thos. F. Cock, M.D., and Louisa De Forest Woodruff, all of this city.
MARRIED 1866: Van Rensselaer--Harriman.--At Grace Church, Jersey City, on Wednesday, Feb. 7, by Rev. Orlando Harriman, James Fleming Van Rensselaer, of Philadelphia, and Anna, daughter of the officiating clergyman.
MARRIED 1866: Bailieff--Gaston.--On Monday, Feb. 12, at Edgewater, Duchess County, N.Y., the residence of Robert Donaldson, uncle of the bride, by Right Rev. Bishop Bayley, of Newark, Robert D. Bailieff, of Havana, and Susan G. Gaston, grand-daughter of the late Judge Gaston, of North Carolina.
MARRIED 1866: Post--Arden.--On Tuesday, Feb. 13, at the Church <?> St. Philipse, in the Highlands, by Rev. Chas. Fred. Hoffman. assisted by the Bishop of Honolu<?>, Rev. Richard B. Post and Eliza Dean, daughter of Thomas B. Arden, of Philipstown, N.Y.
MARRIED 1866: Eaton--Ketcham--At the house of the bride's father, Tuesday, February 13, by the Rev. William Adams, D.D., Prof. Daniel C. Eaton of Yale College, to Caroline, daughter of Tredwell Ketcham, Esq., of New York.
MARRIED 1866: Hazletine--Marshall--On Wednesday, February 28, by Rev. Samuel Cook, D.D., William Stanley Hazletine and Helen, daughter of the late Chas. H. Marshall, Esq., all of this city.
DIED 1866: Boston, March 14.--Jared Sparks, the historian, and ex-president of Harvard College, died at his residence in Cambridge this forenoon, of pneumonia.
DIED 1866: Martin--At Albany, Anna, wife of Henry H. Martin, daughter of the late Isaiah Townsend. Funeral from her late residence at Albany on Tuesday, March 6th.
DIED 1866: Easton--On March 16, Anna Milnor, wife of the late Geo. S. Easton, and daughter of the late Rev. James Milnor, D.D.
DIED 1866: Murray--On Wednesday evening, February 14, Colonel James B. Murray, in the 77th year of his age. His friends, and those of his family, are respectfully invited, to attend his funeral from the Mercer street church, near Eighth street, on Friday afternoon, February 16, at 3 o'clock. The remains will be taken, to the family vault at Greenfield Hill, Ct., on Saturday.
DIED 1866: Langdon--At Rome, Italy, on the 22d February, Eugene Langdon, of this city, youngest son of the late Walter Langdon.
DIED 1866: Carter.--In Paris, on Wednesday, March 28, of typhoid fever, at the residence of her only sister, Mrs. P. Lorillard Rollins, Miss Josephine Carter, youngest daughter of Joseph B. and Mary C. Carter, of New-York, America.--Galignani.
MARRIED 1866: Berry--Boggs--At Georgetown, D.C., on Tuesday, April 3, J.W. Berry, Esq., of Bowie Hall, Prince George's county, Md., to Katrine Stuart, only daughter of W. Brenton Boggs, Esq., U.S.N.
MARRIED 1866: Westphal--Woodburn--At the British Legation, Dresden, Saxony, on the 4th of April, by the Rev. C.H. Wright. Chaplain, Mr. Alexander Westphal, of Lima. Peru, to Clara Augusta Westphal, of Lima, Peru, to Clara Augusta, daughter of Lewis Woodburn, Esq., of New York.
MARRIED 1866: Post--Chapman--On the 10th inst., by Rev., J.H. Morison, at Stone Chapel. Boston Jotham W. Post of New York, to Eliza D., daughter of the late Hon. Jonathan Chapman.
MARRIED 1866: Rutherford--King--At Washington, D.C., on Thursday, the 12th inst., at the Church of the Epiphany, by the Rev. C.H. Hall, D.D., Capt. Robert G. Rutherford, Veteran Reserve Corps, to Lizzie M., only daughter of the late Wm. W. King, Esq.
MARRIED 1866: Barry--Neilson--On Thursday evening, April 19, at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Eastburn, assisted by the Rev. Alex. H. Vinton, D.D., Robert P. Barry, to Julia Kean, daughter of the late John Neilson, Jr., of this city.
MARRIED 1866: Frazier--Clarke--On Thursday, April 19, at Trinity Chapel, by the Rev. Edward Higbie, D.D., Benjamin W. Frazier, Esq., of Philadelphia, to Alice, daughter of William M. Clarke, of this city.
MARRIED 1866: Fairbank--Graham--Tuesday, April 24, at Calvary Church, by Rev. O. Perinchief, of Maryland, N. Kellogg Fairbank, of Chicago, Ill., to Helen Livingston, daughter of John A. Graham, of this city.
MARRIED 1866: Tucker--Parsons--On the 25th inst., in Trinity Chapel, by the Rt. Rev. Horatio Potter, D.D., John A. Tucker, of Brooklyn, to Jeannie A. Parsons, daughter of the late William Parsons, of Paterson, N.J.
MARRIED 1866: Rovere--Davis--At Rome, Italy, on the 25th April, in the private chapel of the Marquis Gavotti Verospi, Duke don Antonio Lante della Rovere, to Matilda Barclay, daughter of Thomas E. Davis, of this city.
MARRIED 1866: Des Marets--Motley.--On Thursday, April 26, at St. Paul's M.E. Church, by Rev. Cyrus Foss, Ernest A. Des Marets and Maria Louise, eldest daughter of the late John C. Motley, all of this City.
MARRIED 1866: Coster--Breese--At Calvary Church, on Thursday evening, April 26, by the Rev. Dr. Washburn, John Gerard Coster, to Cornelia F., daughter of the late Wm. G. Breese.
DIED 1866: Gerard--On Tuesday morning, April 10, Eliza, the wife of James W. Gerard, and sister of the late General Sumner, of Boston.
DIED 1866: Berend--At Paris, France, April 10, 1866, Elizabeth E. Sedgwick, wife of Berman Berend, Esq., of New York.
DIED 1866: West Point, N.Y., May 29.--General Scott died this morning at five minutes past eleven o'clock.
MARRIED 1866: Cunard--On Saturday, the 26th inst., Mary, wife of Edward Cunard, and daughter of the late Bache McEvers.
DIED 1866: Cochrane.--In Edinburgh, Scotland, on Thursday, June 14, Lucy W.S., daughter of the late Rupert J. <?>
DIED 1866: Neilson--This morning, April 20, in the 82d year of her age, Hannah, widow of William Neilson, and daughter of the late John B. Coles.
DIED 1866: Downing--In this city, on Tuesday, April 10, 1866, Thomas Downing, aged 75 years.
MARRIED 1866: Tailer--Erving.--On Wednesday, May 2, at <?> Church, Baltimore, by Rev. Dr. Hobart, Henry A., Tailer, of New-York, and Mrs. Sophia C. Erving, daughter of J. Pennington, Esq., of Baltimore.
MARRIED 1866: Smith--Townsend--On Wednesday, the 2d instant, by the Rev. Reuben Riley, James R. Smith and Grace, youngest daughter of Wm. Hawxhurst Townsend.
MARRIED 1866: Catlin--Bradford--On Wednesday, 16th instant, by the Right Rev. Horatio Potter, D.D., LL.D., Bishop of New York, William H. Catlin, of New York, to Marian Gray, only daughter of Alexander W. Bradfor.
MARRIED 1866: Kirkbride--Butler--On Thursday, May 17, by the Rev. Geo. L. Prentiss, D.D., Thomas S. Kirkbride, M.D., of Philadelphia, and Eliza Ogden, daughter of the late Benjamin F. Butler, of this city.
MARRIED 1866: Weir--French.--At the Church of the Holy Innocents, West Point, on Thursday, May 17, at 12 o'clock <?>M. by Rev. J.W. French, John F. Weir and Mary H. French, daughter of the officiating clergyman, all of West Point.
MARRIED 1866: Wilson--Fowler--At New Brighton, S.I., on Monday, June 4, by the Rev. George McCloskey, George William Wilson, to Adele Madeline, daughter of the late Theodosius O. Fowler.
MARRIED 1866: Gracie--Bulloch--On Tuesday, June 5, at the Church of the Transfiguration, by the Right Rev. William Odenheimer, Bishop of New Jersey, James K. Gracie, of New York, and Anna, daughter of the late James S. Bulloch, of Savannah, Ga.
MARRIED 1866: Bryson--Tileston--On Tuesday, June 3, by Rev. Alexander H. Vinton, D.D., Peter M. Bryson and Eliza Dodge, daughter of the late Thomas Tileston.
MARRIED 1866: Webb--Parsons.--At Hartford, Conn., Wednesday, June 6, by Rev. E.P. Rogers, D.D., of New-York City, Watson Webb, U.S. Army, and Mary H., daughter of the late Francis Parsons.
MARRIED 1866: Pell--Hyatt--On Wednesday, June 6, by Rev. R.W. Howes, Jr., assisted by Rev. Dr. G.H. Houghton, Walden Pell, to Lillie A., daughter of Stephen Hyatt, Esq.
MARRIED 1866: Porter--Hyatt--On Wednesday, June 6, by Rev. R.W. Howes, Jr., assisted by Rev. Dr. G.H. Houghton, Horace Porter, to Stephanie A., daughter of Stephen Hyatt, Esq.
MARRIED 1866: Troup--Nightingale.--At the Ridge, near Darien, Ga., on Thursday morning, June 7, by Right Rev. Stephen Elliott, J.R. Troup and Mary R., daughter of P.M. Nightingale, Esq.
MARRIED 1866: Jay--Pickergill.--On Thursday, June 7, at the Parish Church, Sexley, Kent, by Rev. Thomas Harding, Vicar, assisted by Rev. Henry Shepherd, Rector of Chalton Sarrey, Carl Jay. Esq., of Frankfort-on-the-Main, to Anna Riggs. youngest daughter of William G. Pickergill, Esq., of Blendon Hall, Kent.
MARRIED 1866: Schieffelin--Delaplaine.--At Calvary Church, on Saturday, May 19, by Rev. Dr. Hawks, George R. Schieffelin and Julia M., eldest daughter of Hon. Isaac C. Delaplaine.
DIED 1866: Bloodgood.--On Saturday, July 14, Simeon De Witt Bloodgood, in the 67th year of his age.
DIED 1866: Visscher.--On Thursday, July 5, at her residence, Greenbush, Rensselaer County, Mrs. Catharina Glen Visscher, aged 81 years, daughter of the late Gen. John J. Van Rensselaer.
DIED 1866: Smith--On Saturday, May 26, in Philadelphia, Fanny Mactier, relict of the late Major-General Charles F. Smith, U.S.A., and daughter of the late Henry Mactier, of New York.
DIED 1866: Sturges.--At Fairfield, Conn., on Sunday, July 1, after a short illness, in the 25th year of his age, Arthur Pemberton, third son of Jonathan Starges, of New York.
DIED 1866: Alston--On Wednesday, July 11, at the New York Hotel, in this city, William Algernon Alston, of South Carolina. On Saturday morning, June 23, E. Watts Laight, widow of Henry Laight, Esq., and sole surviving child of Hon. John Watts, deceased, aged 82.
DIED 1866: Murray--At Cazenovia, on Sunday, 13th instant, Harriet, widow of John R. Murray, late of New York, aged 80 years.
DIED 1866: Rensselaer--At Orange, N.J., on Friday, July 6, Georgiana Lonisa, infant daughter of Stephen and Matilda C. Van Rensselaer, aged 1 year and 22 days.
DIED 1866: Fonerden--On Thursday, June 21, of paralysis, Mrs. Eliza M. Fonerden, relict of the late James Fonerden, of Baltimore, Md., and daughter of the late Henry Spingler, of this city. Her relatives and friends, and also those of her son-in-law, Col. M.M. Van Beuren, are requested, to attend the funeral from her late residence, No. 21 West 14th <?>
MARRIED 1866: Bacon--Woolsey--On Thursday, June 7, by Rev. Dr. Bacon, of New Haven, assisted by Rev. Dr. Prentiss, of New York and Rev. President Woolsey, of Yale College, Dr. Francis Bacon, of New Haven, and Georgianna Muirson, daughter of the late Charles W. Woolsey, of this city.
MARRIED 1866: Roosevelt--Crosby--At Poughkeepsie, on Wednesday, June 6, by Rev. Chas. S. Hageman, D.D., John A. Roosevelt and Ellen Murray, daughter of Wm. Henry Crosby, Esq.
MARRIED 1866: Field--Carr--In this city, on Saturday, the 9th inst., by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Potter, David Dudley Field, Esq., to Mrs. Mary E. Carr.
MARRIED 1866: Anthon--Finn--At the Anthon Memorial Church, on Monday, June 11, by the Rev. Edward Anthon, George C. Anthon and Katharine A., daughter of Archibald T. Finn, all of this city.
MARRIED 1866: Jones--Glover--On Tuesday, June 12, at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Middletown, Conn., by the Rev. George S. Mallory, Walter Franklin Jones, of the city of New York, to Henrietta, daughter of Daniel Glover, Esq., of the former place.
MARRIED 1866: Cushing--Grinnell--At Wolfert's Dell, Irvington, N.Y., by Rev. H.W. Bellows, T.F. Cushing, of Boston, to Fanny Leslie, daughter of Hon. M.H. Grinnell.
MARRIED 1866: Emmons--Cook--At New Brighton, S.I., on Thursday, 14th inst., by Rev. E.E. Hale, of Boston, John Frank Emmons and Mary Winthrop, daughter of Geo. E. Cook.
MARRIED 1866: Hoffman--Acklen--On Saturday, June 23, at Zion Church, by the Rev. Dr. G.H. Houghton, Southard Hoffman, to Sarah W., daughter of the late John Acklen, of Huntsville. Alabama.
MARRIED 1866: Kernochan--Learned.--At the First Congregational Church, Pittsfield, Mass., on Wednesday, June 27, by Rev. John Todd, D.D., Frank E. Kernochan, of New York City, to Abba E., daughter of Edward Learned, Esq., of Pittsfield.
MARRIED 1866: Fearing--<?>--In Paris, on the 9th instant, at the American Embassy, by Rev. Dr. Eldredge, C.F. Fearing, of this city, and Miss Mary Putnam, daughter of J. Pickering Putnam, Esq., of Boston.
MARRIED 1866: Reichard--Baquie--On Saturday, July 28, 1866, at the residence of Jacob A. Otto, No. 31 Gramercy Park, by the Rev. Father Gambosville, Augustus Reichard, to Miss Blanche Baquie, both of New Orleans, La.
MARRIED 1866: Huggins--At the Highland House, on Thursday morning, the 12th inst., Helen A., the wife of James S. Huggins, and daughter of the late Richard D. Arden.
DIED 1866: Morton--Suddenly, at his residence, at Mahwah, N.J., on Wednesday morning, Major Wm. D. Morton, son of the late Hon. George W. Morton, of Hoboken, N.J., aged 29 years.
DIED 1866: Gibbs--At Oaklands, South Portsmouth, R.I., on Sunday, June 16, Miss Sarah Gibbs.
DIED 1866: Irving.--At Oyster Bay, L.I., on Sunday, July 22, Mrs. Eliza E. Irving, daughter of the late Henry Eckford, and widow of Gabriel F. Irving.
DIED 1866: Banks.--On Tuesday, July 24, Charlotte Lenox, daughter of the late William Banks.
DIED 1866: Craven.--On Thursday morning, July 19, at the residence of his son, Alfred W. Craven, Tunis Craven, aged 85 years. The friends of the family are respectfully invited, to attend his funeral at 10 1/2 o'clock on Saturday morning, 21st inst., from St. Ann's Church, 18th-st., near 5th-av.
DIED 1866: Graves--At Staten Island, on the 20th instant, Mary Ann Graves, widow of the late E.B. Graves and daughter of the late Thomas A. Emmet.
DIED 1866: Bartlett.--At the residence of her sons, near Deer Park, Long Island, on Friday, June 8, Martha, widow of the late Dr. John S. Bartlett, of this City, aged 71 years. Funeral services will take place at St. Paul's Chapel, in this City, on Monday, June 11, at 12 o'clock. Friends of the family, and those of her son-in-law, Col. Eugene Le Gal, are invited, to attend. The remains will be deposited in the family vault in Boston.
MARRIED 1866: McLean--Hyslop--At Calvary Church, on Tuesday, Sept. 4, by Rev. Wm. D. Walker, Corneille McLean, of this city, to Rebecca Bryan, daughter of the late Wm. Irving Hyslop, and granddaughter of James Schott, Esq., of Philadelphia.
MARRIED 1866: Walker--Tyng--Wednesday, the 19th inst., at the residence of her parents, by the Rev. James H. Tyng, J. Bryant Walker, of Cincinnati, to Fanny H., daughter of the officiating clergyman.
MARRIED 1866: Vibbert--Welsh.--On Tuesday, Oct. 2, at St. Luke's Church, Philadelphia, by Rev. Dr. Howe, Rev. Prof. W.H. Vibbert, of Middletown, Conn., to Julia Newbold, daughter of Wm. Welsh, Esq., of Philadelphia. The benediction was pronounced by Right Rev. Bishop Talbot.
