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Reading Group

Seminar: B.J. Rahn, Crime and Religion

Tuesday, April 16, 2013 - 11:00 AM | Whitridge Room | For Members Only

From humankind’s first attempts to understand the human condition and propitiate the forces ruling the universe, religion has always been a powerful influence in society. Most religions provide a sense of personal and communal identity as well as guidelines for moral conduct. But religion has not eradicated antisocial behavior; indeed, intolerance among competing belief systems often leads to violence. At times sacred “mysteries” have been used to mask crime and dupe both the police and the public. While rigid religious codes can interfere with the investigation of murder, sincere faith can inspire solutions. Participants will explore these and related issues in novels by Zoë Ferraris, Tony Hillerman, and Tarquin Hall. The books for discussion will be available for registrants to purchase.

Dr. B. J. Rahn teaches English literature at Hunter College. She has been teaching, researching, and writing about crime fiction for over two decades, and she leads detective walking tours in the U.K. and U.S. Her articles appear in many journals and reference books, including The Armchair Detective, The Dictionary of Literary Biography, and The Oxford Companion to Crime and Mystery Writing.

Tuesdays, April 16, May 7, and May 21, 11:00 AM

For all three sessions (recommended): $40
Per session: $15

How to Register