Library Blog

Bring Your Group to the Library

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

We are eager to share with you the incredible experiences we recently had with two remarkable organizations: the Grolier Club and the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Their visits to the Library has not only inspired our community but also highlighted the limitless potential for discovery within our walls.

The Grolier Club, one of America's oldest societies for bibliophiles and enthusiasts in book art, graced us with their presence for a truly unforgettable day. Our staff had the pleasure of guiding them through our stacks, showcasing treasures that left them in awe. The passion and knowledge they brought to our Library were profound, and the engaging discussions that followed were a testament to the power of shared interests and the love for timeless literature.

Equally inspiring was the visit from the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. This renowned institution, dedicated to the advanced study of Greek antiquity, brought a delegation of administrators and students to explore our wide collection of books and artifacts. As they marveled at their organization’s personalized exposition and engaged in thought-provoking conversations with our docent and staff, it became clear that our Library is not just a repository but a catalyst for intellectual growth and collaboration.

These visits from the Grolier Club and the American School of Classical Studies at Athens have reinforced our commitment to fostering a vibrant community of writers, researchers, and bibliophiles. They have shown us that our Library is a hub of knowledge and inspiration, where organizations from all walks of life can come together to explore, learn, and grow.

This is where you, our readers, come in. We extend an open invitation to your organizations, no matter your background or field of interest, to experience the wonders of our Library firsthand. Our dedicated staff is eager to create personalized experiences that cater to your specific needs and curiosities. Whether you are a historical society, a literary club, or an academic institution, we have something extraordinary to offer.

Imagine your organization immersed in the fascinating world of literature, art, or writing. Picture the lively discussions and the sparks of inspiration that will undoubtedly arise as you explore our collections and engage with our knowledgeable staff. By arranging a tour with us, you are not only treating your cohort to an unforgettable experience but also opening the door to new partnerships, collaborations, and opportunities for growth.

To schedule a tour for your organization, simply reach out to me at We will work closely with you to design a visit that aligns with your interests and goals, ensuring that your time at the Library is both educational and memorable.

Join us in celebrating the power of literature, the joy of discovery, and the limitless potential of partnership. Let us welcome you to our Library, where community, writing, and reading converge, and where inspiration awaits around every corner.

We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming your organization to our unforgettable Library.

Photos by Konstantinos Tzortzinis

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