MARRIED 1866: Lawrence--Townsend.--On Wednesday, Oct. 3, at St. George's Church, Flushing, L.I., by Rev. Thomas A. Jaggar, Walter B. Lawrence, to E. Annie, daughter of the late Robert C. Townsend.
MARRIED 1866: Moore--Moore--At the residence of the bride, Newtown, L.I., by the Rev. D.V.M. Johnson, D.D., rector of St. Mary's Church, Brooklyn, assisted by the Rev. N.W. Taylor Root rector of St. James's Church, Newtown, Daniel Sackett Moore, of Newtown, to Margaret Lawrence, only daughter of the late James S. Moore.
MARRIED 1866: Bullus--Kissam--October 4, at Trinity Chapel, by the Rev. Frederick Beasley, William Ellison Builus, to Emma Embury Kissam.
MARRIED 1866: Lefferts--Fay--In New York, October 9, at Church of All Souls, by Rev. F.N. Knapp, Marshall Lefferts, Jr. of New York city, to Clara W., youngest daughter of the late Nahum Fay, Esq., of Boston.
MARRIED 1866: Van Derbeck--Blauvelt--On Wednesday, October 10, in the Presbyterian church at Lamington, N.J., by the Rev. Dr. Blauvelt, J. Newton Van Derbeck, to Gertrude Hutton, daughter of Rev. Dr. Blauvelt.
MARRIED 1866: Arnold--Benjamin.--On Tuesday, Oct. 16, at the Church of the Ascension, by Rev. Wm. Henry Benjamin, Major A.K. Arnold, U.S.A., to Sarah J., daughter of the late Wm. M. Benjamin.
MARRIED 1866: Robbins--Bend.--On Wednesday, Oct. 17, at Grace Church, by Rev. Dr. Morgan, Henry A. Robbins, to Lizzie Pelham, daughter of the late William B. Bend.
MARRIED 1866: Dickinson--Parrott.--On Wednesday, Oct. 17, at St. John's Church, "The Greenwoods," Orange County, by Rev. Charles Babcock, assisted by Rev. Dr. Francis L. Vinton, George Fox Dickinson, to Jane Arden, daughter of Peter P. Parrott, Esq.
MARRIED 1866: Strong--Kearny--On 18th of October, at New Brunswick, N.J., by the Rev. Dr. Stubbs, E. Newton Strong, to Evelina Warren, daughter of the late Philip J. Kearny, of New York.
DIED 1866: Buckley--On Friday morning, 27th instant, Juhette Anne Buckley, wife of Thomas C.T. Buckley and daughter of James W. Gerard.
DIED 1866: Bryant--On the 27th instant, at Roslyn, Long Island, Frances Fairchild Bryant, wife of William Cullen Bryant, in her seventieth year.
DIED 1866: Lynch--At her residence, <?>, on Sunday, August 26, Janette Tillotson, widow of the late Judge Lynch, of New York, and daughter of the late Dr. Thomas Tillotson. The relatives and friends of the family are requested, to attend the funeral services, to be held at the Church of the Messiah, Rhinebeck, at half-past 3 o'clock on Tuesday, 28th inst., without further notice.
DIED 1866: Van Horne.--On Friday evening, Aug. 10, Ann Margaret Clarkson Van Horne. Her relatives and friends, and those of her brother-in-law, A. Norrie, are respectfully invited, to attend the funeral, at Grace Church, Tuesday, Aug. 14, at 10 o'clock a.m., without further notice.
DIED 1866: Hawks--September 27, at his residence in this city, Rev. Francis L. Hawks, D.D., LL.D., in the 69th year of his age.
DIED 1866: Rockwell--At Chicago, on 25th inst., Margaret S. Tracy, wife of Charles H. Rockwell.
DIED 1866: Rockwell--At Chicago, on the 8th September, Mary, infant daughter of Charles H. and the late Margaret Tracy Rockwell.
MARRIED 1866: Newman--Rodgers.--On Thursday, Oct. 18, at the Church of the Holy Communion, by Rev. Dr. Muhlenberg, William H. Newman, to Ellen Stewart, daughter of the late Dr. John Kearny Rodgers.
MARRIED 1866: Penniman--Knower.--At Trinity Chapel, 25th-st., on Tuesday, Oct. 16, by Rev. Morgan Dix, Rector, Samuel J. Penniman, to Miss Mary Knower.
MARRIED 1866: Peabody--Pingree--In Salem, Mass., on the 23d inst., at the East Church, by the Rev. Mr. Beane, Joseph Peabody, to Anna Perkins, daughter of the late Hon. David Pingree, all of Salem.
MARRIED 1866: Siebert--Oothout--On Wednesday, October 24, at the Reformed Dutch Church, by the Rev. Dr. DeWitt, Louis Phillipp Siebert, to Eliza, daughter of the late John Oothout, of this city.
MARRIED 1866: Mitchell--Johnes--At Morristown, N.J., on Wednesday, October 24, by the Rev. Alfred Chester, of Elizabeth, N.J., Matthew Mitchell, to Margaret A. Johnes, daughter of the late Jno. B. Johnes, M.D.
MARRIED 1866: Rogers--Wadsworth--On 25th of October, at Geneseo, N.Y., by the Rev. Dr. Ingersoll, M. Edward Rogers, of Philadelphia, and Nannie C., daughter of the late General J.S. Wadsworth.
MARRIED 1866: Gerard--Angel--On Wednesday, October 31, at Geneseo, by the Rev. Dr. Irish, James W. Gerard, Junior, of New York, to Jenny, daughter of Hon. B.F. Angel, of Geneseo.
MARRIED 1866: Gallatin--Gerry--At Trinity Chapel, on Thursday, November 1, by Rev. Dr. Higbee, Frederic Gallatin, to Almy Goelet Gerry, daughter of the late Thomas R. Gerry, all of this city.
MARRIED 1866: Jones--Baldwin.--On Wednesday, Nov. 14, at the Church of the Ascension, by Right Rev. Bishop Potter, Edward Renshaw Jones, to Mary Elizabeth, daughter of the late Judge Baldwin, of Syracuse.
MARRIED 1866: Mitchell--Roberts.--In this City, on Wednesday, Nov. 14, by Rev. Wm. Roberts, D.D., Lizzie M., only daughter of the officiating clergyman, to Henry Mitchell. M.D., of Norwich, N.Y.
MARRIED 1866: Morris--Gray.--At St. Mark's Church, on Wednesday, Nov. 14, by Rev. A.H. Vinton, D.D., James Morris, of Polham, Westchester County, to Elizabeth W., only daughter of the late G. Winthrop Gray, of this City.
MARRIED 1866: Martin--Van Duzer.--On Thursday, Nov. 15, at the Church of the Incarnation. by Rev. Henry E. Montgomery, D.D., John S. Martin, to Mary Somerville, daughter of Selah Van Duzer, all of this City.
MARRIED 1866: Oliphant--Quimby.--At Orange, N.J., on Thursday, Nov. 15, by Rev. James H. Taylor, Henry D. Oliphant, to Caroline L. Quimby, daughter of the late A.M. Quimby, No cards.
DIED 1866: Van Buren--At sea, on board of the steamship Scotia, on Saturday, October 13th instant John Van Buren, counsellor-at-law of this city.
DIED 1866: Heckscher--Suddenly, on Tuesday evening, October 30, Charles A. Heckscher, of this city, in the 61st year of his age.
DIED 1866: Death of Secretary Seward's Daughter. Fanny Seward, the only daughter of Secretary Seward, died this morning, in Washington.
DIED 1866: Church.--At Pan, France, on Thursday, Sept. 27, in the 41st year of his age, William Henry Church, M.D., of this City, formerly Division Surgeon on Gen. Burnside's Stair, and youngest son of the late Hon. Philip Church, of Belvidere, N.Y.
DIED 1866: Donaldson.--At Edgewater, Dutchess County, on Friday, Oct. 12, after a short illness, in the 59th year of her age, Susan Jane, wife of Robert Donaldson, and daughter of the late Judge Gaston, of North Carolina.
DIED 1866: Luqueer--On Tuesday evening, Oct. 16, John A. Luqueer, eldest son of the late Francis T. Luqueer.
DIED 1866: Stockton.--At Morven, Princeton, N.J., on Sunday, Oct. 7, Robert Field Stockton, late Commodore in the U.S. Navy.
DIED 1866: Hudson--Wednesday morning, October 17, Ellen C.T. Hudson, wife of Joseph Hudson. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited, to attend the funeral services at Grace Church on Friday afternoon, at 8 o'clock, without further notice.
MARRIED 1866: Forsyth--Craig--On Thursday, November 15, at Trinity Chapel, by the Rev. Morgan Dix, Russell Forsyth, to Helena Aunette, eldest daughter of Benj. D.K. Craig.
MARRIED 1866: Barber--Chetwood.--In Christ Chapel, Elizabeth, N.J., on Thursday, Nov. 22, by Rev. Hobart Chetwood, William P. Barber, to Susan J., only daughter of the late J.J. Chetwood, Esq.
MARRIED 1866: Dekay--Tompkins--At West Farms, Westchester county, N.Y., on Tuesday, November 20, by the Rev. Edwin Harwood, James Dekay, to Laura, daughter of Daniel H. Tompkins.
MARRIED 1866: Churchill--Young--On Thursday, November 22, by the Rev. Dr. Rice, Richard C. Churchill, U.S. Army, to Josephine, daughter of Henry Young, of this city.
MARRIED 1866: Dinsmore--Adams--At Watertown, Mass., 22d ult., by Rev. George H. Hepworth, Wm. B. Dinsmore, Jr., of New York, to Helen Frances, daughter of Alvin Adams, Esq.
MARRIED 1866: Lawrence--Cooley--On Wednesday, November 28, at Christ Church, Fifth avenue, by the Rev. F.C. Ewer, George A. Lawrence, to Lottie L., daughter of Randolph M. Cooley, Esq., all of this city.
DIED 1866: Barretto--On Monday morning, 26th inst., Norah M., wife of F.J. Barretto, and daughter of the late Gerard W. Morris, of this city.
DIED 1866: James.--At his residence, No. 23 West 32d-st., New-York, on Thursday, Nov. 29, Augustus James, late of Rhinebeck, Dutchess County. Funeral services at Albany, N.Y.
DIED 1866: Van Rensselaer.--At the old mansion, Greenbush, Rensselaer County, on Friday, Nov. 30, Jeremiah Van Rensselaer, Jr., aged 41 years.
DIED 1866: Denning--November 1, at his residence, at Fishkill Landing, William H. Denning, Esq., in the 63d year of his age. The funeral will take place from St. Anna's (Episcopal) Church, Fishkill Landing, on Saturday, 3d instant, at 2 p. m.
DIED 1866: Pell--On Sunday morning, Nov. 11, very suddenly, Maria Louisa, wife of Robert L. Pell, Esq., and daughter of the late James L. Brinckerhoff. The relatives and friends of the family are invited, to attend the funeral on Tuesday morning, Nov. 13, at 10 o'clock, from her late residence, No. 218 5th ave., <?>
DIED 1866: Coster.--On Friday, Nov. 16, the infant son of Margaret and Edward H. Coster.
DIED 1866: Draper--At Whitestone, L.I., on Tuesday morning, November 6, 1866, Hon. Simeon Draper in the 62d year of his age.
DIED 1866: Withers--On the 7th inst., Reubert Withers, in the 78th year of his age. The funeral services will be held at his late residence, 135 2d ave., on Saturday, the 10th, at 3 1/2 p. m. His <?>
DIED 1866: Garrettson--At his residence, Clifton Point, Rhinebeck, November 12, Freeborn Garrettson, in the 74th year of his age.
DIED 1866: Garrettson--Elizabeth H. Garrettson, widow of Freeborn Garrettson, at Clifton Point, Rhinebeck, November 15, aged 71 years. Funeral services from Methodist Episcopal Church, Rhinebeck, Friday, November 16. The remains accompany those of her deceased husband for interment at Greenmount Cemetery, Baltimore.
MARRIED 1866: Boyd--Mercer.--At Philadelphia, on Tuesday, Dec. by Rev. A.G. Mercer, D.D., uncle of the bride, <?>arlile Boyd, Captain United States Army, to Maria, second daughter of S.A. Mercer, Esq., of Philadelphia.
MARRIED 1866: Butler--Fuller.--On Wednesday, Dec. 5, at the church of the Holy Communion, by Right Rev. Horatio <?>tter, D.D., Rev. Edwin E. Butler, to Anna H., daughter of Dudley B. Fuller.
MARRIED 1866: Coster--Coles.--On Thursday, Dec. 6, by Rev. Dr. Morgan, Henry A. Coster, to Mary Lee, daughter of the late Isaac U. Cotes. Esq.
MARRIED 1866: Armstrong--Neilson.--On Thursday evening, Dec. by Rev. John Cotton Smith, D.D., D. Maitland Armstrong, to Helena, daughter of the late John Neilson, Jr., of this City.
DIED 1866: Hopkins.--At Canandaigua, on Monday, Dec. 17, Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Hopkins. Funeral from the house of her daughter, Mrs. S.H. <?>Bradford, No. 229 Main-st., Geneva, on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
MARRIED 1866: Johnson--Verplanck.--On Tuesday, Dec. 18, at Fishkill, on Hudson, by Rev. George D. Johnson, Rector of St. Mark's, Low Point, Sam. W. Johnson, of New-York, to Mary N., daughter of Wm. S. Verplanck, Esq.
MARRIED 1866: Wetmore--Cryder.--On Tuesday, Dec. 18, at Calvary Church, by Rev. E.A. Washburae, D.D., W. Shepard Wetmore, of China, to Anna E. eldest daughter of John Cryder, of this City.
MARRIED 1866: Dwight--Skinner.--In New-Haven. Conn., on Monday, Dec. 31, by Rev. Eleazer T. Fitch, D.D., Prof. Timothy Dwight, of Yale College, to Miss Jane W. Skinner.
MARRIED 1866: Newcomb--Danforth.--At Louisville, Ky., on Wednesday, Dec. 26, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. W.H. Platt, of Calvary Church, H. Victor Newcomb, to Florence Ward, eldest daughter of J.L. Danforth, Esq.
MARRIED 1866: Bronson--Whetten--In this city, on Wednesday December 26, by the Rt. Rev. Horatio Potter, D.D. bishop of the diocese, Isaac Bronson, to Alice, daughter of William Whetten.
DIED 1866: Lawrence--At Funchal, Island of Madeira, December 8, 1866 Edward Newbold Lawrence.
DIED 1866: Marie.--On Wednesday morning, Dec. 19, at ner residence, No. 48 West 19th-st., Leontine, widow of the late John B. MariÇ, aged 71 years. The friends of the family and of her sons are respectfully invited, to attend her funeral from the Church of St. Francis Xavier, West 16th-st., between 5th and 6th avs., <?>
DIED 1866: Hodge--In Philadelphia, on the 19th instant, Margaret Elizabeth, wife of Professor H.L. Hodge, and daughter of the late John Aspinwall, of this city.
DIED 1866: Livingston.--At St. German, France, on the 27th day of December last, in the 36th year of his age, Henry Brockholst Livingston, eldest son of Carrell Livingston, of this City.
DIED 1866: Chanler.--On Saturday morning, Dec. 29, in the 78th year of her age, Elizabeth S. Chanler, widow of Rev. John White Chanler, of Charleston, S.C.
DIED 1866: Starr.--At Stamford, Conn., on Saturday, Dec. 29, Hannah Smith, wife of Chandler Starr, aged 71 years. The relatives and friends of the family are invited, to attend her funeral at the residence of her son-in-law <?>
DIED 1866: McVickar.--On Thursday, Dec. 6, Edward Vickar, in the 72d year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are requested, to attend his funeral at 3 p.m. on Saturday, at the Church of the Holy Communion, corner of 6th-av. and 20th-st., without further invitation. The remains will be taken, to Turin, N.Y., for interment.
DIED 1866: Murray.--At his residence in Oswego, N.Y., on Sunday, Dec. 30. Hamilton Murray, in the 63d year of his age.
DIED 1866: De Peyster.--On Saturday, Dec. 15, Margaret J., daughter of the late Frederic De Peyster.
DIED 1866: Gray.--On Friday, Dec. 14, Maria, widow of George Winthrop Gray, and daughter of the late George Griswold. Funeral from her late residence, No. 32 Washington-square, on Monday, the 17th inst., at 10 1/2 o'clock a.m.
DIED 1866: Humphreys.--On Friday, Dec. 7, at his residence, No. 18 West 10th-st., May Humphreys, late of Philadelphia, in the 75th year of his age.
DIED 1866: Camille De Varaigne--In Paris, France, on December 7, Mary, wife of the Baron Camille de Varaigne, and daughter of the late Colonel Herman Thorn.
DIED 1866: Morris--On Saturday, 22d inst., in the 18th year of her age, Josephine Amelia, eldest daughter of John H. Morris.
DIED 1866: Butler--in New Orleans, La., on Friday, Dec. 14, Charles F. Butler, formerly a resident of this City.
DIED 1866: Creighton.--At Beechwood, Westchester Country, on Thursday, Dec. 20, Jane, widow of Rev. William Creignton, D.D., and daughter of the late Peter Scher<?>horn, Esq., in the 75th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are requested, to attend her funeral at St. Mary's Church, Beechwood.
