Page 1 - Books and People, Summer 2013
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Volume 20, Number 2, Summer 2013


                 IN THIS ISSUE                   The New York City

Magic spells and alchemical codes                BOOK AWARDS 2012

                                      PAGE 6  The New York City Book Awards, established in 1996, honor books of literary quality or

                                              historical importance that, in the opinion of the selection committee, evoke the spirit or

          Spring awards and events            enhance appreciation of New York City. The annual Hornblower Award, made possible

                                              by the George Marshall Hornblower Trust, is given to an excellent New York City-related

                                      PAGE 8  book by a first-time author.

          Books from the Professor            James T. Murray and Karla L. Murray, New York Nights (Gingko Press)

                     Without Parallel         James and Karla Murray are the authors of Store Front: The Disappearing Face of New York,

                                              which the New York Times called “a documentary mother lode.” They have been photo-

                                     PAGE 13  graphing the streets of New York City since the 1990s. In New York Nights, another layer

                                              of the city’s rich history is revealed. Interviews with shop owners bring to light their pride

                                              in both the history and craft of their businesses as well as their love for the city of New

                                              York and its endless possibilities. All of these illuminated façades radiate a vivid sense

                                              of excitement.

Tomorrow’s Authors

The 2013 Young

Writers Awards

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