Page 1 - Books & People, Fall 2014
P. 1

Print by artist and Library member Peter Salwen

                                                                                              Volume 21, Number 3, Fall 2014


   IN THIS ISSUE                  “A Wonderful Place to Grow Up”

      New Hours in 2015           Meet the Thornberry Family

                   PAGE 2

                                  by Sara Holliday, Events Coordinator

Honoring Janet Howard

                   PAGE 8         As staff will tell you on any tour, our building at 53 East 79th Street was built as a family

                                  home and converted into the New York Society Library in 1937. What you may not know

                                  is that the following decades saw another family at home here: the Thornberry family. As

                                  we move into the fall of our 260th year as an institution, I had the pleasure of chatting

                                  with Rose Mary Thornberry McLean and Dr. Terence Thornberry about their memories

                                  of growing up at the Library more than fifty years ago.

             A Meaningful Gift

                        PAGE 10

Staff Changes

                         PAGE 11

Dr. Terence P. Thornberry

                            On a 2013 visit, Rose Mary Thornberry McLean showed her childhood home to her granddaughters, Claire, Eva,

                            and Katherine Dice.
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