DIED 1866: Sullivan--At Pau, France, on the 14th December last, George Sullivan, late of this city, in the 83d year of his age.
MARRIED 1867: Swan--Renwick--On Tuesday, the 8th inst., at the Church of the Holy Communion, by the Rev. Dr. Muhlenberg, Benjamin L. Swan, Jr., to Mary R. Renwick, all of this city.
MARRIED 1867: Fullerton--Maitland.--On Thursday, Jan. 3, at Cally Chapel, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland, by Rev. T.F. Hill, Lieut.-Col. Fullerton, of H.M. Bengal Staff Corps, to Isabella, eldest daughter of the late Stuart C. Maitland, Esq., of Dundrennan.
MARRIED 1867: Dodge--Whelpley--At Morristown, N.J., on Thursday, Jan. 3, by Rev. Arthur Mitchell, Dr. David S. Dodge, of New York, to Mrs. Eliza E. Whelpley, of Morristown.
MARRIED 1867: Tyng--Christie--On Wednesday, Jan. 9, at Calvary Church, by Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, D.D., Morris A. Tyng, to Effie W., daughter of the late Henry W. Christie, all of this city.
MARRIED 1867: Wilmerding--Payne--At Christ Church, by the Rev. Dr. Payne and the Rev. F.C. Ewer, Elizabeth, eldest daughter of H.A. Wilmerding, Esq., of New York, to Rev. John William Payne, of Ithaca.
MARRIED 1867: Field--Wikoff.--On Thursday, Jan. 10, at the R.D. Church, Middletown, N.J., by Rev. N.E. Smith, D.D., of Brooklyn, Joseph T. Field, to Isabella, daughter of the late George H. Wikoff.
MARRIED 1867: Nelson--Hubbard--At Trinity Church, New Rochelle, on the 23d January, by the Rt. Rev. Horatio Potter D.D., Frederick Tracy Nelson, to Cora Lester, daughter of John L. Hubbard.
MARRIED 1867: Coles--Brown.--On Wednesday evening, Jan. 23, at Trinity Chapel, by Rev. Mr. Huckle, Edward O. Coles, to Helen B., daughter of Lewis B. Brown, Esq., all of this City.
MARRIED 1867: Robert--Trudeau--On Tuesday, January 29, at the Church of the Holy Communion, by the Rev. H.M. Beare, Dr. Charles S. Robert, to Miss Adelina Trudeau, all of New York.
MARRIED 1867: Burns--Morgan--On the 29th ult., in London, at All Saints' Church, Ennismore Place, by the Rev. C.R. Scholfield, M.A., Vicar of Madehurst, Arundel, assisted by the Rev. J.H. Masters, M.A., Vicar of Lower Beeding, Horsham, Walter H. Burns, of New York, U.S., to Mary Lyman, second daughter of J.S. Morgan, Esq., of 13 Prince's Gate, Hyde Park.
DIED 1867: Dr. Howard Townsend, of Albany, who died on the 16th inst., was one of the most eminent physicians <?>send was a son-in-law of Gen. Stephen Van Rensselaer, of Albany.
DIED 1867: N.P. Willis is dead--January twentieth at his residence, the name of which, Idlewild is itself Willis-esque, he breathed his last<?>
DIED 1867: Willis.--In Brooklyn, on Thursday, Jan. 24, Richard Willis, son of the late R. Willis, of West Point.
DIED 1867: Davis.--On Sunday evening, Jan. 27, after a short illness, Charles Aug. Davis, in the 72d year of his age. His friends are respectfully invited, to attend his funeral at Grace Church, Broadway and 10th-st., this afternoon at 3 1/2 o'clock, without further notice.
DIED 1867: Duncan.--On Tuesday, Jan. 29, Dr. Stephen Duncan, late of Natchez, Miss., in the 80th year of his age. The friends of the family are invited, to attend the funeral services at Grace Church, on Thursday at 10 o'clock a.m.
DIED 1867: Carter--Suddenly, of paralysis, on Thursday, Jan. 10, in the 71st year of her age, Ann Eliza, wife of Galen Carter, M.D., and daughter of the late Col. Hezekiah Ketchum, of Saratoga Co., N.Y.
DIED 1867: Coggill.--On Friday, Jan. 11, at his residence, No. 288 5th-av., George Coggill. in the 87th year of his age.
DIED 1867: Putnam.--At Montreaux, Switzerland, on Friday, Jan. John Pickering Putnam, of Boston, Mass.
DIED 1867: Carman.--In Florence, Italy, on the 21st of January last, in the 66th year of her age, Mary, wife of Richard F. Carman.
DIED 1867: Minton.--At New-Brighton, S.I., on Wednesday, Jan. 16, Emily Grace, only daughter of Charles A. and Emily G. Minton, aged 3 years.
DIED 1867: Taylor.--At Newport, R.I., on Saturday, Jan. 12, Frances Wetmore Taylor, daughter of the late John J. Taylor, of this City, in the 20th year of her age.
DIED 1867: Varnum--After a short illness, on Tuesday evening, Jan. 15, Joseph B. Varnum, Sr., of this city. The friends and acquaintances of the family, and of his nephew, Joseph B. Varnum, Jr., and of his sons-in-law, Henry A. Mott and James W. Underhill, are<?>
DIED 1867: Yelverton.--Suddenly, on Thursday morning, Jan. 24, of apoplery, John P. Yelverton. The friends of the family are invited, to attend the funeral at his late residence, No. 25 West 30th-st., this (Friday) afternoon at 3 1/2 o'clock. The remains will be taken, to Dutchess County on Saturday for interment.
DIED 1867: Adwalader--At her residence, 1,131 Chesnut street, Philadelphia, on Friday morning, the 18th instant, Maria C., wife of Thomas Cadwaiader, and daughter of the late Nicholas Gouverneur, of the city of New York.
DIED 1867: Sedgwick.--On Sunday evening, Jan. 20, at Stockbridge, Mass., Susan Anne Livingston, daughter of Matthew Ridley, deceased, widow of Theodore Sedgwick, formerly of Stockbridge, and mother of the late Theodore Sedgwick, of this City.
MARRIED 1867: Kobbe--Hessenberg--Feb. 4, by Rev. Dr. Bellows, Ph. Ferdinand KobbÇ, to Marie, eldest daughter of Gust. Hessenberg, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1867: Osgood--Schenkberg.--On Wednesday, Feb. 20, by Rev. Dr. Samuel Osgood, assisted by Rev. O.B. Frothingham, William H. Osgood, to Marie Emilie, daughter of Geo. W. Schenkberg.
MARRIED 1867: Meert--Van Buren.--On Wednesday, Feb. 20, at St. Stephen's Church, by the Most Rev. John McCloskey, Archbishop of New-York, Charles Frederick Meert, to Adelaide Mott, eldest daughter of Dr. Wm. H. Van Buren, all of this City.
MARRIED 1867: Pell--Cheever.--At Grace Church, Thursday, Feb. 21, by Rev. A.G. Mercer, D.D., Col. D.A. Pell, of New-York, to Caroline P., daughter of B.H. Cheever, Esq., of Washington.
MARRIED 1867: Wootton--Wright.--On Thursday, Feb. 21, at the residence of the bride's father, Washington, D.C., Mr. Edwin Henry Wootton, of New-York, to Mary Hill, daughter of Major-Gen. H.G. Wright, U.S.A.
MARRIED 1867: Chauncey--Cryder--On Thursday, 21st instant, at Calvary Church, by the Rt. Rev. John Williams, bishop of Connecticut, assisted by Rev. E.A. Washburne, D.D., Frederick Chauncey, to Esther Wetmore, youngest daughter of John Cryder, Esq.
MARRIED 1867: Blossom--Ludlam.--In Brooklyn, on Thursday, Feb-21, by Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, Josiah B. Blossom, to Grace P., daughter of Edward Ludlam, Esq.
MARRIED 1867: Rosa--Carvell.--On Tuesday, Feb. 26, at the residence of Rev. Dr. Stephen H. Tyng, of St. George's Church, Carl Rosa, of Hamburg, to Mme. Parepa Carvell, of England.
MARRIED 1867: Metcalfe--Whitlock--Tuesday, February 26, by Rev. Dr. Tyng, John T. Metcalfe, M.D., to Susan S. Whitlock, daughter of William Whitlock, Jr.
MARRIED 1867: Vingut--Floyd--Wednesday evening, February 27, at the Church of St. Vincent de Paul, by the most Rev. John McCloskey, archbishop of New York, George T. Vingut, of Havana, Cuba, to Sarah Augusta, daughter of David Van Horne Floyd, of this city.
MARRIED 1867: Williams--Pierce--In Boston, Feb. 27, by Rev. Nath'l Hall, assisted by Rev. Edward E. Hale, Robert B. Williams, Jr., to Mary E., daughter of S.S. Pierce, Esq., of Boston.
MARRIED 1867: Auchmuty--Schermerhorn.--In this City, on Wednesday, Feb. 27, by Rev. Dr. Parker, of Amherst, Richard Tylden Auchmuty, to Ellen, daughter of the late Augustus Schermerhorn.
DIED 1867: Hamersley--On Monday evening, 18th inst., Catharine Livingston, wife of John W. Hamersley. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited, to attend the funeral at 4 p. m. on Thursday, 21st inst., from Grace Church, Broadway, without further invitation.
DIED 1867: Suydam.--At Elizabeth, N.J., on Sunday, Feb. 3, Charles King, infant son of Charles C. and Eliza S. Suydam, aged 1 month and 13 days. His remains will be taken, to Jamaica, L.I., on Wednesday.
DIED 1867: Trowbridge.--At New-Haven, on Thursday, Jan. 31, Minnie B. Uhlhorn, wife of E. Hayes Trowbridge, Jr., and youngest daughter of the late C.F. Uhlhorn. Funeral from her late residence, No. 77 Wall-st., New Haven. Monday, at 2 1/2 p.m.
DIED 1867: Fleming--At Milwankie, on the 8th inst., Alexander Fleming, only son of the late John B. Fleming, of this city.
DIED 1867: Roe.--At West Point, N.Y., on Friday, Feb. 8, Edward, second son of Stephen R. and Josephine Roe, aged 17 years and 4 months.
DIED 1867: Sheaff--The 7th inst., Mary Sheaf, daughter of the late Henry Sheaff, of Philadelphia. The friends of the family are invited, to attend her funeral, at the Church of the Holy Communion, on Saturday, at 10 1/2 a. m., without further invitation.
DIED 1867: Sickles--On Tuesday, February 5, Teresa B. wife of Maj.-Gen. D.E. Sickles. Funeral services Saturday, 10 o'clock a. m., at St. Joseph's Church, Sixth avenue, cor. West Washington Place. Relatives and friends are invited.
DIED 1867: Rumpff.--At Paris, on Wednesday, Feb. 13, Vincent Rumpff. for many years Minister Resident of the Hanse Towns at Paris, and son-in-law of the late John Jacob Astor, of this City, in the 78th year of his age.
DIED 1867: Livingston.--On Wednesday, Feb. 13. Sarah Lavingston, daughter of the late Philip Henry Livingston, of this City. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited, to attend the funeral from her late residence, No. 50 West, 45th-st., on Friday 15th, at 2 1/2 o'clock p. m.
DIED 1867: Cooke.--At Paris, France, on Friday, Feb. 02. Emma, only daughter of Rev. Samuel Cooke, D.D., Rector of St. Bartholomew's Church in this City.
DIED 1867: Livingston.--On Monday, Feb. 25, Robert Swift Livingston, Esq. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited, to attend his funeral at St. Mark's Church, corner of 10th-st. and 2d-av., on Wednesday, 27th inst., at 3 o'clock, without further invitation.
DIED 1867: Many.--On Monday afternoon, Feb. 25, Catherine Hone, widow of the late Vincent W. Many. Her relatives and friends are requested, to attend the funeral services at her late residence, No. 147 West 24th-st., on Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock.
MARRIED 1867: Tyng--Edmonds.--On Tuesday evening, March 5, at the Church of the Holy Trinity, by Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, D.D., Charles Rockland Tyng, to Mary Emma, daughter of the late Francis W. Edmonds, all of this City.
MARRIED 1867: Wotherspoon--Hoppock.--On Tuesday, March 5, by Rev. M.S. Hutton, Mr. James Wotherspoon, to Miss Fannie A., daughter of Ely Hoppock, Esq., all of this City.
MARRIED 1867: Fraser--Appleton.--On Tuesday, March 5, at the Church of the Incarnation, by Rev. Dr. Montgomery, William A. Fraser, to Lina, daughter of George S. Appleton, Esq., of this City.
MARRIED 1867: <?>
MARRIED 1867: Armstrong--Morgan--April 10, at All Souls Church, by the Rev. Dr. Bellows, William N. Armstrong, to Mary Francis, youngest daughter of the late E.E. Morgan, all of this city.
MARRIED 1867: Nicholas--Purdy.--On Wednesday, April 3, by Right Rev. Bishop Southgate, George S. Nicholas, to Elizabeth Teackle, daughter of John F. Purdy.
MARRIED 1867: Baker--Crocker.--In Brooklyn, at the residence of the bride's parents, on Thursday, April 13, by Rev. J.B. Thomas, Frederic Baker, of Boston, to Emily L. Crocker, daughter of Ferdinand A. Crocker.
MARRIED 1867: Kip--Lorillard.--On Tuesday, April 22, by Right Rev. Bishop Potter, D.D., Lieut.-Col. Lawrence Kip, U.S. Army, to Eva, daughter of Peter Loriliard, Esq., of this City.
MARRIED 1867: Kingsland--Aspinwall.--On Wednesday, April 24, at the Church of the Ascension, by Rev. John Aspinwall, Ambrose C. Kingsland, Jr., to Katherine, daughter of Wm. H. Aspinwall.
MARRIED 1867: Prince--Morris.--On Tuesday, April 23, in St. Paul's Church, Baltimore, by Rev. Dr. Mahan, John Dyneley Prince, of New York, to Anne Maria, eldest daughter of Thomas H. Morris, Esq., of Baltimore.
MARRIED 1867: Sullivan--Place.--On Tuesday, April 23, at St. Paul's M.E. Church, by Rev. John McClintock, D.D., Arthur T. Sullivan, to Isabel, daughter of Jas. K. Place, Esq., all of this City.
MARRIED 1867: Wright--Pell.--On Tuesday, April 23, at Grace Church, by Rev. Dr. Cooke, Frank Wright, of Auburn, N.Y., to Fanny R. Pell, daughter of the late Ferris Pell, Esq.
DIED 1867: Waddington.--On Friday morning, March 1, Mary E., wife of William D. Waddington. The friends of the family are invited, to attend her funeral on Sunday, 3d inst., at 1 o'clock p.m., from St. Paul's Church, without further invitation.
DIED 1867: Ward.--At Georgetown, D.C., on Wednesday, Feb. 27, Gen. Aaron Ward, of Sing Sing, N.Y., aged 76 years.
DIED 1867: Thorndike.--On Friday, March 8, Israel Thorndike, formerly of Boston. The friends of the family are respectfully invited, to attend the funeral services at his late residence, No. 17 East 16th-st., on Tuesday next, at 12 o'clock, without further notice.
DIED 1867: Wood.--On Friday morning, March 8, David Wood, in the 86th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family, his sons, David Augustus Wood, Frederick Wood and Charles B. Wood, and of his sons-in-law, Samuel A. Meeker and John H. Bloodgood, are respectfully invited, to attend his funeral on Monday, the 11th inst., at 3 o'clock p.m., from his late residence, No. 36 Laight<?>
DIED 1867: Wolfe.--On Friday evening, March 8, Catherine A. Clark, relict of the late Christopher Wolfe, in the 73d year of her age. Her friends and those of her son, John Wolfe, and her son-in-law, Geo. D.H. Gillespie, are respectfully invited, to attend her funeral from Grace Church on <?>
DIED 1867: Jephson.--At his residence, No. 24 East 33d-st., on Monday morning, March 11, William Henry Jephson, in the 85th year of his age.
DIED 1867: Crane.--On Friday, March 15, after a short illness, Charles Briggs, youngest son of John J. and Sarah H. Crane, in the 14th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited, to attend the funeral services on Monday afternoon, the 18th inst., at 3 1/2 o'clock, from the residence of his parents, No. 26 West 20th-st., without further invitation.
DIED 1867: Underhill.--On Tuesday, March 19, James W. Underhill, at his residence, No. 13 East 22d-st., in the 48th year of his age.
DIED 1867: Gibbs.--On Thursday morning, March 28, in this city, at the residence of her uncle, F.L. Harris, M.D., Helen Elizabeth, daughter of Ex-Gov. Gibbs, of Newport, R.I. The remains will be taken, to Newport for interment.
DIED 1867: Paige.--At Schenectady, N.Y., on Sunday, March 31, Harriet B., wife of Hon. Alonzo C. Paige.
MARRIED 1867: Forbes--Delano--On Thursday, April 25, by the Rev. Dr. Eldridge, at the American Chapel, Rue de Bern, Paris, and afterwards at the Legation of the United States, William H. Forbes, to Dora, daughter of Warren Delano, Jr.
