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Reading Group

Seminar: Gloria Plesent, Rediscovering Madame Bovary

- Fully Registered

Tuesday, January 29, 2013 - 11:00 AM | Whitridge Room | For Members Only

Flaubert said, "I want to write a novel about nothing." Instead he created a masterpiece, combining a finely tuned realism with an ironic portrait of romanticism. This seminar will look at these themes as well as those of the rise to power of the French bourgeoisie and the authenticity of both male and female characters.

Ms. Plesent recommends Francis Steegmuller's translation, which will be available for registrants to purchase; participants are welcome to compare with other translations.

Gloria Plesent has a master's degree in Comparative Literature from Columbia University. For the last eight years, she has led courses in modern fiction at The New School. She believes literature expands our imagination, instructs us in compassion, and reminds us of what's really at stake in life.

Tuesdays, January 29, February 26, March 26, and April 23

All four sessions (recommended): $50
Per session: $15

Registration is required. How to Register