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Online Event

Seminar: Nostalgist or Liberator?: The Fiction of D.H. Lawrence with Nicholas Birns

Wednesday, December 15, 2021 - 11:00 AM | On the Zoom Meetings platform | for members only | $60 for the four sessions | registration required

In her 2021 biography Burning Man: The Ascent of D.H. Lawrence, Frances Wilson states, of the twentieth-century British novelist, that we are “unsure” of whether to see him as an “English nostalgist” or a “liberator.” We will read Wilson’s book along with three of Lawrence’s central novels, The Rainbow (two sessions), Women In Love, and Aaron’s Rod, and examine the degree to which Lawrence’s combination of the visionary, the robust, and the outlandish has new relevance for the twenty-first century.

Readings include: D.H. Lawrence, The Rainbow; Women In Love; Aaron’s Rod; Frances Wilson, Burning Man: The Ascent of D.H. Lawrence. The December 15 session will cover The Rainbow up to the end of chapter 10, with the January 5 session finishing that book. Further details will be provided for registrants.