MARRIED 1867: Lathrop--Bronson--At Trinity Church, Columbia, S.C., April 25, by the Rev. W.H. Hauckle, Thos. Allen Lathrop, of New York, to Elise Hinman, daughter of Jno. P. Bronson, Esq., of South Carolina.
MARRIED 1867: Woolsey--Smith.--On Thursday, April 25, at the Church of the Covenant, by Rev. Prof. Henry B. Smith, assisted by Rev. George L. Prentiss, D.D., Charles William Woolsey, to Arixene Southgate Smith, daughter of the officiating clergyman, all of this City.
MARRIED 1867: Wood--Francis.--At Cambridge, Mass., on Tuesday, April 23, by Rev. Eben Francis, Mr. James E. Wood, of Huntington, Long Island, to Miss Mary H. Francis, daughter of the officiating clergyman.
MARRIED 1867: Harris--Jones.--On Monday, April 29, at Trinity Chapel, by Right Rev. H.A. Neely, Ezekiel A. Harris, to Fannie M., daughter of Rev. J.W. Jones, of Hyde Park, N.Y.
MARRIED 1867: Nash--Coxe.--At St. Paul's Cathedral, Buffalo, on Thursday, April 25, by Rev. Dr. Shelton, Francis Philip Nash, of New York, to Katherine Cleveland, daughter of Right Rev. Dr. Coxe, Bishop of Western New York.
MARRIED 1867: Swan--Anthon.--At the Anthon Memorial Church, on Monday, April 29, by Rev. Edward Anthon, assisted by Rev. Dr. Tyng, Otis D. Swan, to Charlotte A., daughter of the late Rev. Henry Anthon, D.D.
MARRIED 1867: Hunnewell--Bronson.--On Tuesday, April 30, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. George S. Converse, Hollis Hunnewell, of Boston, to Louisa, daughter of Frederic Bronson, Esq., of this City.
MARRIED 1867: Kane--King.--At the Church of the Ascension, on Tuesday, April 30, by Rev. Dr. Tyng, Mr. Wm. H. Kane, to Cornelia Remsen King, daughter of Mr. Henry R. Remsen.
MARRIED 1867: Mead--Adriance.--On Tuesday, April 30, at the Church of the Incarnation, by Rev. Dr. Tyng, Gideon H. Mead, to Frances S., daughter of Thomas M. Adriance. No cards.
MARRIED 1867: Morris--Post.--On Tuesday, April 30, at the Church of the Ascension, by Rev. E. Anthon, assisted by Rev. Dr. J. Cotton Smith and Rev. Dr. Wm. F. Morgan, Benjamin C. Morris, Jr., to Sarah E. Post, daughter of the late Waldron B. Post, Jr., all of this City.
MARRIED 1867: Olwell--Major.--On Monday, April 29, at St. Augustine's Church, Morrisania, by Rev. James Major, S.J., Henry Eggleso Olwell, to Joey Kennedy, daughter of Daniel Major.
MARRIED 1867: Pell--Cary.--On Tuesday, April 30, by Rev. Henry W. Bellows, D.D., Mr. Alfred Pell, Jr., to Gertrude Elliot, daughter of William F. Cary.
DIED 1867: Weed--At Darien, Ct., Wednesday morning, April 10, Phebe, wife of Rufus Weed, in the 63d year of her age.
DIED 1867: Flandin.--On Sunday, April 28, at the residence of her son-in-law, John Howland, after a long and painful illness, Fortunee De Seze, widow of Pierre Flandin, in the 72d year of her age. A Requiem Mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul at 10 o'clock on Wednesday morning, May 1, at the Church of Saint Vincent de Paul, 23d-st., between 6th and 7th ave. Her friends and those of the family are respectfully invited, to attend without further invitation.
DIED 1867: Johnson.--At Jamaica, L.I., on Sunday, April 28, Ella A., widow of the late J.R.M. Johnson, and eldest daughter of S.B. and Martha Crossman, in the 25th year of her age. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited, to attend her funeral on Tuesday, April 30, at 2 1/2 p.m. from the M.E. Church. Trains leave South Ferry, Brooklyn, at 10:45, and Hunter's Point at 11:30.
DIED 1867: Myers.--On Sunday, April 28, Delia Myers. Her friends and those of her brothers, Henry, Theodore A. and Alfred G. Myers, are respectfully invited, to attend her funeral from Calvary Church, 4th-av. and 21st-st., on Tuesday, the 30th inst., at 2 1/2 p.m.
DIED 1867: Newbold.--On Sunday, April 28, Cleayion Newbold, in the 55th year of his age.
DIED 1867: Parkin.--Suddenly, on Sunday, April 28, Mary J., relict of Thomas Parkin, and daughter of the late Francis B. Winthrop. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited, to attend the funeral services at Calvary Church, corner of 4th-av. and 21st-st., on Thursday, May 2, at 9 1/2 o'clock a.m., without further notice.
DIED 1867: Petrie.--On Tuesday, April 30, Catharine Gordon McKay, wife of William Petrie, aged 37 years.
DIED 1867: Talman.--On Tuesday evening, April 30, Sarah Somarindyck, widow of the late John H. Talman, in the 87th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family, and of her sons-in-law, William C. Housman and Winthrop Atwell, are respectfully invited, to attend her funeral <?>.
DIED 1867: LeRoy.--At his residence in Hudson, Columbia County, Tuesday, April 30, Jacob R. LeRoy, Esq., in the 72d year of his age, formerly of this City.
DIED 1867: Holmes.--On Tuesday, April 30, Mr. O. Holmes, aged 77 years.
DIED 1867: The Death of Rear Admiral Ringgold. Rear Admiral Bell, commanding the Navy Yard, has issued a circular inviting the officers of the navy, army and marine corps, to attend the funeral of Rear Admiral Ringgold, from his late residence, No. 33 Union Place, to-morrow morning at half-past ten o'clock. The officers are, to attend in undress uniform, with swords.
DIED 1867: Field--At Stockbridge, Mass., suddenly, Monday evening, April 15, Rev. David D. Field, D.D., aged 86 years.
DIED 1867: Perry--Dr. Marshall S. Perry, son of the late Dr. Perry, of Boston, in Paris, April 16, aged 30.
DIED 1867: Richards.--On Monday, April 22, Margaret Tieft, wife of James R. Richards. The friends of the family are invited, to attend the funeral from her late residence, No. 169 East 50th-st., on Thursday, the 25th inst., at 1 o'clock.
DIED 1867: Strong.--On Tuesday, April 23, Georgiana L. Heckscher, infant daughter of Georgiana L. and James H. Strong.
DIED 1867: Ogden.--On Wednesday, April 17, at the residence of her son, Mr. Alfred Ogden, in the 87th year of her age, Mary L., widow of Abraham Ogden. Relatives and friends of the family are requested, to attend her funeral at St. Paul's Church, this day (Friday,) the 19th inst., at 3 1/2 o'clock, without further invitation.
DIED 1867: Livingston.--On Wednesday, April 24, Carroll Livingston, of New Brighton, Staten Island.
DIED 1867: Bankhead.--On board of the Bengal steamer Simla, off Aden, on Saturday, April 27, Capt. John P. Bankhead, U.S. Navy, late in command of the United States corvette Wyoning, East India Squadron.
DIED 1867: Minton.--At New Brighton, Staten Island, on Tuesday, April 23, James Wilson, fifth son of Charles A. and Emily G. Minton, in the 6th year of his age.
MARRIED 1867: Adair--Wadsworth.--In Paris, on Tuesday, May 30, at the British Legation, by the Archbishop of Dublin, John Adair, Esq., of Belgrove, Kildare, Ireland, to Cornelia Ritchie, eldest daughter of the late Brig.-Gen. J.S. Wadsworth, of Geneseo, N.Y.
MARRIED 1867: Dunbar--Macfarlane--On Tuesday, May 7, at the Third Presbyterian Church, Albany, N.Y., by the Rev. Dr. Halley, Andrew M. Dunbar, of Brooklyn, E.D., to Jessie, daughter of Robert Macfarlane, Esq.
MARRIED 1867: Forbes--Clarke--On Wednesday, May 8, at Trinity Chapel, by Rev. John Murray Forbes, D.D., Frank B. Forbes, of Shanghai, China, to Isabel, daughter of William M. Clarke, of this city.
MARRIED 1867: Thorndike--Lewis--On Wednesday, 8th inst., at Trinity Chapel, by Rev. Stevens Parker, George Quincy Thorndike, of Newport, R.I., to Ellen, daughter of the late Henry Lewis, Esq., of Philadelphia.
MARRIED 1867: Bowdoin--Costobadie--On the 2d of May last, at Pau, France, James Bowdoin, of the city of New York, to Charlotte Kate, youngest daughter of the late Reverend Henry Costobadie, of Leicestershire, England.
MARRIED 1867: Mayo--Alexander.--On Thursday, May 2, in the First Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, by Rev. H.J. Van Dyke, Fitzhugh Mayo, Esq., of Richmond, Va., to Ellen Lee, daughter of J.B. Alexander, formerly of Louisville, Ky. No cards.
MARRIED 1867: Adams--Coolidge--On Tuesday, May 14, at the Madison Square Church, by the Rev. Dr. Adams, Mr. William Adams, Jr., to Helen, daughter of the late Henry Coolidge.
MARRIED 1867: Booraem--Van Vorst.--At Jersey City, N.J., on Tuesday, May 14, by Rev. Dr. Van Cleef, Hugh Toler Booraem, to Antoinette, daughter of the late Cornelius Van Vorst.
MARRIED 1867: Sandford--Stuyvesant.--At Edgewood, Hyde Park, on Thursday, May 23, by Rev. John Scarborough, Robt. Sandford, of Poughkeepsie, to Helen Mary H. Stuyvesant, eldest daughter of the late John R. Stuyvesant, Esq.
MARRIED 1867: Jennings--Henriques.--In this City, on Saturday, May 25, by Rev. Dr. Weston, of Trinity Church, Louis J. Jennings, of London, to Madeline Louise, daughter of D.M. Henriques, of New York.
MARRIED 1867: Lewis--Flemming--On Monday evening, May 27, at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev. Dr. Matson, W.H. Lewis, of Gosport, England, to Alice E. Flemming, second daughter of the late James Flemming, Esq., of Jersey City.
MARRIED 1867: Vincent--Halsey--At Elizabeth, N.J., by Right Rev. Wm. H. Odenheimer, Mr. Frederick W. Vincent, of New York, to Emily, daughter of the late Rev. Charles H. Halsey, of the former place.
DIED 1867: Schermerhorn.--At Pau, France, on Wednesday, April 17, Elizabeth, wife of Alfred Schermerhorn, and daughter of Wm. Barnewall, of this City.
DIED 1867: Wood.--On Tuesday, April 16, at Elie. Fifeshire, Scotland, Miss Helen Wood, in the 86th year of her age.
DIED 1867: Elliot.--In Paris, France, on Wednesday, May 1, of pneumonia, Rebecca Giraud, wife of George T. Elliot, and daughter of the late Andrew Foster. Notice of funeral hereafter.
DIED 1867: Grant.--On Wednesday, May 1, at the Clifford House, No. 1,246 Broadway, James B. Grant, eldest son of Wm. H. Grant, Esq., aged 18 years. His remains will be taken, to Sing Sing for interment.
DIED 1867: Rogers.--On Friday morning, May 3, Frances Maria, youngest daughter of N. Pendleton and Emily Rogers, aged 11 years, 7 months and 23 days. Funeral services will be held at No. 64 West 19th<?>
DIED 1867: Trenchard.--In Brooklyn, on Thursday, May 9, Elizabeth Sands, widow of the late Capt. Edward Trenchard, U.S.N., aged 84 years. The friends of the family and those of her son, Capt. Stephen D. Trenchard, are invited, to attend the funeral from the Church of the Holy Trinity, Clinton, corner of Montague-st., on Saturday at 2 1/2 o'clock<?>
DIED 1867: Austen.--Suddenly, in the 44th year of his age, George W. Austen, third son of the late David Austen. Relatives and friends are invited, to attend the funeral at his late residence, Fort Hamilton, on Thursday, May 16, at 12<?>.
DIED 1867: Bache.--At Plainfield, N.J., on Tuesday, May 14, <?>
DIED 1867: Smith--At New Brighton, Staten Island, on Wednesday, May 15, James Elnathan Smith, in the 68th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited, to attend his funeral at Christ Church, New Brighton, on Sunday, May 19, at 12 1/2 o'clock. A boat leaves the foot of Dey street, pier 10, at 11 a.m.
DIED 1867: Gerry.--In this City, on Saturday, May 18, in the 74th year of his age, after a short illness, Elbridge Gerry, eldest son of the late Elbridge Gerry, signer of the Declaration of Independence. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited, to attend his funeral without further invitation from his family residence, No. 127 Temple-st., New Haven, on Wednesday, the 22d inst., at 3 o'clock p.m.
DIED 1867: Livingston.--At his country seat at Tivoli, on Monday, May 27, John Swift Livingston, in the 83d year of his age. The funeral services will take place at St. Paul's Church, Tivoli, at 10 a.m., on Thursday, 30th inst., and the concluding services at St. Mark's Church Cemetery, New York, at 4 p.m., on the same day. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited, to attend without further invitation.
DIED 1867: Livingston.--At St. Augustine, Fla., May 16, <?>
DIED 1867: Ogden.--On Friday, May 17, on the Bayou de Glaize, Parish of Noyelles, La., J. Edwards Ogden, aged 69 years.
DIED 1867: Kennedy--At Leamington, England, May 20, in the 91st year of her age, Jane, widow of the Hon. Robert Kennedy, and daughter of the late Alexander Macomb, of this city.
DIED 1867: Pratt.--In Albany, on Thursday, May 30, Geo. Seymour Pratt, son of the late Col. Geo. W. Pratt, and grandson of Hon. Zadoc Pratt, aged 10 years and 9 months.
MARRIED 1867: Brinckerhoff--Morton--On Wednesday, June 5, at St. James Church, Philadelphia, by Rev. H.J. Morton, D.D., P. Remsen Brinckerhoff, to Helen, daughter of the officiating clergyman.
MARRIED 1867: Van Wart--Stevens.--On Tuesday evening, June 4, at Calvary Church, by Right Rev. Bishop Potter, assisted by Rev. Francis E. Lawrence, of the Church of the Holy Communion, Mr. Irving Van Wart, Jr., of New York, to Marie De Grasse, eldest daughter of the late Samuel Stevens, of Albany.
MARRIED 1867: Bancroft--Goodridge.--In Brooklyn, on Wednesday, June 5, by Rev. E.H. Canfield, D.D., Herbert P. Bancroft, to Mary Caroline, daughter of S.F. Goodridge.
MARRIED 1867: Benjamin--Rodgers.--On Wednesday, June 5, at the Church of the Holy Communion, by Rev. F.E. Lawrence, Rev. Wm. H. Benjamin, to Isabel, daughter of the late Dr. J. Kearny Rodgers.
MARRIED 1867: Hare--Meredith.--On Thursday, June 6, at St. James' Church, Philadelphia, by Rev. Dr. Morton, J. Montgomery Hare, of New York, to Mary Emlen, daughter of the late J. Dennie Meredith, Esq.
MARRIED 1867: Whitney--Thomson.--On Tuesday, June 11, by Rev. Robert Merritt, Stephen S. Whitney, of New York, to Josephine, daughter of the late Joseph Thomson, of Morristown, N.J. No cards.
MARRIED 1867: Kitchen--Tryon--On Wednesday, June 12, at Trinity Church, Hoboken, N.J., by Rev. Reuben W. Howes, James Kitchen, to Helen C. Tryon.
MARRIED 1867: Kobbe--Hoffman--At Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, June 26, by the post chaplain, Rev. Mr. Stone, Lieut. William A. KobbÇ, Jr., 37th infantry, and Isabella, only daughter of Brevet Major-General William Hoffman, U.S.A.
MARRIED 1867: Prince--Wood--On Thursday, June 27, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. James Brownlee, John R. Prince, of Portland, Me., to Mary D., daughter of Abm. C. Wood, Esq., of North, Shore, Staten Island.
MARRIED 1867: Scudder--Blatchford--In Cambridge, Mass., June 25, by the Rev. J.S. Copley Greene, Samuel H. Scudder, of Boston, to Jeannie, daughter of the late Edgecumbe H. Blatchford, Esq., of New York.
MARRIED 1867: Slosson--Trumbull--At the residence of the bride's father, on the 27th inst., by Rev. H. Clay Trumbull, Edward Slosson, Esq., of New York, to Annie, daughter of Hon. Gurdon Trumbull, of Hartford, Ct.
MARRIED 1867: Tirney--Kingsland--On Wednesday, June 26, by the Rev. Mr. Swope, at Trinity Chapel, George H. Tirney, to Kate S.E., daughter of Thomas Kingsland, all of this city.
MARRIED 1867: Frazier--Jackson.--On Thursday, June 13, at St. Luke's Church Philadelphia, by Rev. Henry J. Morton, D.D., Nalbro' Frazier, Jr., to Mary Ellen, daughter of the late Hon. Isaac R. Jackson.
