Aikens-Nuñez, Talia Small Nap, Little Dream
Alessandri, Alexandra Isabel and Her Colores Go to School
Barnett, Mac The First Cat in Space Ate Pizza
Bermudez, Alyssa Big Apple Diaries
Bowles, David Mis Dos Pueblos Fronterizos
Burris, Priscilla Sabrina Sue Loves the City
Butler, Dori H King & Kayla and the Case of the Mysterious Mouse
Christmas, Jonnie Swim Team
Dubuc, Marianne 1, 2, 3, Off to School
Duchene, Amy & Parhad, Elisa Pool Party
Faruqi, Reem Amira's Picture Day
Finison, Carrie Hurry Little Tortoise Time for School!
Fleming, Candace The Tide Pool Waits
Fleming, Meg Sounds Like School Spirit
Goade, Michaela Berry Song
Hale, Bruce Clark the Shark and the School Sing
Hiranandani, Veera How to Find What You're Not Looking For
Ho, Joanna Eyes that Speak to the Stars
Keller, Tae Jennifer Chan Is Not Alone
Kelly, Erin Entrada Those Kids from Fawn Creek
Kubler, Annie Hey Diddle Diddle
Lakin, Patricia Max and Mo's First Day at School
Lies, Brian Little Bat in Night School
McCabe, Katie We Wait for the Sun
McQuinn, Anna Lola Goes to School
Phung, Nguyen Quang My First Day
Raúl the Third ¡Vamos! Let's Cross the Bridge
Sheffield, Heidi Woodward Ice Cream Face
Woodson, Jacqueline The World Belonged to Us