Our Events

Reading Group

Seminar: The Odyssey with Donald McDonough

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 - 11:30 AM | Whitridge Room | for members only | $50 for the two sessions | registration required

Homer's Odyssey plays against the Iliad's siege of Troy. Ten years later, Troy has been destroyed, Helen rescued, but Odysseus is not home. In 24 books or chapters, the epic poet tells us his tale of exile, of his wife Penelope under siege in Ithaca, of his son Telemachus threatened by her murderous suitors, of Odysseus' own striving to return to the home he left twenty years before.

This event takes place in person only:
November 7:  Books 1-12
December 12: Books 13-24

Prof. McDonough recommends the translation by Robert Fagles.