MARRIED 1867: Taylor--Bibby.--On Tuesday, June 25, by Rev. Mr. Buckland, James Taylor, to Mrs. John C. Bibby, all of the City of New York.
MARRIED 1867: Weed--Maury.--On Thursday, June 20, at Calvary Church, in this City, by Rev. Mytton Maury, Joseph D. Weed, of Savannah, to Sarah Fanny, daughter of the late William Maury, of Liverpool.
MARRIED 1867: Cammann--Fitz Hugh.--At Hampton, Livingston County, N.Y., on Wednesday, June 19, by Rev. W. Ayrault, Edward Cammann, of Geneva, N.Y., to Helen Kinnaird, daughter of Dr. D.H. Fitz Hugh.
MARRIED 1867: Harris--Van Kleeck--On the 20th inst., in St. Paul's Church, Flatbush, N.Y., by the Rev. R.B. Van Kleeck, D.D., assisted by the Rev. F.B. Van Kleeck, the Rev. Thos. R. Harris, rector of St. John's Framingham, Mass. and Margaret S. Van Kleeck.
MARRIED 1867: Smedberg--Raymond.--At San Francisco, Ca., on Wednesday, June 19, by Rev. O.W. Briggs, Brevet Lieut.-Col. W.R. Smedberg, U.S. Army, to Fanny M., daughter of J.W. Raymond.
DIED 1867: Death of Judge Wayne. Associate<?> Justice Wa<?> the United States Supreme Court, died at his residence in Washington this afternoon. He had been ill for two weeks of typhoid fever. The Judge was in the seventy-seventh year of his age. He was appointed, to the Bench in 1835 by President Jackson.
DIED 1867: Thorne.--On Wednesday morning, July 3, Charlotte Pearsall, wife of Edwin Thorne and daughter of the late Thos. W. Pearsall. The friends of the family are invited, to attend the funeral from the residence of her mother, No. 10 Lafayette-place, on Friday at 2 o'clock. The remains will be taken, to Woodlawn for interment.
DIED 1867: Clarkson.--At Throg's Neck, on Monday, June 3, David Clarkson, of New York, in the 73d year of his age.
DIED 1867: Ogden--On the 6th inst., at his residence, near Waddington, St. Lawrence county, N.Y., Isaac Ogden, formerly of New Orleans, in the 83d year of his age.
DIED 1867: Mills.--On Monday evening, July 8, Prof. A. Mills, in the 71st year of his age.
DIED 1867: Cisco.--On Monday, July 8, Mary Ann, wife of John J. Cisco.
DIED 1867: King.--At his residence in this City, after a short but severe illness, James Gore King in the 49th year of his age. Funeral will take place at Trinity Chapel Thursday, June 13, at 10 a.m. The friends of the family are invited, to attend without further notice.
DIED 1867: De Lancey.--At Geneva, N.Y., on Monday evening, June 17, Frances Munroe, daughter of Edward F. and the late Josephine M. De Lancey, in the 13th year of her age.
DIED 1867: Harriman--On Friday, June 21, Orlando Harriman, in the 77th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited, to attend his funeral on Monday next, at 10 o'clock a.m., at his late residence No. 45 West Twenty-eighth st. <?>
DIED 1867: Benson.--On Saturday evening, June 22, at New Utrecht, L.I., Maria, widow of Egbert Benson, in the 65th year of her age.Her relatives and friends are respectfully invited, to attend her funeral from the Reformed Dutch Church at New Utrecht, L.I., on Monday afternoon, at 3 <?>
DIED 1867: Holsman.--On Monday, June 24, at the residence of her brother, in Dresden, Saxony, Julia Holsman, daughter of Daniel Holsman, deceased.
DIED 1867: Mackenzie.--At the Island of Formosa, on Thursday, June 13, Lieut.-Commander Alexander Slidell Mackenzie, U.S.N., son of the late Commander Alexander Slidell Mackenzie, in his 26th year.
MARRIED 1867: Lopez--Wolfe--Monday, July 22, at St. John's Church, Clifton, Staten Island, by the Rev. B.S. Huntington, Manuel de J. Lopez, of Lima, Peru, to Florence Wolfe, daughter of N.H. Wolfe, of this city.
MARRIED 1867: Zborowski--Key.--In Paris, at the American Embassy, on Wednesday, July 17, and at the Marbeuf Church on Thursday, July 18, by Rev. George Gardiner, M.A., Martin Zborowski, of New York, to Isabella Hewitt, daughter of Peyton A. Key, of Kentucky.
MARRIED 1867: Bristed--Sedgwick.--At St. Paul's Church, in Stockbridge, Mass., on Tuesday evening, Aug. 20, by Rev. Justin Field. Charles Astor Bristed, to Miss Grace Ashburner Sedgwick, youngest daughter of the late Charles Sedgwick, of Lenox.
MARRIED 1867: Fane--Macomb.--On Thursday, Aug. 29, at Trinity Chapel, New York, by Rev. E.Y. Higbee, D.D., Frederick Arthur Fane, Rifie Brigade, B.A., son of Col. Fane, of Fulbeck Hall, Lincolnshire, England, to Katherine Navarre, daughter of Major A.S. Macomb, of New York, and grand-daughter of the late Major-Gen. Macomb.
DIED 1867: <?> Jamaica, L.I., on Sunday, July 7, John <?> in the 80th year of his age. The relatives and friends are, without further notice, <?>, to attend his funeral from his late residence <?> Jamaica, L.I., on Wednesday, July 10, at 4 p.m. Cars leave Hunter's Point for Jamaica at 5:30 p.m.; returning, leave Jamaica for New York at 5:55 p.m.
DIED 1867: King.--Suddenly, at his residence, in the City of Albany, on Tuesday morning, July 9, Rufus H. King, in the 73d year of his age. Funeral on Friday, July 12, at 4 o'clock p.m.
DIED 1867: McGill.--On Tuesday, July 16, near Fort Harker-Kansas, of cholera, Helen Louisa, wife of Dr. Geo. M. McGill, U.S.A., and daughter of Robert R. Morris.
DIED 1867: Moore.--At Garrisons, on Wednesday, July 24, Geo. E. Moore, in the 35th year of his age.
DIED 1867: Crosby.--At Poughkeepsie, on Tuesday, July 16, at the residence of his grandmother, Mrs. Henry A. Livingston, Charles Ulrich, son of Robert Ralston and Jane Murray Crosby, aged 4 months.
DIED 1867: Fox.--At Andelusia, Penn., Monday, July 22, Ella Augusta, daughter of the late Samuel M. Fox, of New York.
DIED 1867: Carey.--On Saturday, July 27, at his late residence, No. 188 East Broadway, Patrick Carey, in the 68th year of his age.
DIED 1867: Steward--On Sunday, the 28th July, Catharine Elizabeth, wife of John Steward.
DIED 1867: Anthon.--At his residence, No. 12 East 37th-st., on Monday, July 29, Charles Anthon, LL.D., in the 70th year of his age.
DIED 1867: Sedgwick.--Yesterday morning, at the residence of William Minot, Jr., at Woodbourne, in West Roxbury, near Boston, Catharine Maria Sedgwick, daughter and only surviving child of the late Hon. Theodore Sedgwick, in her 78th year. The funeral will be at Stockbridge, Mass., on Friday afternoon next.
DIED 1867: Bankhead.--At Fort Wallace, Kansas, on Tuesday, Aug. 13, Amelia M., wife of Col. Henry C. Bankhead, U.S.A., and daughter of the late Bishop Wainwright.
DIED 1867: Bunner.--On Tuesday, Aug. 13, at Oswego, Mrs. Bunner, widow of Rudolph Bunner, Esq.
DIED 1867: Smedberg.--At Devasego, near Prattsville, N.Y., on Wednesday, Aug. 14, Elizabeth B., wife of James R. Smedberg, and daughter of the late William Rogers, of Norwich, Conn.
DIED 1867: Montgomery.--On Monday, Aug. 5, of disease of the heart, John C. Montgomery, Esq., in his 75th year.
DIED 1867: Lawrence.--On Thursday morning, Aug. 22, at his residence, No. 117 East 23d-st., Richard Lawrence, in the 65th year of his age.
DIED 1867: Whitehead.--At Morristown, N.J., on Tuesday morning, Aug. 27, Hon. Ira C. Whitehead, in the 70th year of his age.
DIED 1867: Langdon.--In Paris, France, on Saturday, Aug. 31, Woodbury Langdon, in the 43d year of his age, third son of the late Walter Langdon, of this City.
MARRIED 1867: Cogswell--Van Rensselaer.--At Cazenovia, on Tuesday, Sept. 3, by Rev. Dr. Smith, Andrew Kirkpatrick Cogswell, of New Brunswick, N.J., to Mary, daughter of Gen. J. Cullen Van Rensselaer.
MARRIED 1867: Oddie--Freeman.--On Thursday, Sept. 5, by Rev. Dr. Twyng, John V.S. Oddie, to Helen B., daughter of Geo. A. Freeman.
MARRIED 1867: Renthe-Fink--Schmidt.--On Wednesday, Sept. 11, at the Chapel of Mon Bijon, Berlin, Prussia, by Rev. John Cornell, assisted by Rev. Dr. Belson, (English Chaplain), Capt. Leonhard von Renthe-Fink, of the Third Guard Grenadier Regiment, to Ida, M., youngest daughter of the late J.W. Schmidt, Consul-General of Prussia at New York.
MARRIED 1867: Gihon--Cryder--On the 12th instant, at Grace Church, Whitestone, by the Rev. Abbott Brown, assisted by the Rev. Benjamin Abbott, John Gihon, Jr., to Mary, daughter of John Cryder, Esq., of this city.
MARRIED 1867: McVickar--Wainwright.--In Boston, on Thursday, Sept. 19, at the Church of the Advent, by Rev. Dr. Haight, assisted by Rev. Dr. Bowles, Henry McVickar, of Lewis County, N.Y., to Elizabeth M. Emerson, daughter of Peter Wainwright, Esq., of Boston.
MARRIED 1867: Clemson--Ogden.--On Thursday, Sept. 19, at Waddington, St. Lawrence County, N.Y., by Rev. J.B. Clemson, D.D., Thomas G. Clemson, to Sarah Frances, eldest daughter of the late Isaac Ogden, Esq.
MARRIED 1867: Clark--Crane.--At Elizabeth, N.J., on Wednesday, Sept. 18, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. David H. Pierson, D.D., Samuel M. Clark, to Kate S., daughter of John D. Crane, Esq.
MARRIED 1867: Tailer--Lee--On Tuesday, September 24, by the Rev. Dr. Cooke, Robert W. Tailer, to Emma, daughter of James Lee, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1867: Holmes--Goodwin--On Thursday, September 26, at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Middletown, Ct., by the bride's father, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Gallaudet, D.D., Rev. Stephen F. Holmes, of New York city, to S. Ella, daughter of the Rev. F.J. Goodwin, D.D., of the former place.
MARRIED 1867: Constant--Keene.--On Monday, Sept. 30, at Hyde Park, N.Y., by Rev. Mr. Purdy, Edward W. Constant, Esq., to Miss Mary E., daughter of the late Col. Keene, of Louisiana.
DIED 1867: Newton--Suddenly, at Irvington, N.Y., Sunday, September 1, Adela Izard Newton, daughter of the late Commodore John T. Newton, U.S.N.
DIED 1867: Watts.--In Paris, France, on Sunday, Sept. 8, Robert Watts, M.D., Professor of Anatomy in the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York.
DIED 1867: Taylor.--At West Park, on the Hudson, on Monday, Sept. 9, Rev. Thomas House Taylor, D.D., Rector of Grace Church, New York.
DIED 1867: Murray.--On Thursday, Sept. 19, Washington Murray, youngest son of the late Col. James B. Murray, aged 39 years.
DIED 1867: Bibby--On Thursday, September 19, at Omega, Madison parish, La., Isaac G. Bibby, in the 59th year of his age, brother of Gonverneur S., Dr. Edward N. and William H.K. Bibby, and youngest son of the late Captain Thomas Bibby, of this city.
DIED 1867: Hicks.--On Tuesday, Sept. 24, Henry W. Hicks, aged 65 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited, to attend his funeral from his residence, No. 10 West 14-st., on Friday at 10 a.m.
DIED 1867: Hodges.--In Bristol, England, on Sunday, Sept. 1, in the 72d year of his age, Edward Hodges, Mus. Doc., for many years organist and director of the music of Trinity Church, New York.
DIED 1867: Bruen.--On Tuesday, Sept. 24, Major George W. Bruen.
DIED 1867: Cammann.--At Geneva, N.Y., on Friday, Sept. 27, in his 33d year, Edward Cammann, son of O.J. Cammann, Esq., formerly of this City.
DIED 1867: King.--At Frascati, Italy, on Friday, Sept. 27, Charles King, LL.D, in the 79th year of his age.
MARRIED 1867: Folsom--Fuller.--On Tuesday, Oct. 1, at St. Michael's Church, Brattleboro, Vt., by Rev. Mr. Smith, assisted by Rev. Mr. Morris, Mr. Geo, Winthrop Folsom, of New York, to Miss Fannie E.H., third daughter of Wm. H. Fuller, Esq., of New York.
MARRIED 1867: McNulty--Kneeland.--At Trinity Chapel, on Tuesday, Oct. 1, by the grandfather of the bride, Rev. John McVickar, D.D., assisted by Rev. Wm. A. McVickar, Albert McNulty, Jr., and Mary, youngest daughter of the late George Kneeland.
MARRIED 1867: Robinson--Jay.--On Thursday, Oct. 3, at the Jay Homestead, Bedford, by Rev. Lea Luquer, Rector of the parish, Edmund Randolph Robinson, Esq., of New York, to Augusta, second daughter of John Jay, Esq.
MARRIED 1867: Van Wyck--Van Vechten.--At Fishkill, N.Y., on Thursday, Oct. 3, by Rev. S. Van Vechten, Richard T. Van Wyck, to Sarah E. Van Vechten, daughter of the officiating clergyman.
MARRIED 1867: Cammann--Harshman.--On Thursday, Oct. 3, at Dayton, Ohio, by Rev. T.E. Thomas, D.D., Oswald Cammann, Jr., of New York City, to Susan, daughter of Jonathan Harshman, Esq., of the former place.
MARRIED 1867: Rockwell--Dwight.--In Brooklyn, on Tuesday, Oct. 8, by Rev. Samuel T. Spear, D.D., Fenton Rockwell, of Minneapolis, Mann., to Rebecca J., daughter of the late Theodore Dwight, Esq., of Brooklyn, N.Y.
MARRIED 1867: Carnes--Mason.--On Tuesday, Oct. 8, at Trinity Chapel, by Rev. Wm. H. Benjamin, Lewis M. Carnes, to Serena, daughter of Mr. Henry Mason, of Rossville, S.I.
MARRIED 1867: Nash--Peters.--On Wednesday, Oct. 9, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. Absolem Peters, D.D., Charles H. Nash, of this City, to Elizabeth G., daughter of William R. Peters, of Bloomfield, N.J.
MARRIED 1867: Holmes--Smith.--At Longwood, L.I., on Wednesday, Oct. 9, by Rev. Dr. Hutton, of this City, Rev. Hamilton B. Holmes, to Susan M.W., daughter of Wm. Sidney Smith, Esq.
MARRIED 1867: Teller--Kane.--On Wednesday, Oct. 9, in Grace Church, Cortlandt, N.Y., by Rev. R.B. Van Kleeck, D.D., Rev. George S. Teller, to Helen McDonald, only daughter of the late Capt. Elias R. Kane, U.S.A.
MARRIED 1867: Church--McKim.--On Thursday, Oct. 10, at Calvary Church, by Right Rev. Bishop Coxe, Richard Church, of Belvidere, N.Y., to Mary A., daughter of Robert McKim, Esq., of this City.
MARRIED 1867: Campbell--Mott.--On Wednesday, Oct. 9, at the Church of the Transfiguration, by Rev. Dr. Houghton, Samuel Campbell, to Jannie Louise, grand-daughter of the late Dr. Valentine Mott.
MARRIED 1867: Fuller--Hone.--On Tuesday, Oct. 15, at the Church of the Transfiguration, by Rev. Dr. Houghton, Horace W. Fuller, to Mary Schermerhorn, daughter of Robert S. Hone, Esq.
MARRIED 1867: Burnham--Blodgeit.--In New York, on Wednesday, Oct. 23, at St. Bartholomew's Church, by Right Rev. Bishop Potter, assisted by the Rector, Rev. Dr. Cook, Douglass W. Burnham, to Hannah Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Daniel C. Blodgett, Esq.
MARRIED 1867: Forster--Atherton.--At the Church of the Atonement, on Thursday, Oct. 17, by Rev. William T. Sabine, George Henry Forster, to Constance Atherton, daughter of Henry L. Atherton.
MARRIED 1867: Colles--Nelson.--On Wednesday, Oct. 16, at Christ Church, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., by Rev. John Scarborough, George Wetmore Colles, to Julia Keese Nelson, eldest daughter of John Peter Nelson, of New Orleans, La.
MARRIED 1867: Morrison--Sturges.--On Thursday, Oct. 10, by Rev. S.D. Brown, Alexander Morrison, to Mellie L., daughter of E.N. Sturges, Esq., all of this City.
MARRIED 1867: Hudson--Carpenter--On Tuesday, October 29, by the Rev. Francis E. Lawrence, Rector of the Church of the Holy Communion, Lieutenant-Colonel Edward McK. Hudson, United States army, to Emily K., youngest daughter of the late Samuel H. Carpenter, of this city.
DIED 1867: Austin--In this city, on Sunday afternoon, October 6, at No. 311 Lexington avenue, Edward Eliot Austin, son of the late Hon. Charles L. Austin, of Albany, aged 30 years.
DIED 1867: Colhoun.--At Newburgh, on Wednesday, Oct. 16, J. Clarkson, son of Commodore John Colhoun, U.S.N., aged 23 years and 6 months. The relatives and friends of the family are invited, to attend the funeral on Thursday afternoon, 17th inst., at 4 o'clock, at Trinity Church in this City.
DIED 1867: Garner.--On Wednesday, Oct. 16, suddenly, Thomas Garner, in the 62d year of his age.
DIED 1867: Lorillard--At Saratoga, October 6, Peter Lorillard, in the 72d year of his age.
DIED 1867: Ives.--At Manhattanville, on Sunday, Oct. 13, L. Silliman Ives, LL.D., in the 71st year of his age. His remains will be conveyed, to St. Stephen's Church, where a Solemn Requiem Mass will be celebrated for his repose. His friends, the reverend <?>
DIED 1867: Rice.--On Wednesday morning, Oct. 23, after a brief illness, Henry G. Rice, formerly of Boston, in the 49th year of his age. The funeral services will be held in Boston at No. 5 Chestnut-st., on Saturday, Oct. 26, at 12 o'clock.
DIED 1867: Fox.--At Pau, France, on Wednesday, Oct. 16, Ida Thorn, wife of Samuel M. Fox, and daughter of the late Col. Herman Thorn.
DIED 1867: Garrison.--At Garrison's, N.Y., on Sunday, Nov. 3, Judge John Garrison, in his 72d year.
DIED 1867: Rodewald.--On Thursday, Oct. 24, at Feldheim, Wimbledon Common, London, Mary Isabella, wife of Frederick Rodewald, and daughter of the late Gen. MacNeill, of New York.
MARRIED 1867: Barlow--Shaw.--On Thursday, Oct. 24, at the German Lutheran Church, Stapleton, S.I., by Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, Hon. Francis Channing Barlow, Secretary of State of the State of New York, to Ellen, youngest daughter of Francis George and Sarah Blake Shaw, of New Brighton, Staten Island.
MARRIED 1867: Cutting--Moale.--In Baltimore, on Thursday, Oct. 24, by Rev. Dr. Mahan, Robert L. Cutting, Jr., of this City, to Judith Carter, daughter of William A. Moale, Esq., of Baltimore.
MARRIED 1867: Booth--Butler.--On Thursday, Oct. 24, at the Church of the Covenant, by Rev. Geo. L. Prentiss, D.D., Alfred Booth, of Liverpool, England, to Lydia Allen, youngest daughter of the late Benjamin F. Butler, of this City.
MARRIED 1867: Fotterall--Antelo.--In Philadelphia, on Thursday morning, Oct. 24, by Right Rev. James F. Wood, Bishop of Philadelphia, Frederick W. Fotterall, to Juliette J., daughter of A.J. Antelo.
MARRIED 1867: Crowninshield--Fairbanks--In Boston, on the 24th instant, at Emanuel Church, by F.D. Huntington, D.D., Frederic Crowninshield, to Helen Susette, only daughter of the late William N. Fairbanks, all of Boston.
MARRIED 1867: Bell--Soutter.--At the American Legation, and afterward at the English Church, Avenue Marboeuf, Paris, on Tuesday, Oct. 15, by Rev. Mr. Gardiner, Edward R. Bell, Esq., to Eliza N., daughter of James T. Soutter, all of New York.
MARRIED 1867: Cox--Ludlow.--At Black Rock, Westchester, N.Y., on Tuesday, Oct. 29, First Lieut. Whittingham Cox, 4th U.S. Infantry, to Miss Harriet Le Roy, daughter of Robert H. Ludlow, Esq.
MARRIED 1867: Hawthorn--Gray.--On Wednesday, Oct. 30, at the Alanson M.E. Church Parsonage, No. 155 Clinton-st., by Rev. Charles E. Harris, Robert H. Hawthorn, to Miss Maggie D. Gray.
MARRIED 1867: Church--Chester.--In Detroit, Mich., on Wednesday, Oct. 30, by Right Rev. Bishop McCloskery, John B. Church, Jr., of New York, to Julia M., daughter of the late John Chester, of Detroit.
MARRIED 1867: Griffith--Oglesby.--On Thursday, Oct. 31, at Trinity Chapel, by Rev. Franklin Rabbitt, John R. Griffith, to Josephine, eldest daughter of J.H. Oglesby, Esq., of New Orleans.
MARRIED 1867: Grymes--James.--At Calvary Church, on Thursday, Oct. 10, by Right Rev. Bishop Coxe, C. Alfred Grymes, of this City, to Mary Helen, daughter of the late John B. James, of Albany.
MARRIED 1867: Gimbernat--Lillie.--Joseph O. Gimbernat, to Julia, daughter of Benjamin H. Lillie.
MARRIED 1867: Ogilby--Spooner.--On Saturday, Nov. 2, at Christ Church, New Brunswick, N.J., by Rev. Alfred Stubbs, D.D., assisted by Rev. Frederick Ogilby, D.D., Arthur G. Ogilby, to Annie Warren, daughter of the late Francis J. Spooner.
MARRIED 1867: De Forest--De Shea.--On Monday, Nov. 4, at the residence of the bride's brother-in-law, J.L. Abbot, Esq., by Right Rev. Archbishop McCloskey, Frederick L. De Forest, to Julia De Shea, daughter of the late Gen. De Shea, of Mobile.
MARRIED 1867: Henriques--Hendricks.--On Wednesday, Nov. 6, by Rev. J.J. Lyons, Clarence A. Henriques, to Irene A., youngest daughter of the late Henry Hendricks.
MARRIED 1867: Nathan--Hart.--On Wednesday, Nov. 6, by Rev. J.J. Lyons, Gratz Nathan, to Dora, daughter of the late H.N. Hart, both of this City.
MARRIED 1867: Crane--Fleming.--On Wednesday, Nov. 6, at Christ Chapel, Elizabeth, N.J., by Rev. Stevens Parker, Albert G. Crane, to Mary Lisle, youngest daughter of Gilbert R. Fleming, Esq.
MARRIED 1867: Read--Dahlgren.--On Wednesday, Nov. 6, at the residence of Mrs. S. Abbott Lawrence, Newport, R.I., by Rev. Mr. White, Matthew P. Read, of this City, to Martha M., daughter of the late Bernard Dahlgren, of Philadelphia.
MARRIED 1867: Van Rensselaer--Whitmore.--In Emmanuel Church, Boston, on Thursday, Nov. 7, by Rev. F.D. Huntington, D.D., Philip L. Van Rensselaer, of New York City, to Annie L., daughter of C.O. Whitmore, of Boston.
MARRIED 1867: Draper--Palmer.--On Monday evening, Nov. 11, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Dr. Hutton, Henry Draper, M.D., to Mary Anna, daughter of Courtlandt Palmer.
MARRIED 1867: Beekman--Keller.--On Tuesday, Nov. 12, by Right Rev. Archbishop McCloskey, Wm. B. Beekman, to Alice, daughter of Charles M. Keller, Esq.
DIED 1867: Anderson.--On Monday, Nov. 4, after a brief and painful illness, Thaddeus Phelps, son of Charles E. and Sarah H. Anderson, aged 21 years.
DIED 1867: Stevens--In Poughkeepsie, on the 1st November, at the residence of his brother, Henry H. Stevens, in the 81st year of his age, William Stevens, son of the late General Ebenezer Stevens, of this city.
DIED 1867: Wagstaff.--On Monday, Nov. 4, Harriet Luff, widow of the late David Wagstaff.
DIED 1867: Toler.--At Madison, N.J., on Saturday, Nov. 2, of typhoid fever, Mary Pennington, wife of Hugh A. Toler.
DIED 1867: Bradford.--On Tuesday, Nov. 5, Alexander Warfield Bradford, aged 52 years.
DIED 1867: Wells.--On Wednesday, Nov. 6, near New Brunswick, N.J., Julian Lawrence Wells, infant son of John and Grace T. Wells, aged 4 months.
DIED 1867: Erving.--At Indian Springs, Cal., on Friday, Nov. 8, Elwyn Erving, youngest son of the late Col. John Erving, U.S. Army.
DIED 1867: Stewart.--On Tuesday, Nov. 12, Lispenard Stewart.
DIED 1867: Edgar.--On Wednesday evening, Nov. 20, William Edgar, son of Daniel M. and J. Edgar, in the 19th year of his age.
DIED 1867: Williamson.--On Monday evening, Nov. 25, Mrs. Joanna B. Williamson, relict of William Ricketts Williamson, of Elizabeth City, N.J.
DIED 1867: O'Connor.--In France, on Tuesday, Nov. 26, John F. O'Connor. His funeral will take place from his late residence, No. 345 West 28th-st., on Wednesday morning, 8th <?>
DIED 1867: Walworth.--At his residence at Saratoga Springs, on Thursday, Nov. 28, Chancellor Walworth, in the 80th year of his age.
DIED 1867: Sloat.--On Thursday, Nov. 28, Rear Admiral John Drake Sloat, United States Navy, in the 87th year of his age.
MARRIED 1867: Stone--English.--On Thursday evening, Nov. 14, at All Souls' Church, by Rev. Samuel Osgood, Charles Francis Stone, to Sallie, daughter of George B. English, Esq., all of this City.
MARRIED 1867: Webster--Farr.--At Philadelphia, on Thursday, Nov. 14, by Rev. W.W. Farr, assisted by Rev. Richard Newton, D.D., E. Bayard Webster, of New York, to Helen, daughter of the late John Farr, of the former city.
MARRIED 1867: Ludlum--Lord--On Saturday, November 16, by the Rev. Frederick G. Clark, D.D., assisted by Rev. H.D. Ganse, John Lefferts Ludlum, to Emma Ruthven Lord, grand-daughter of the late James Ruthven, all of this city.
MARRIED 1867: Post--Dale.--<?> evening, Nov. 18, at the Church of the <?> Rev. George L. Prentiss, D.D., assisted by Rev. Howard Crosby, D.D., Alfred Augustus Post, to Emma, daughter of Thomas N. Dale, Esq., all of this City.
MARRIED 1867: Ransom--Nott.--On Tuesday, Nov. 12, at Norman Vale, the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Prof. E.N. Potter, of Bethlehem, Penn., Albion Ransom, of Albany, to Cornelia Sutherland, daughter of Hon. Joel B. Nott.
MARRIED 1867: Theriott--Sproulls.--On Tuesday, Nov. 19, at St. George's Church, by Rev. S.H. Tyng, D.D., J. Alfred Theriott, to Caroline Pamela, daughter of Samuel E. Sproulis, Esq., all of this City.
MARRIED 1867: Weyman--Cammann.--On Tuesday, Nov. 19, at Trinity Chapel, by Rev. Arthur Mason, Charles S. Weyman, to Margaretta M., daughter of the late Dr. George P. Cammann.
MARRIED 1867: Brown--Mason--On Thursday, Nov. 21, at Trinity Chapel, by Rev. Wm. H. Benjamin, Lewis M. Brown, to Gertrude, daughter of Henry Mason, Esq., of Rossville, S.I.
MARRIED 1867: Jones--Luquer.--In Brooklyn, E.D., on Wednesday, Nov. 27, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. S.H. Meeker, Robert L.M. Jones, to Katie, second daughter of J.V.C. Luquer, Esq.
MARRIED 1867: Benson--Vanderpoel.--On Tuesday, Dec. 3, at Trinity Church, by Rev. J.A. Aspinwall, Richard H. Benson, to Sarah, daughter of A.B. Vanderpoel, <?>
MARRIED 1867: Gerry--Livingston.--At Trinity Chapel, on Tuesday, Dec. 3, by Rev. E.A. Hoffman, assisted by Right Rev. Bishop of Maine, Elbridge T. Gerry, to Louisa M. Livingston.
MARRIED 1867: Lee--Lawrence.--At Bayside, L.I., on Thursday, Dec. 12, by Rev. H.M. Beare, Lieut. A Nisbet Lee, Corps of Engineers U.S.A., to Caroline, eldest daughter of Wm. E. Lawrence, Esq.
MARRIED 1867: Kelly--Cozzens.--On Thursday, Dec. 12, by Rev. Dr. Morgan, Eli Kelly, to Adele, daughter of A.M. Cozzens, Esq., all of this City.
MARRIED 1867: Parkin--Baldwin.--On Wednesday, Dec. 18, at Calvary Church, by Rev. Dr. Washburn, Henry H. Parkin, to Cora M., daughter of the late Judge Baldwin, of Syracuse.
DIED 1867: Hamilton.--On Sunday, Dec. 1, in the 38th year of her age, Cornelia, wife of Major-Gen. Schuyler Hamilton, daughter of Robert Ray, of this City.
DIED 1867: Randolph--At Riverdale, N.Y., on Wednesday morning, Dec. 4, Helen Lothrop Randolph, daughter of Edmund D. and Helen E.L. Randolph, in the 6th year of her age.
DIED 1867: Dehon--Henderson<?> Inches Dehon, of the Senior <?>, Harvard University, aged 20 years, son of William Dehon, Boston.
DIED 1867: Gerrard.--On Thursday, Dec. 5, Lieut. George Gerrard, of the United States Revenue Marine Service.
DIED 1867: Wilson.--At Elizabeth, N.J., on <?> Dec. 6, Mrs. Eleanor Wilson, in the 89th year of her age.
DIED 1867: Laight.--On Friday, Dec. <?>, in the 34th year of his age, Edward W., eldest son of William <?> Laight, deceased.
DIED 1867: Ford.--At Morristown, <?> 14, Jane H., wife of Henry A. Ford.
DIED 1867: Field.--At Riverdale, N.Y., on Monday, Dec. 16, Edith Schmidt, only child of Wm. <?> Emily E. Field, aged 15 months.
DIED 1867: Tillotson.--On Wednesday, Dec. 18, John <?> Tillotson, formerly of Rhinebeck <?> County in the 77th year of his age.
DIED 1867: Palmer.--The relations and friends of Admiral Palmer are invited, to attend his funeral from the Navy Yard, at 11 o'clock a.m., on Saturday, the 21st instant.
DIED 1867: McLane.--In Baltimore, on Saturday, Dec. 21, of scarlet fever, James Gore King, eldest son of James L. and Fanny King McLane.
DIED 1867: Bartlett.--In this City, on Saturday, Dec. 21, in the 24th year of her age, Julia, wife of Brevet Major Wm. C. Bartlett, U.S.A., and youngest daughter of Wm. P. Cune, Esq., of Brattleboro, Vt.
DIED 1867: Benson.--On Sunday, Dec. 22, at New Utrecht, <?>. I., George M. Benson, son of the late Egbert Benson.
DIED 1867: Nevius.--On Monday, Dec. 23, Jacob R. Nevius.
MARRIED 1868: Kirkpatrick--Drayton.--On Wednesday, Jan. 8, at the British Embassy in Paris, and afterward at the Madeleine, Temple Kirkpatrick, Secretary in the British Legation at Berlin, to Sylvia Livingston, widow of William S. Drayton, of the U.S. Navy, and daughter of the late Mortimer Livingston, of New York.
MARRIED 1868: Murray--McCay--At Bath, Steuben county, N.Y., on Wednesday, January 15, by the Rev. Mr. Howard, Sarah, daughter of William McCay, Esq., to Lindley Murray, Jr., of New York.
MARRIED 1868: Kinsley--Hale--April 7, at the Legation of the United States of America at Madrid, by Rev. William A. Campbell, of H.B.M.'s Legation, Edward V. Kinsley, Esq., of West Point, N.Y., to Lizzie L., eldest daughter of Hon. John P. Hale, United States Minister at the Court of Her Catholic Majesty.
MARRIED 1868: Griswold--Cannon.--On Tuesday, April 14, at the Church of the Incarnation, by Rev. John B. Tibbits, assisted by Rev. Dr. Montgomery, Chester, son of Hon. John A. Griswold, of the City of Troy, to Grace, eldest daughter of Col. Le Grand B. Cannon, of this City.
MARRIED 1868: Jones--Kingsland.--On Wednesday, April 15, at the Church of the Ascension, by Rev. Samuel Cooke, D.D., Herman Le Roy Jones, to Augusta Lovett, daughter of Ambrose C. Kingsland.
MARRIED 1868: Hawthorne--Bayard.--At the Church of the Holy Communion, on Thursday, April 16, by Rev. K.B. Post assisted by Rev. F.E. Lawrence, J.N.M. Hawthorne, to Elizabeth A., daughter of the late Wm. Bayard, M.D., of West Farms.
MARRIED 1868: Shreve--Hurry.--On Thursday, April 16, at Trinity Chapel, by Rev. J. Howard Smith, Samuel H. Shreve, to Sophia F., daughter of Edmund Hurry.
MARRIED 1868: Walsh--Dix.--At the Legation of the United States in Paris, on Thursday, April 16, by Rev. Mr. Lamson, Rector of the American Episcopal Church, Thomas Walsh, of New York, to Katharine Morgan Dix, daughter of Major-Gen. Dix, Minister of the United States, to France.
DIED 1868: Lynch.--On Monday morning, Jan. 27, James Lynch, eldest son of the late Judge Lynch, of this City.
DIED 1868: <?>his son-in-law, Abraham Bininger, No. 16 East 10th st., Lorenzo Draper, aged 76 years, formerly United States Consul at Paris and Havre.
DIED 1868: Humbert.--At Geneva, Switzerland, on Thursday, Jan. 30, Agenor, son of Pierre and Susan Humbert, in the 6th year of his age.
DIED 1868: <?>.--London, Thursday, Jan. 23--Evening Charles Kean, the tragedian, died to-day at the age of 57 years.
DIED 1868: Francis.--Mrs. Maria Eliza Francis, relict of the late Dr. John W. Francis, LL.D., of this City, died at Newport, R.L., on Wednesday, Jan. 1, 1868, after an illness of brief duration.
DIED 1868: Renwick.--On New Year's Day, Margaret Ann, widow of James Renwick, LL.D., in the 75th year of her age.
DIED 1868: Callender.--On Sunday, Jan. 5, at her residence, Newport, R.I., Ann M., widow of the late Thomas Callender, of this City.
DIED 1868: Robb.--Suddenly, on Monday morning, Jan. 6, Elizabeth Church, wife of James Robb.
DIED 1868: Sands.--At sea, on the passage, to Calcutta, on Tuesday, Jan. 7, of typhus fever, Edith, wife of Mahlon D. Sands, and daughter of the late Robert B. Minturn.
DIED 1868: Tonnele.--At Metuchin. N.J., on Thursday, Jan. 9, Mrs. Cecile Tonnele, relict of the late John Tonnele, and daughter of the late Laurent Salles, in the 58th year of her age.
DIED 1868: Rutherford.--At his residence, in Newark, on Friday, Jan. 10, Walter Rutherford, in the 55th year of his age.
DIED 1868: Wyckoff.--On Friday, Jan. 10, Mrs. Eliza W. Wyckoff, widow of the late Henry Wyckoff, in the 66th year of her age.
DIED 1868: Adams--At Kingston, N.Y., on Saturday, Jan. 11, Lieut.-Commander La Rue Perrine Adams, U.S.N., in the 24th year of his age.
DIED 1868: Wright.--At Congress Hall, Albany, N.Y., on Sunday, Jan. 12, Hon. Wm. B. Wright, Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, in the 60th year of his age.
DIED 1868: Seton.--On Monday, Jan. 13, at No. 134 East 16th-st., William Seton, of Cragdon, Westchester County, formerly of U.S. Navy, in the 71st year of his age.
DIED 1868: Watts.--On Monday, Jan. 13, Charlotte Deas, widow of the late Robert Watts, M.D., of this City.
DIED 1868: Kingsland.--On Tuesday, Jan. 14, Cornelius, the only child of William M. and Mary J. Kingsland, in his 20th year.
DIED 1868: Astor.--On Friday morning, Jan. 17, in the 65th year of his age, John J., son of the late J.J. Astor, of this City.
DIED 1868: Stanton.--On Tuesday, Jan. 21, Mrs. Sally <?>Breaktom, widow of George W. Stauton, of Albany, in the 86th year of her age.
DIED 1868: Vanderbergh.--On Thursday morning, Jan. 23, at Rhinebeck, after a long illness, Federal Vanderbergh, M.D., formerly for many years a resident of this City.
DIED 1868: Heyward.--On Thursday, Jan. 23, Mrs. Sarah Heyward, widow of Wm. Heyward, of South Carolina, in the 81st year of her age.
MARRIED 1868: Sturges--Trask--On Wednesday, February 5, at the Church of the Incarnation, Madison avenue and 35th street, by the Rev. Mr. Montgomery, assisted by the Rev. Francis S. Laurence and the Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, Jr., Peter D. Sturges, to Sarah S.S., daughter of Benjamin J.H. Trask, Jr., all of this city.
MARRIED 1868: Rogers--Fish.--On Thursday, Feb. 13, in St. Mark's Church, by Rev. Alexander H. Vinton, D.D., William E. Rogers, of the Engineer Corps U.S. Army, to Susan Le Roy, daughter of Hamilton Fish, of this City.
MARRIED 1868: Arden--Ward.--On Tuesday, Feb. 18, at Trinity Chapel, by Rev. Dr. Higbie, Thomas B. Arden, of Ardenia, to Anna M., daughter of Dr. Thomas Ward, of New York City.
MARRIED 1868: Shepard--Vanderbilt.--On Tuesday, Feb. 18, at the Church of the Incarnation, by Rev. Dr. Samuel Cooke, assisted by Rev. S.H. Tyng, Jr., Elliott F. Shepard, to Maggie Louise, daughter of Wm. H. Vanderbilt, Esq., all of this City.
MARRIED 1868: Upton--Martin--Feb. 19, Brevet Major General Emory Upton, U.S.A., to Emily Norwood Martin, of Willowbrook, N.Y.
MARRIED 1868: Wilson--Pickrell.--On Thursday, Feb. 20, at Trinity Church, by Rev. T.K. Conrad, Capt. J. Eveleth Wilson, U.S. Army, to Violetta S., daughter of J.F. Pickrell, Esq., of Staten Island.
MARRIED 1868: On Thursday, the 20th instant, at Trinity Chapel, by the Reverend Morgan Dix, S.T.D., assisted by the Reverend Francis Harrison, Richard Morley Harison, of the City of New York, to Gertrude Harison, second daughter of the late Richard Harison Ogden, of the said City.
MARRIED 1868: Pumpelly--Foot.--On Saturday, Feb. 29, at Christ Church, Cooperstown, by the Rector, Rev. Hillhouse Buell, John Pumpelly, of Owego, N.Y., to Mary A., second daughter of the late Lyman Foot, Surgeon U.S.A.
MARRIED 1868: Von Winterfeld--Schmidt.--At Berlin, on Tuesday, Feb. 11, in the English Chapel, (Mon Bijou,) by Rev. Mr. Belson, English Chaplain, Hugo Von Winterfeld, Lieutenant in the Emperor Alexander Guard Grenadier Regiment, to Pauline, daughter of the late J.W. Schmidt, Consul-General of Prussia at New York.
DIED 1868: De Peyster.--On Thursday, Jan. 23, 1868, Capt. Frederic Augustus De Peyster, late Governor of the Sailors' Snug Harbor, Staten Island.
DIED 1868: Appleton.--On Saturday, Feb. 1, Helen Marshall, daughter of D.S. and M.W. Appleton, aged 10 months and 13 days.
DIED 1868: Kingsland--On Sunday, February 2, Mary, wife of Ambrose C. Kingsland.
DIED 1868: Le Roy.--On Tuesday, Feb. 4, at Fairfield, Conn., Jacob Le Roy, in the 74th year of his age.
DIED 1868: Cozzens.--On Thursday evening, Feb. 6, after a short illness, Abraham M. Cozzens, in the 57th year of his age.
DIED 1868: De Witt.--At Albany, on Friday, Feb. 7, Richard Varick De Witt, aged 68 years.
DIED 1868: Daniels.--Suddenly, at Orange, N.J., on Friday, Feb. 7, Lewis Daniels.
DIED 1868: Cryder.--At Rome, Italy, John Cryder, Esq., of this City, in the 73d year of his age.
DIED 1868: Barclay.--On Saturday, Feb. 15, Louisa Matilda, wife of George Barclay, of this City, in her 76th year.
DIED 1868: Bard.--At Annandale, Dutchess County, on Monday, Feb. 17, William, only son of John Bard, in his 12th year.
DIED 1868: Leavenworth.--Suddenly, at Hartford, Conn., on Tuesday, Feb. 18, in the 31st year of his age, John Johnstone, son of the late Nathan Leaven worth, of this City.
DIED 1868: Stevenson.--On Saturday, Feb. 22, at her residence, No. 131 East 27th-st., Mrs. George Stevenson, (Miss Mary Gannon).
DIED 1868: Smedberg.--On Wednesday, Feb. 26, Oscar, infant son of Oscar and Alice Smedberg.
MARRIED 1868: Dix--Watson.--On Monday, March 9, at All Saints' Church, Kensington, London, by Rev. W. Walter Edwards, M.A., Charles Temple Dix, youngest son of His Excellency the U.S. Minister, to France, and Camilla Ottilie, widow of Andrew Watson, Esq., of Edinburgh, and niece of the late Mrs. Anna Jameson.
MARRIED 1868: Schroeder--Langdon.--On Saturday, April 18, at All Souls' Church, by Rev. Orville Dewey, D.D., Francis Schroeder, Superintendent of the Astor Library, to Lucy Langdon Mansfield, daughter of James R. Langdon, Esq., of Montpelier, Vt. No cards.
MARRIED 1868: Cruger--Storrow.--On Tuesday, April 21, at Trinity Chapel, West 25th-st., by Rev. Wm. A. McVickar, S. Van Rensselaer Cruger, of Dutchess County, N.Y., to Julia G., daughter of the late T.W. Storrow, Jr., of Boston.
MARRIED 1868: Smith--Adee.--On Wednesday, April 22, at Zion Church, by Right Rev. Horatio Southgate, D.D., Theodore V. Smith, to Imogene, daughter of Henry R. Adee, Esq.
MARRIED 1868: Winslow--Irving.--On Saturday, April 25, at Grace Church, by Rev. Dr. Harwood, Thomas Winslow, late of Seventy-second Highlanders, son of Rev. Octavius Winslow, D.D., of Bath, England, to Elizabeth, daughter of the late G.F. Irving, of this City.
MARRIED 1868: Filomarino--Haight--At Naples, on Thursday, the 30th of April, in the Church of Santa Maria a Cappelli, by the Archbishop of St. Louis, Nina Christina Haight, daughter of the late Richard K. Haight, of the city of New York, United States of America, to Giustiniano Capece Tomacelli Filomarino, Duke della Torre.
MARRIED 1868: Clarkson--Delafield.--On Thursday, April 30, at the Church of the Ascension, by Rev. John Cotton Smith, D.D., Howard Clarkson, to Alice, daughter of Edward Delafield, M.D.
MARRIED 1868: Hoppin--Beekman.--On Wednesday, April 29, by Rev. Maunsell Van Rensselaer, D.D., William Warner Hoppin, Jr., of Providence, R.I., to Katharine, daughter of James W. Beekman.
MARRIED 1868: Meredith--Watson.--On Wednesday, April 29, at St. Peter's Church, Perth Amboy, N.J., by Rev. Alexander Jones, D.D., William T. Meredith, of New York, to Mary R., daughter of John R. Watson, Esq.
MARRIED 1868: Parker--Miller.--On Tuesday, April 28, by Rev. Wm. Adams, D.D., Willard Parker, Jr., to Margaret Miller, daughter of Morris Ketchum, Esq., of this City.
MARRIED 1868: Vatable--Jova.--At the residence of the bride's parents, Marie, daughter of H.A. Vatable, to John J. Jova, Esq.
DIED 1868: Lord.--On the Fourth Day of March instant, at his residence in this City, Daniel Lord, Counselor-at-law, in the 73d year of his age.
DIED 1868: Rutherfurd.--In Newark, on Wednesday, March 4, Annie Morris, only daughter of the late Walter Rutherfurd, in the 13th year of her age.
DIED 1868: Templeton.--On Wednesday, March 11, at her residence, No. 107 East 21st-st., Miss Olivia Templeton.
DIED 1868: Field--At Nice, France, on Tuesday, March 17, Catherine Anne, wife of Hickson W. Field, of New York.
DIED 1868: Irving.--At Sunnyside, Irvington, Westchester County, on Tuesday, March 17, Mary, daughter of Ebenezer Irving.
DIED 1868: Bruen.--On Tuesday, March 17, Herman Bruen, in the 71st year of his age.
DIED 1868: Fuller.--In this City, on Wednesday, March 18, Dudley B. Fuller, in the 68th year of his age.
DIED 1868: Haggerty.--On Saturday, March 21, John A. Haggerty, in the 64th year of his age.
DIED 1868: Paige.--At Schenectady, N.Y., on Tuesday, March 31, Alonzo C. Paige.
MARRIED 1868: Mali--Cammann.--On Thursday, June 4, at St. James' Church, Fordham, by Rev. G.D. Gillespie, D.D., assisted by Rev. C.C. Tiffany, William Weyman Mali, to Maria C., daughter of Oswald Cammann.
MARRIED 1868: Blunt--Van Wyck.--On Tuesday, June 9, by Rev. George Bugbee, George William Blunt, to Kath, daughter of Henry L. Van Wyck, all of this City.
MARRIED 1868: Crafts--Haggerty.--On Saturday, June 13, at St. Bartholomew's Church, by Rev. Alexander Vinton, James Mason Crafts, of Boston, to Clemence, daughter of Ogden Haggerty, of New York.
MARRIED 1868: Hawes--Dunning.--At Lenox, Mass., on Thursday, June 25, by Rev. John P. Appleton, George Elias Hawes, of New York, to Adelaide, daughter of Edwin J. Dunning, of this City.
MARRIED 1868: Woolsey--Ward.--On Thursday, June 25, by Rev. E.Y. Higbee, Theodorus B. Woolsey, to Katharine C., daughter of Thomas Ward, M.D.
MARRIED 1868: Hopkins--Hopkins.--On Tuesday, May 12, at Savannah, Ga., by Rev. C.H. Coley, Mr. C. Edward Hopkins, of New York, to Miss V. Edith Hopkins, daughter of Hon. C.H. Hopkins, of Savannah.
MARRIED 1868: Hodge--Van Rensselaer.--In the Presbyterian Church, Burlington, N.J., on Thursday, May 7, by Rev. Charles Hodge, D.D., Rev. Edward B. Hodge, to Alice Cogswell, eldest daughter of the late Rev. Cortlandt Van Rensselaer, D.D.
MARRIED 1868: Neilson--Embler.--At Newburg, N.Y., on Wednesday, Oct. 28, by Rev. Wm. H. Neilson, assisted by Rev. G.H. Mandeville, Alfred Neilson, of this City, to Annie F., daughter of M.F. Embler, Esq., of Newburg.
MARRIED 1868: Heard--Livingston.--On Wednesday, Oct. 28, at Callendar House, Tivoli, N.Y., by Rev. Mr. Platt, Mary Allen, daughter of Henry W. Livingston, of the Manor of Livingston, to Albert Farley Heard, of Ipswich, Mass.
MARRIED 1868: Hurst--Jaffary--At the First Presbyterian Church, on Tuesday, the 2d instant, by the Rev. Dr. Paxton, Francis W.J. Hurst, to Caroline Elise, eldest daughter of Edward S. Jaffary, of this city.
MARRIED 1868: Stone--Burnet.--At the American Church, rue Bayard, Paris, on Monday, July 20, by Rev. N.H. Schenck, D.D., Mr. J. Foulke Stone, of New York, to Miss Mary G. Burnet, daughter of R.W. Burnet, Esq., of Cincinnati, Ohio.
MARRIED 1868: Taylor--Fearing.--On Wednesday, July 12, at Newport, by Rev. Dr. Potter, assisted by Rev. Mr. White, Henry A.C. Taylor, to Charlotte Talbot, daughter of Daniel B. Fearing.
BIRTHS 1868: Thorndike.--At Newport, R.I., on Tuesday, June 2, the wife of George Quincy Thorndike of a son.
DIED 1868: Armstrong.--On Saturday, April 11, James K. Armstrong, of this City. The funeral services will take place at St. Bartholomew's Church, Latayette-place, on Tuesday morning, April 14, at 11 a.m.
DIED 1868: Blancard.--On Sunday afternoon, April 12, Francis Blancard, in the 60th year of his age.
DIED 1868: Rives.--On Saturday, April 25, at Castle Hill, Va. Hon. Wm. C. Rives, in the 76th year of his age.
DIED 1868: Pell.--On Thursday evening, April 16, after a short illness, Robert Troup Pell, eldest son of Robert L. Pell.
MARRIED 1868: Hill--Dehon--In Boston, September 28, by Rev. E.E. Hale, Adams Sherman Hill, to Caroline Inches, daughter of William Dehon.
MARRIED 1868: Mifflin--Learned--At St. Stephen's Church, Pittsfield, Mass., on the 22d instant, by the Rev. William N. McVickar, of New York, Mr. Benjamin Crowninshield Mifflin, of Boston, to Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Learned, Esq., of Pittsfield.
MARRIED 1868: Emmet--Temple.--On Tuesday, Sept. 29, at Christ Church, Pelham, Westchester County, N.Y., by Rev. J. McAlpin Harding, Richard S. Emmet, to Catharine Temple, eldest daughter of the late Col. Robert E. Temple.
MARRIED 1868: Gould--Ludlow.--On Wednesday, <?> 23, at Trinity Chapel, by Rev. Francis Harrison, E. Sherman Gould, of Bucksburg, N.J., to Arabella Duncan, youngest daughter of Dr. E.G. Ludlow, of New York.
MARRIED 1868: Grant--Van Sickler.--On Wednesday, Oct. 7, by Rev. Dr. Washburn, Wm. G. Grant, Jr., to Annie, daughter of R.M. Van Sickler, Esq., all of this City.
MARRIED 1868: Grubb--Van Rensselaer.--At Burlington, N.J., on Tuesday, Oct. 6, by Rev. Wm. Crosswell Doane, S.T.D., Edward Burd Grubb, to Elizabeth Wadsworth, youngest daughter of the late Rev. Cortlandt Van Rensselaer.
MARRIED 1868: Lennig--King.--At Chellwood, Bucks County, Penn., on Thursday, Oct. 15, Charles F. Lennig, to Mary Fisher, daughter of Dr. Charles <?> King.
MARRIED 1868: Weeks--Blake.--At Calvary Church, on Thursday, Oct. 15, by Rev. Robert Weeks, assisted by Rev. Morgan Dix, D.D., Francis Henry Weeks, to Mary Louisa, daughter of William Blake, Esq., all of this City.
MARRIED 1868: Livingston--Hazeltine.--At Emanuel Church, Boston, on Thursday, Oct. 8, by Rev. Dr. Huntington, Edward Livingston, of New York, to Frances Clarissa, daughter of the late Mayo Hazeltine.
MARRIED 1868: Gamble--Whetten--On Tuesday, October 6, at the Church of the Annunciation, by the Right Rev. Daniel S. Tuttle, Bishop of Montana, James H. Gamble, to Harriet Douglas, daughter of the late John Whetten.
MARRIED 1868: Sabine--Schieffelin--On Tuesday morning, the 6th instant, by the Rev. S.H. Tyng, D.D., in the Church of the Atonement, Madison avenue, the Rev. William T. Sabine, its rector, to Miss M. Theresa Schieffelin, daughter of Philip Schieffelin, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1868: Lord--Bolton.--On Thursday, Oct. 15, at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Brooklyn, by Rev. A.N. Littlejohn, D.D. Daniel Lord, Jr., of this City, to Silvie Livingston, eldest daughter of William H. Bolton, Esq., of Brooklyn.
DIED 1868: Robbins.--In this City, on Tuesday, May 5, Helen Julia, wife of Chandler Robbins, of New York, and daughter of the late Benjamin C. Wilcocks, of Philadelphia, aged 23 years.
DIED 1868: Ludlow--On Tuesday, May 5, at her late residence, Cottage Lawn, Yonkers, Frances Wickham, wife of Thomas W. Ludlow.
DIED 1868: Van Rensselaer.--On Monday, May 25, at the Manor House, Albany, Stephen Van Rensselaer, in the 80th year of his age.
DIED 1868: Lacoste--In this city, on Monday evening, of endocarditis, Miss Anna Lacoste.
DIED 1868: Colles.--In New York, on Sunday, June 14, at No. 35 University-place, Harriet, wife of James Colles.
DIED 1868: Arden.--On Monday, June 15, at Utica, James Arden, eldest son of the late Richard D. Arden, in the 58th year of his age.
DIED 1868: Lee--At Frederiction, N.B., Susanna Philipse, widow of the late Major George Lee, R.A., and daughter of the late Colonel Beverley Robinson, H.B.M.S.
MARRIED 1868: Cranston--Agnel--On Saturday, 7th instant, by the Rev. J.S. Large, Hiram Cranston, of New York, to Emilie, daughter of Professor H.R. Agnel, of West Point, N.Y.
MARRIED 1868: Richardson--Cochrane--At St. John's Episcopal Church, Edinburgh, on the 20th October, by the Right Rev. Bishop-Coadjutor of Edinburgh, assisted by the Rev. Daniel F. Sandford, James Thomas Stewart Richardson, Esq., younger, of Pitfour, late Captain 78th Highlanders, to Harriet Georgina Alice, second surviving daughter of the late Rupert John Cochrane, Esq., of Halifax, Nova Scotia.
MARRIED 1868: Kernochan--Winthrop.--On Tuesday, Oct. 27, at the American Legation in Paris, by Rev. Mr. Hilliard, William S. Kernochan, to Eliza S. Winthrop, daughter of Benj. R. Winthrop, all of this City.
MARRIED 1868: Neilson--Embler.--At Newburg, N.Y., on Wednesday, Oct. 28, by Rev. Wm. H. Neilson, assisted by Rev. G.H. Mandeville, Alfred Neilson, of this City, to Annie F., daughter of M.F. Embler, Esq., of Newburg.
MARRIED 1868: Rackett--Taylor.--In this City, on Wednesday evening, Oct. 28, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. J.M. Stevenson, D.D., George Kimberly Rackett, of Brooklyn, E.D., to Louise, third daughter of Moses B. Taylor, Esq.
MARRIED 1868: Gallatin--Dawson.--On Saturday, Oct. 31, at the Church of the Ascension, by Rev. W.H. Neilson, James Gallatin, Jr., to Elizabeth H., daughter of the late Benjamin F. Dawson.
MARRIED 1868: Morgan--Hoyt.--At Staatsburg, Dutchess County, on Saturday, Oct. 31, by Rev. Dr. Purdy, William D. Morgan, of New York, to Angelica Livingston, daughter of Lydig M. Hoyt.
DIED 1868: Livingston.--In this City, on Thursday, July 16, Van Brugh Livingston, in the 75th year of his age.
DIED 1868: Pell.--At Interlaken, Switzerland, on Friday, July 24, Robert Pell, son of Alfred Pell.
DIED 1868: Glover.--At Middleton, Conn., on Friday, July 24, Mary Cruger, second daughter of Daniel and Ann Mary Glover.
DIED 1868: Lyman.--At Litchfield, Conn., on Saturday, July 25, Francis Marion, son of George T. and Sally Otis Lyman, aged 19 years.
DIED 1868: Leydig.--On Monday, July 27, Col. Philip M. Leydig, eldest son of Philip M. Leydig, of this City.
DIED 1868: Anthon.--On Wednesday, Aug. 5, after a lingering illness, Frederic Anthon, in the 48th year of his age.
DIED 1868: Potter--On Sunday morning, August 2, Phebe Maria, second daughter of the Right Rev. Bishop Potter.
DIED 1868: Stevens.--In Paris, on Friday, Aug. 7, Edwin A. Stevens, of Hoboken, N.J.
DIED 1868: Hoyt.--At Staatsburg, on Saturday, Aug. 8, Lydig M. Hoyt, in the 48th year of his age.
DIED 1868: Moore.--On Sunday morning, Aug. 9, at Perth Amboy, N.J. Thomas Bibby Moore, only son of the late Thomas William Moore, H.B. Mrs. Agent, of New York.
DIED 1868: Cruger.--At her late residence, No. 39 Clinton-place, Miss Eliza Cruger, in the 84th year of her age.
DIED 1868: Bankhead.--At Fort Wallace, <?> Tuesday, Aug. <?> 1867, Amelia M., wife <?> C. Bankhead, U.S. Army, and daughter of the late Bishop Wainwright.
DIED 1868: Schofield--At West Point, on Friday, August 14 John Rathbone, eldest son of Major-General J.M. Schofield, in the 11th year of his age.
DIED 1868: Irving.--At Sunnyside, Irvington, Westchester County, N.Y., on Saturday night, Aug. 22, Ebenezer Irving, in the 93d year of his age.
DIED 1868: Donaldson--At Edgewater, Dutchess county, on Thursday, August 27, Mary Susan Donaldson, daughter of Robert Donaldson, aged 18 years.
DIED 1868: Marshall.--At Grand Gulf, <?>., on Thursday, Aug. 27, Elizabeth S. Morris, wife of St. J. Elliott Marshall, and daughter of Richard L. Morris, M.D., of Pelham, Westchester County, N.Y.
DIED 1868: Vanderburgh.--At Rhinebeck, on Monday night, Aug. 31, Mrs. Hester Orinda Vanderburgh, widow of the late Federal Vanderburgh, M.D.
MARRIED 1868: Gibbs--Barret.--On Wednesday, Nov. 4, at the Tower, Clifton, Staten Island, N.Y., by Rev. Dr. Eccleston, assisted by Rev. Mr. Brown, Breve Major Theodore K. Gibbs, of the First U.S. Artillery, to Virginia, only daughter of the late Alex. B. Barret, of Kentucky.
MARRIED 1868: Lee--Livingston.--At Trinity Chapel, on Thursday, Nov. 5, by Rev. Samuel Cook, D.D., assisted by Rev. Henry Y. Satterlee, Dr. John Lawrence Lee, to Margaret Lewis, daughter of the late Henry B. Livingston, all of this City.
MARRIED 1868: Morris--Russell.--On Thursday, Nov. 5, at the Church of the Ascension, by Rev. J. Cotton Smith, D.D., Henry Lewis Morris, to Anna Rutherford, daughter of Archibald Russell.
MARRIED 1868: Edgerton--Cruger.--At the Church of the Holy Trinity, Middletown, Conn., on Thursday, Nov. 5, by Rev. Frederick Goodwin, D.D., Francis D. Edgerton, M.D., to Amelia du Pont, daughter of the late Henry C. Cruger, Esq., of New Orleans, La.
MARRIED 1868: Luquer--Shelton.--At the United States Legation, Brussels, on Thursday, Dec. 31, 1868, Mr. Nicholas Luquer, of Brooklyn, to Miss Helen King Shelton, of New York.
MARRIED 1868: Cranston--Agnel.--On Saturday, Nov. 7, by Rev. G.S. Large, Hiram Cranston, of New York, to Emilie, daughter of Prof. H.R. Agnel, of West Point, N.Y.
MARRIED 1868: Mills--Townsend.--On Tuesday, Nov. 17, at St. George's Church, Flushing, by Rev. Mr. Smith, Abraham Mills, of this City, to Ella Whittemore, daughter of the late Robert C. Townsend.
MARRIED 1868: Hurry--Renwick.--On Tuesday, Nov. 17, at the Church of the Ascension, by Rev. J. Cotton Smith, D.D., Edmund Abdy Hurry, to Emily Ashton, daughter of William R. Renwick.
MARRIED 1868: Perry--Moore--On Wednesday, Nov. 18, at St. James' Church, Newtown, L.I., by Rev. D.V.M. Johnson, D.D., Rector of St. Mary's, Brooklyn, assisted by Rev. Samuel S. Cox, D.D., Rector of St. James', Newtown, and Rev. Francis Vinton, D.D., Assistant Minister of Trinity Church, New York, Maria Louisa, eldest daughter of John J. Moore, Esq., of Newtown, to Oliver Hazard, eldest son of the late Christopher Grant Perry, of Newport, R.I.
MARRIED 1868: Power--de Bermingham.--On Thursday, Nov. 19, at the Cathedral, by his Grace the Most Rev. Archbishop of New York, John H. Power, to Henriette, daughter of the late Henry de Bermingham.
MARRIED 1868: Robb--Thayer.--At Trinity Church, Boston, on Tuesday, Nov. 24, by Right Rev. Bishop Eastburn, J. Hampden Robb, of New York, to Cornelia, daughter of Nathaniel Thayer.
MARRIED 1868: Billings--Lane.--On Tuesday, Nov. 24, at All Souls' Church, by Rev. Dr. Bellows, Oliver P.C. Billings, to Charlotte, daughter of David Lane, Esq., all of this City.
MARRIED 1868: Bonner--Sproulls.--On Wednesday, Nov. 4, at St. George's Church, Stuyvesant-square, by Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, D.D., Edward H. Bonner, to Sarah H., daughter of Samuel E. Sproulls, Esq., all of this City.
DIED 1868: Elliott.--On Wednesday, Sept. 2, after a brief illness, Henry H. Elliott, of this City, aged 63 years.
DIED 1868: Cram.--On Wednesday morning, Sept. 9, Lydia, wife of Jacob Cram.
DIED 1868: Livingston--<?> Hill, Columbia County, on Thursday, Sept. <?>Sarah L., wife of Herman Livingston, aged 72 years.
DIED 1868: Hone.--At <?> Wednesday <?> 16, <?>ward Heyward, <?> son of the <?> in the 21st year of his age.
DIED 1868: McVickar--In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on the 18th instant, Isaphene, wife of Dr. Benjamin McVickar, and daughter of the late Isaac La<?>, of New York.
DIED 1868: Azarian--At Longwood, Mass., 20th instant, Mattie <?>B. (nÇe Bingham), wife of Joseph Azarian, of Constantinople.
DIED 1868: Cooper.--At Philadelphia, on <?> 21, Cornelia Lansing, wife of Rev. C. <?> and daughter of the late Hon. Jacob Sutherland, of Alban.
DIED 1868: Seton--At <?> Beach, New Hampshire, Sept. 24th, of typhoid fever, Emily Seton, eldest daughter of the late Wm. Seton, of Cragdon, East Chester, N.Y.
DIED 1868: Gillespie--On Thursday <?> instant, at Fordham, at the residence of her son-in-law, Oswald Cammann, Susan, relict of the late Dr. John D. Gillespie, in the 83d year of her age.
DIED 1868: <?> Sept. 25, suddenly, Henry <?>, in the 47th year of his age.The relatives and friends, also relatives and friends of the father-in-law. Wm. Hawxhurst Townsend, are<?>
DIED 1868: Cammann.--At Fordham, on Sunday, Oct. 25, at the residence of his father, Oswald Cammann, Jr., in the 26th year of his age.
DIED 1868: McVickar.--At his residence at Bloomingdale, N.Y., on Thursday, Oct. 29, in the 82d year of his age, Rev. John McVickar, D.D., late Professor in Columbia College.
MARRIED 1868: Irving--Peacock.--On Tuesday, Dec. 1, at Grace Church, Brooklyn, by Rev. George Ferguson, John Irving, of the City of New York, to Josephine, daughter of the late Capt. Ralph Peacock.
MARRIED 1868: Kneeland--Pickering.--On Tuesday, Dec. 1, at Buffalo, N.Y., by Rev. J. Hazard Hartzell, Henry T. Kneeland, of New York City, to Angie M. Pickering, of Buffalo.
MARRIED 1868: Delafield--Livingston.--On Tuesday, Dec. 1, at Trinity Chapel, by Right Rev. Bishop Neely, assisted by Rev. Walter Delafield, Maturin L. Delafield, to Mary C. Livingston, daughter of Eugene A. Livingston.
MARRIED 1868: Potter--Jones.--On Wednesday, Dec. 2, at Grace Church, by Rev. Henry C. Potter, D.D., James Neilson Potter, to Harriet Duer, daughter of Edward Jones.
MARRIED 1868: Benjamin--Fish--On Tuesday, December 8, by the Rev. Alexander H. Vinton, D.D., Samuel N. Benjamin, Brevet Colonel United States army, to Julia Kean, daughter of Hamilton Fish, of this city.
MARRIED 1868: Parker--Fay.--At Trinity Church, Boston, by Right Rev. Manton Eastburn, Henry Hills Parker, of New York, to Elizabeth Pickman Fay, daughter of the late Richard S. Fay, of Boston.
MARRIED 1868: Morris--Van Buren--On Thursday, 10th instant, at St. Mark's Church, in the Bowery, by the Rev. A.H. Vinton, D.D. Stuyvesant F. Morris, M.D., to Ellen James, daughter of Smith J. Van Buren, of Fishkill, on the Hudson.
MARRIED 1868: Satterlee--Suydam--On Wednesday, December 9, at the Church of the Ascension, by the Rev. George B. Reese, assisted by the Rev. Henry Y. Satterlee, Dr. Frank LeRoy Satterlee and Laura, daughter of Henry Suydam, Esq., all of this city.
MARRIED 1868: Barrot--Forbes--In Paris, on the 14th December last, at the residence of her father, 35 Avenue Montaigne, by the Rev. W.O. Lamson, of the American Episcopal Church, and afterwards at the Madelaine, Odilon Barrot, Secretaire d'Ambassade, son of Adolph Barrot, Senator, to Fanny, daughter of Paul S. Forbes, of New York.
MARRIED 1868: Brooks--Higgins.--On Tuesday evening, Dec. 15, 1868, at Trinity Chapel, by Rev. Morgan Dix, Mr. Henry Mortimer Brooks, to Josephine, eldest daughter of Elias S. Higgins, all of this City.
MARRIED 1868: Scrymser--Prime.--In this City, on Wednesday, Dec. 16, 1868, by Rev. George O. Wildes, Rector of Christ Church, Riverdale, James A. Scrymser, to Mary C., daughter of Edward Prime.
MARRIED 1868: Mears--Kemp.--On Thursday, Dec. 17, at Calvary Church, by Rev. W.F. Morgan, D.D., Charles E. Mears, to Emma, daughter of James Kemp.
MARRIED 1868: Le Vert--Reab.--On Wednesday evening, Dec. 16, 1868, at Trinity Chapel, by Rev. Mr. Olmstead, Mr. Rigail Reab, of Augusta, Ga., to Miss Cara Netta Le Vert, daughter of Mme. Le Vert, of Mobile, Ala.